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Latest version: 3.4.3 Added 2005-03-15Updated 2007-05-21
Parsing system that you can use to develop your own programming languages, scripting languages and interpreters.
The GOLD Parser strives to be a development tool that can be used with numerous programming languages and on multiple platforms. Unlike common compiler-compilers, the GOLD Parser does not require you to embed your source code directly into the grammar. Instead, the application analyzes the grammar and then saves the parse tables to a separate file. This file can be subsequently loaded by the actual parser engine and used.
Since the parse tables are programming language independent, the parser engine can be, and has been, implemented in different programming languages. As a result, the GOLD Parser supports multiple programming languages. Supported languages include: ANSI C, C#, C++, Delphi, Java, Python, Visual Basic 6, Visual Basic .NET, and wxWidgets.
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Home Page Categories: Interoperability, Miscellaneous
Author: caucho
Latest version: 3.0.13 Added 2005-06-24
The Hessian binary web service protocol makes web services usable without requiring a large framework, and without learning yet another alphabet soup of protocols. Because it is a binary protocol, it is well-suited to sending binary data without any need to extend the protocol with attachments.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Author: Richardson Software
Latest version: 1.0 Added 2007-12-17
Java implementation of 13 sorting algorithms that can sort objects, lists, and all primitive types. The suite includes testing and timing classes as well as common Comparator classes. Sorting algorithms implemented include: quick sort, heap sort, merge sort, insertion sort, and bubble sort.
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Latest version: 0.2 Added 2005-07-21
Gadjit (the Gnu Advanced Jar Interrogator) is a tool for analyzing the consistency of and dependencies between a set of Java jar files.
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Latest version: 4.2.1 Added 2006-03-02Updated 2007-01-06
Library for real-time.
Features include: - parallel computing support with concurrent contexts - Performance-oriented real-time compliant util/lang/text/io/xml base classes - Struct and Union base classes for direct interfacing with native applications - Real-time XML parsing and object marshalling/unmarshalling - Safe/transparent object recycling (faster than memory recycling, aka GC).
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Author: The Apache Software Foundation
Latest version: 2.0.0-beta2 Added 2005-01-15Updated 2008-05-14
Dependency manager. Ivy can help if your software uses from one to many other software components. In very simple cases, it can simply help to track the components and the versions your software uses, helping you to get them and document your software. In complex cases, it can handle a whole component repository and track all dependencies between all your company software components. Features include: - XML-based - Integrated with Ant - Ready to use with Maven's ibiblio repository - Dependencies of dependencies - Publishing handling - Dependency reports
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Author: Smardec
Latest version: 1.3 Added 2005-09-08Updated 2007-03-07
Library for creating and validating licenses. License4J's key concept is features of a license. You can add any feature to your license file, i.e. name of the product, version, expiry date, number of executable instances, customer's name, company, IP address, etc. The feature's value can be string or any serializable Java object. You can have unsigned features - features that are not used in the signature generation/verification and therefore can change their values leaving the license valid. Also the library provides methods for signing arbitrary content that should not be changed by the user.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Author: Sharkysoft
Latest version: 1.0 Added 2005-06-10
Java port of C's printf. It features advanced formatting and precompiled format strings (for speed).
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Home Page Categories: Interoperability, Miscellaneous
Author: Smardec
J2Native is the software development kit for working with native code from any Java application without using Java Native Interface (JNI) technology. While using J2Native you do not have to create native code libraries or deal with native code at all. You can call functions from any dynamic library or use system API without necessity to waste time on studying JNI.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Author: The Apache Software Foundation
Latest version: 2.9.0 Added 2005-01-17Updated 2009-10-05
Open source text search engine library written entirely in Java. The Lucene API offers both indexing and searching features.
Features include: - Indexes text and HTML, document classes available for XML, PDF and RTF - Search supports phrase and boolean queries, plus, minus and quote marks, and parentheses - Allows single and multiple character wildcards anywhere in the search words, fuzzy search, proximity - Will search for punctuation such as + or ? - Field searches for title, author, etc., and date-range searching - Supports most European languages - Option to store and display full text of indexed documents - Search results in relevance order (ranking) - APIs for file format conversion, languages and user interfaces - Incremental indexing and batch indexing - Multiple-index searching with merged results
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Author: Apache Jakarta
Latest version: 1.3 Added 2005-04-05Updated 2006-10-02
Provides a generic configuration interface that enables an application to read configuration data from a variety of sources. Commons Configuration provides typed access to single, and multi-valued configuration parameters as demonstrated by the following code: Double double = config.getDouble("number"); Integer integer = config.getInteger("number");
Configuration parameters may be loaded from the following sources: - Properties files - XML documents - Property list files (.plist) - JNDI - JDBC Datasource - System properties - Applet parameters - Servlet parameters
Different configuration sources can be mixed using a ConfigurationFactory and a CompositeConfiguration. Additional sources of configuration parameters can be created by using custom configuration objects. This customization can be achieved by extending AbstractConfiguration or AbstractFileConfiguration.
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Author: Redskaper.com
Latest version: 2.8.0 Added 2008-06-03
Java native executable and launcher for Windows. Janel launches your Java application just like other Windows executables. Within the configuration file set the location of the JVM, any of the Java system properties such as classpath, and more. A choice of non-console and console applications is available. The process name is whatever you choose for your .exe file.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Latest version: 0.2.3 Added 2005-07-25
The ini4j is a Java API for handling configuration files in Windows .ini format. Additionally, the library includes Java Preferences API implementation based on the .ini file.
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Author: JGoodies
Latest version: 1.1.3 Added 2005-05-12
The JGoodies Animation framework enables you to produce time-based real-time animations in Java. It uses concepts and notions as described by the W3C specification for the Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL).
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Latest version: 1.0b4 Added 2007-09-17
Java wrapper for Flickr's REST-based API.
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Author: JGoodies
Latest version: 1.2.5 Added 2005-05-12
JPathReport enables you to understand how much space the packages and classes consume in your Java class path. And it can help you find class paths problems. JPathReport analyses your class paths and collects several statistics which you can view as overview charts and details tables.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Latest version: 1.1 Added 2005-05-25
Classworlds is a framework for container developers who require complex manipulation of Java's ClassLoaders. Java's native ClassLoader mechanims and classes can cause much headache and confusion for certain types of application developers. Projects which involve dynamic loading of components or otherwise represent a 'container' can benefit from the classloading control provided by classworlds.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Author: JBoss
Latest version: 3.0.1 GA Added 2008-04-08
Hibernate integration with Lucene for indexing and querying data. Hibernate Search brings the power of full text search engines to the persistence domain model and Hibernate experience, through transparent configuration (Hibernate Annotations) and a common API.
Features include: - takes care of the object/index translation - manages the index, keeps changes synchronized with your database, and optimizes the index access transparently - lets you query the index and retrieve managed objects as any regular Hibernate query would do - uses Apache Lucene internally, and always provides the ability to fallback to the native Lucene APIs - works well in non-clustered and clustered mode, provides synchronous index updates and asynchronous index updates, letting you choose between response time, throughput and index update - works with all traditional Hibernate patterns, especially the long (atomic) conversation pattern used by JBoss Seam
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous, Profiling - Debugging
Author: Oracle
Latest version: 3.1 Added 2009-11-24
The Oracle JRockit JDK provides tools, utilities, and a complete runtime environment for developing and running applications using the Java programming language. The JRockit JDK includes the Oracle JRockit Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
The JRockit JVM brings real time infrastructure capabilities with JRockit Real Time and JVM diagnostics with JRockit Mission Control. The JRockit JVM is developed and optimized for 32 and 64-bit Intel architectures.
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Latest version: 1.1 RC 1 Added 2006-06-23
Recursive-desent parser combinator framework written for Java. jparsec is no parser generator like YACC or ANTLR. No extra grammar file is required. Grammar is written in native Java/C# language, which also means you can utilize all the utilities in the Java/.NET community for your parser.
Features include: - operator precendence grammar - dynamic grammar - context sensitive grammar - allows both traditional scan/parse approach and ad-hoc approach with 2-way communication between scanner and parser - error location and customizable error message - set of pre-defined reusable combinator functions - declarative API that resembles BNF
jparsec is an implementation of Haskell Parsec on the Java platform.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Latest version: 1.0.6c Added 2005-04-28
Barbecue is an open-source, Java barcode library that provides the means to create barcodes for printing and display in Java applications. A number of barcode formats are supported and more can be added via the barcode API. Barcodes can be outputted to Graphics objects, or used as a Swing component, or written out as SVG.
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Author: OpenSymphony
Latest version: 1.6.0 Added 2007-08-27
Open source job scheduling system that can be integrated with, or used along side any J2EE or J2SE application. Quartz can be used to create simple or complex schedules for executing tens, hundreds, or even tens-of-thousands of jobs; jobs whose tasks are defined as standard Java components or EJBs.
Features include: - Jobs are scheduled to run when a given trigger occurs. triggers can be created with combinations of the following directives: at a certain time of day; on certain days of the week, the month, or the year; not on certain days; repeated a specific number of times; repeated until a specific time/date; repeated indefinitely; repeated with a delay interval - Jobs can be any Java class that implements the Job interface. - The design of Quartz includes a JobStore interface that can be implemented to provide various mechanisms for the storage of jobs. Built-in implementations: JDBNC and RAM - Quartz can participate in and manage JTA transactions - Clustering: Fail-over and load balancing - Listeners and plug-ins
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Author: Ascent Phase
Latest version: 2.0 Added 2005-06-14
PooliT is a Java object pooling library capable of pooling any type of Java object. Pooling objects can increase program performance and avoid the overhead of object creation. Good candidates for pooling are classes that have costly instantiation routines, like database connections or sockets. By conserving and re-using these objects, you save processor cycles creating new objects and also alleviate the garbage collector from having to reclaim them up after use.
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Author: WebCab Components
Latest version: 5.0 Added 2005-03-21Updated 2006-12-05
Apply the Markowitz Theory and Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) to analyze and construct the optimal portfolio with/without asset weight constraints with respect to Markowitz Theory by giving the risk, return or investors utility function; or with respect to CAPM by given the risk, return or Market Portfolio weighting. Also includes Performance Evaluation, extensive auxiliary classes/methods including equation solve and interpolation procedures, analysis of Efficient Frontier, Market Portfolio and CML.
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Latest version: 1.1.4.a Added 2005-09-15
This is a library of astronomical algorithms. This library is based on a class-oriented C++ library. The C++ library, in turn, was originally based on the C source code written by Bill Gray and available at the Project Pluto website.
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Latest version: 3.1 Added 2012-09-23
Provides solutions for Java software product licensing.
License4J includes libraries and GUI tools for generation and validation of license files, cryptographically secure serial numbers (product keys) and floating license files.
A small pure Java runtime library provides a static method for license validation, and GUI tools allows generation of license files. Unlike other licensing libraries License Manager has many licensing features already defined and performs validation on required features when license file is used.
License4J download package includes License Manager and Serial Number Manager GUI applications to generate and store software license files and cryptographically secure serial numbers.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Author: Smardec
Latest version: 1.2 Added 2005-06-14
A pure Java library for recognition and processing mouse gestures
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous, Workflow
Author: Flux Corporation
Latest version: 7.7 Added 2007-02-09Updated 2008-06-03
Job scheduling, file transfer, and workflow. Flux may be embedded as a set of APIs for Java, J2EE, XML, and web services applications.
Features include: - Automate system tasks - Transfer files - Execute system processes - Invoke web services - Can be administered through a customizable web-based operations console - Design with web/desktop interfaces - Workflow designer
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Author: Henrik Bengtsson
Latest version: 1.6 Added 2005-06-10
Java C-style printf with variable number of parameters for formatting strings in Java. Compatible with Java 1.0.2, Java 1.1 and Java 2.
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Author: Krysalis
Latest version: 2.0 alpha 2 Added 2005-04-28
Generator for barcodes written in Java.
Features: * 1D barcode implementations: * Interleaved 2 of 5 * Code 39 * Code 128 * Codabar * UPC-A and UPC-E (with supplementals) * EAN-13 and EAN-8 (with supplementals) * POSTNET * Support for multiple output formats: * SVG * EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) * Bitmap images (such as PNG or JPEG) * Java2D (AWT) * Text (for testing and debugging only) * Servlet with support for SVG, EPS and bitmap output * Command-line interface * Plug-ins/extensions for third-party products: * Apache Xalan: SVG-generating XSLT extension * SAXON XSLT Processor from Michael Kay: SVG-generating XSLT extension * Apache FOP: support as fo:instream-foreign-object
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Author: Jacco van Weert
Latest version: 1.0 Added 2005-09-20
JDots (Java Dynamic Object Tree System) is a small library of Java classes that can be used by the developer to build a dynamic (runtime) tree of objects. In turn these objects can communicate through the tree by propagating or delegating JDots methods.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Author: Aspose
Latest version: Added 2007-03-12
Components for managing metafiles.
Features include: - Colors remapping on metafiles rendering - Display and play both EMF and WMF files - Support for metafile conversions
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Latest version: 4.4.1 Added 2005-05-25
fastutil extends the Java Collections Framework by providing type-specific maps, sets, lists and priority queues with a small memory footprint and fast access and insertion; it also includes a fast I/O API for binary and text files. The classes implement their standard counterpart interface (e.g., Map for maps) and can be plugged into existing code. Moreover, they provide additional features (such as bidirectional iterators) that are not available in the standard classes.
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Author: Apache Jakarta
Latest version: 3.1 Added 2005-04-19
Commons-Collections seek to build upon the JDK classes by providing new interfaces, implementations and utilities.
Features include: * Bag interface for collections that have a number of copies of each object * Buffer interface for collections that have a well defined removal order, like FIFOs * BidiMap interface for maps that can be looked up from value to key as well and key to value * MapIterator interface to provide simple and quick iteration over maps * Type checking decorators to ensure that only instances of a certain type can be added * Transforming decorators that alter each object as it is added to the collection * Composite collections that make multiple collections look like one * Ordered maps and sets that retain the order elements are added in, including an * LRU based map * Identity map that compares objects based on their identity (==) instead of the equals method * Reference map that allows keys and/or values to be garbage collected under close control * Many comparator implementations * Many iterator implementations * Adapter classes from array and enumerations to collections * Utilities to test or create typical set-theory properties of collections such as union, intersection, and closure
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Author: WebCab Components
Provides a collection of technical indicators that can be used in the construction of technical trading systems. Moreover, by using these methods with the built-in database mediator technology you will be able to iteratively apply these indicators to historical data stored within a DBMS.
Features include: - Technical indicators - Single and multi-period indicators - Trading systems - JDBC Mediator: a J2SE/EJB component that mediates between a J2SE/EJB component, its J2SE clients and the database server. This can be used to enhance financial and mathematical specific methods with JDBC-based functionality.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Author: Andres Almiray
Latest version: 0.9.2 Added 2006-12-18
Library for transforming an Object to another Object.
Features include: - Supports transformations for primitives and Objects - Supports transformations for multidimensional arrays - JDK 1.3.1 compatible - Small memory footprint (~60K) - ArrayAssertions: allows comparing a boolean[] with a boolean[] or even a Boolean[]
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Latest version: 0.3 Added 2005-06-28
The Pyrasun Libraries Project is a collection of Java libraries for use in both stand-alone and J2EE environments. This includes the EmberIO Library for managing low-level I/O, and PyraLog, the Pyrasun binary transactional log.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Author: Aspose
Latest version: Added 2006-02-09Updated 2007-01-04
Enables Java applications to read, modify and write Word documents without utilizing Microsoft Word or any form of automation.
Features include: - open and save Word 97, Word 2000, Word XP and Word 2003 documents. - design reports or template documents in the familiar environment of Microsoft Word, not in a custom report designer. - populate documents from any Java data source that implements the ResultSet interface - generate or process documents such as reports, letters, invoices, forms. - programmatically create, modify or remove sections, headers, footers, paragraphs, lists, tables, rows, cells, text, fields, form fields, bookmarks, images and other document elements. - specify formatting for sections, paragraphs, text, rows and cells at runtime. - use standard Microsoft Word mail merge fields or bookmarks in your reports. - support for all drawing objects like Shapes, Images, Textboxes, OLE Objects and ActiveX controls in documents - Export to DOC and PDF - Works with J2SE 1.4.x and J2SE 5.0
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Latest version: 2.0 Added 2006-03-20
Scheduling library that supports ringing alarms at specified intervals, as one-time events, or on complex schedules with full cron-like control.
Features include: - Alarms are added to and removed from the schedule in code. No file formats or XML schemas to learn. - You can optionally specify a name for each alarm; this lets you use a single listener for multiple alarms. - Alarms can be rung at a fixed interval, or at a single fixed date, or on a cron-based flexible schedule. - With cron-style scheduling, you can provide a list of minutes, hours, days of the month, days of the week, and months (or "all" for any of these), and the alarm will ring on every match. - Counting standards are consistent with the java.utils.Calendar class, so minutes range from 0 to 59, hours from 0 to 23, days of the week from 1 (Sunday) to 7, and days of the month from 1 to 31 (depending on the month). - Alarms by default are rung (listeners are notified) within a single alarm thread, so a long-running alarm will delay following alarms until it completes. This may be what you want, because alarm tasks may be dependent on previous ones. If not, any alarm may be flagged to ring in a separate thread, so that it will not delay the other alarms.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Latest version: 1.0 RC 2.0.1 Added 2006-01-31
Open Source Java framework for CAPTCHA (Java Completely Automated Public Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) definition and integration.
Features include: - Customizable captcha tests - Many ready to use configurations - Gimpy and Fisheye tests - Usage statistics exposed by JMX - Runtime modification of captcha test and/or service - Many integration modules (struts, filter, jroller etc...) - High level language for Captcha Test definition - Many ready to use components to build new Captcha tests - Allows automation of neural network learning procedures and fitness fonction definition for genetic algorithms
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Latest version: feb-2001 Added 2005-07-21
JTape provides a Java Library for tape device access that is usable from most operating system platforms. The library is extensible allowing additional platforms to be added.
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Latest version: 0.9.1 Added 2005-07-05
JLine is a java library for reading and editing user input in console applications. It features tab-completion, command history, password masking, customizable keybindings, and pass-through handlers to use to chain to other console applications.
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Latest version: 1.0.0 Added 2005-05-10
Allows access to USB devices from Java. javax.usb was created under the JCP process and is assigned JSR 080.
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Latest version: 0.7 Added 2006-01-11
Library to use functional programming patterns in Java code.
Features include: - represent functions as objects - dynamically invoke a constructor, instance method, or static method - use currying (partial function application) - write methods that accept functions as parameters and/or return functions as a result (higher-order functions) - replace procedural code with functional code - code with functional programming patterns such as mapping, filtering, folding, scanning, and more - one jar file to add to your Java CLASSPATH, no other dependencies - functions can refer to your existing methods without any modifications to those methods - no need to deal with exceptions if you don't want to - no special subclassing or interface implementation required
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Latest version: 4.4 Added 2005-09-20Updated 2007-02-13
Java Bean to Java Bean mapper that recursively copies data from one object to another. Typically, these Java Beans will be of different complex types.
Dozer supports simple property mapping, complex type mapping, bi-directional mapping, implicit-explicit mapping, as well as recursive mapping. This includes mapping collection attributes that also need mapping at the element level. The mapper is used any time you need to take one type of Java Bean and map it to another type of Java Bean. Most field mapping can be done automatically by Dozer using reflection, but any custom mapping can be predescribed in XML format. Mapping is bi-directional so only one relationship between classes needs defining. If any property names on both objects are the same you do not even need to do any explicit property mapping for these fields.
Features include: - Context based mapping - Collection and Array mapping handling Lists, Sets, Arrays and allowing for class type hints - Support for custom converters - Custom bean factories for beans that do not follow the JavaBean specification - Inheritance mapping including abstract classes and interfaces
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Home Page Categories: Frameworks, Miscellaneous
Author: Eclipse Foundation
Latest version: 1.2 Added 2008-03-03
Project that aims at producing a customizable software process engineering framework, with exemplary process content and tools, supporting a broad variety of project types and development styles.
The EPF (Eclipse Process Framework) project has two goals: - To provide an extensible framework and exemplary tools for software process engineering - method and process authoring, library management, configuring and publishing a process. - To provide exemplary and extensible process content for a range of software development and management processes supporting iterative, agile, and incremental development, and applicable to a broad set of development platforms and applications.
Currently available: - EPF Composer: a tool platform for process engineers, project leads, project and program managers who are responsible for authoring, customizing and publishing processes for development organizations or individual projects. - OpenUP (Open Unified Process) - Scrum plug-in - XP plug-in
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Author: Smardec
MirrorJNDI is an open source Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) service provider for accessing arbitrary Java objects in a hierarchical namespace.
MirrorJNDI can store all it's data in XML or binary serialized form. It allows to create full copy of existing service provider's data, serialize it and then work with local copy. It can be especially useful for testing interaction of your application with any JNDI service provider because you do not worry about possible loss of original data - you will delete, add or modify data in the local copy. You can also use MirrorJNDI to get started with Java Naming and Directory Interface.
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Home Page Categories: Interoperability, Miscellaneous
Author: JCraft
Latest version: 0.1.20 Added 2005-05-26
JSch allows you to connect to an sshd server and use port forwarding, X11 forwarding, file transfer, etc., and you can integrate its functionality into your own Java programs.
Features include: * JSch is in pure Java, but it depends on Java Cryptography Extension (JCE). JSch is know to work with: J2SE 1.4.0 or later, J2SE 1.3, J2SE 1.2.2 and later. * SSH2 protocol support. * Key exchange: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1, diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 * Cipher: blowfish-cbc, 3des-cbc * MAC: hmac-md5, hmac-sha1, hmac-md5-96, hmac-sha1-96 * Host key type: ssh-dss,ssh-rsa * Userauth: password, Userauth: publickey(DSA,RSA), Userauth: keyboard-interactive * X11 forwarding * xauth spoofing * connection through HTTP proxy or SOCKS5 proxy * port forwarding * stream forwarding * signal sending.
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Author: Soyatec
Latest version: Milestone 1 Added 2009-10-31
Windows Azure SDK for Java. WindowsAzure4j is an open source project that provides a software development kit for Windows Azure and Windows Azure Storage - Blobs, tables and queues. It enables Java developers to take advantage of the Microsoft Cloud Services Platform - Windows Azure.
Features include: - Java classes for Windows Azure blobs, tables and queues (for CRUD operations) - Helper classes for HTTP transport, AuthN/AuthZ, REST and error management - Manageability, instrumentation and logging support - Support for storing Java sessions in Azure Table Storage
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Author: Apache Jakarta
Latest version: 1.1 Added 2005-06-30
Commons-launcher eliminates the need for a batch or shell script to launch a Java class. Some situations where elimination of a batch or shell script may be desirable are: * You want to avoid having to determining where certain application paths are e.g. your application's home directory, etc. Determining this dynamically in a Windows batch scripts is very tricky on some versions of Windows or when softlinks are used on Unix platforms. * You want to avoid having to handle native file and path separators or native path quoting issues. * You need to enforce certain system properties e.g. java.endorsed.dirs when running with JDK 1.4. * You want to allow users to pass in custom JVM arguments or system properties without having to parse and reorder arguments in your script. This can be tricky and/or messy in batch and shell scripts. * You want to bootstrap system properties from a configuration file instead hard-coding them in your batch and shell scripts. * You want to provide localized error messages which is very tricky to do in batch and shell scripts.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Author: Johann Burkard
Latest version: 1.2 Added 2005-06-10
The Java language lacks string searching algorithms. The StringSearch library provides implementations of algorithms of the Boyer-Moore family and the Shift-Or (bit-parallel) family. These algorithms are easily five to ten times faster than the naive implementation found in java.lang.String.
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Home Page Categories: Compilation - Bytecode manipulation, Miscellaneous
Latest version: 1.2.3 Added 2006-03-20Updated 2007-11-14
Tool that makes Java applications compatible with various versions of the Java platform.
Retrotranslator supports all Java 5 language features and a significant part of Java 5 API on J2SE 1.4. In other Java environments only the Java 5 language features that don't depend on the new API are supported. Retrotranslator is based on the ASM bytecode manipulation framework and the backport of concurrency utilities. Java 5 features supported: Generics, Annotations, Reflection on generics and annotations, Typesafe enums, Autoboxing/unboxing, Enhanced for loop, Varargs, Covariant return types, Formatted output, Static import, Concurrency utilities, Collections framework enhancements.
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Home Page Categories: Code protection - Obfuscation, Miscellaneous
Author: Semantic Designs
Java source code formatter. This tool reorganizes Java source text files to indent code blocks according to their nesting level.
Features include: - Formatted code compiles and executes exactly like unformatted code - Handles Java 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 - Specification of indentation step distance - Specification of arbitrary input tab column positions - Several styles of block ("curlybrace") indentation, including Sun standard - Option to list separate logical conditions (&&,||) on separate lines - A version with obfuscation capability can scramble the code to make it difficult to reverse-engineer - Can process batches of files, specified either manually or through a Java-based file-selector GUI - Output encoding in ASCII, European ASCII, or UNICODE (UTF-8 or UTF-16)
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Latest version: 1.1b5 Added 2006-04-27
Free implementations of the java.util Collections API. These implementations are designed to be pluggable replacements for their JDK equivalents. Whenever possible, The GNU Trove library provides the collection support for primitive types.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Latest version: 1.0.4 Added 2005-08-29
JThreadKitTM is a collection of thread utilities for Java.
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Home Page Categories: Interoperability, Miscellaneous
Latest version: 2.6.2 Added 2005-08-26Updated 2006-06-07
jexcelapi allows Java developers to read Excel spreadsheets and generate Excel spreadsheets dynamically. In addition, it contains a mechanism which allows Java applications to read a spreadsheet, modify some cells and write the modified spreadsheet.
Thanks to jexcelapi non Windows operating systems can run pure Java applications which process and deliver Excel spreadsheets. Because it is Java, this API may be invoked from within a servlet, thus giving access to Excel functionality over internet and intranet web applications.
Features include: - Reads data from Excel 95, 97, 2000 workbooks - Reads and writes formulas (Excel 97 and later only) - Generates spreadsheets in Excel 97 format - Supports font, number and date formatting - Supports shading and colouring of cells - Modifies existing worksheets
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Home Page Categories: Compilation - Bytecode manipulation, Miscellaneous
Latest version: 2.0.2 Added 2007-11-14
Bytecode weaver that enables you to take advantage of the new Java 1.5 language features, while still retaining total binary compatibility with 1.4 virtual machines.
Retroweaver operates by transforming Java class files compiled by a 1.5 compiler into version 1.4 class files which can then be run on any 1.4 virtual machine. Retroweaver supports most 1.5 features while running on 1.4, including: generics, extended for loops, static imports, autoboxing/unboxing, varargs, enumerations, annotations.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Author: GridGain Technologies
Latest version: 2.1 Added 2009-11-12
Cloud computing development platform. GridGain provides developers with technology to develop and run applications on private or public clouds. It is developed in Java and for Java developers and it is a natural extension of the latest Java development methodologies including annotations, integration of Spring and AOP-based grid-enabling.
Features include: - Hybrid cloud deployment - Cloud aware communication and deployment - Affinity map/reduce - Annotation-based grid-enabling with AOP - SPI-based integration and customization - Load balancing and scheduling - Pluggable fault-tolerance - One compute grid - many data grids - Zero deployment model - JMX-based management and monitoring
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous, Tracing - Logging - Monitoring
Latest version: 2009.01 Added 2009-01-29
General purpose utilities for Java.
Features include: - Filtering: General purpose filtering interface, with null implementation and and, or and not operations for putting filters together. - Command Line arguments parsing: CLI library implementation separating options as designed from options as typed. - Logging library.
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Home Page Categories: Caching, Miscellaneous
Latest version: 2.0b1 Added 2005-06-17
EdenLib contains packages and classes for the following: * Generic configuration interface * Generic cache interface with in memory cache implementation * IO utilities (byte counting streams and specialized writers) * Text utilities including UTF-8 to ASCII and ASCII to UTF-8 escaping * GUI tools including a set of classes for creating Wizards and a file system tree * Resource loading and monitoring classes * Database-agnostic locking and unique ID generation * General utility classes for reflection * Extensions of ArrayList and TreeMap which allow them to be used directly in Swing components
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous, Profiling - Debugging, Tracing - Logging - Monitoring
Author: Acelet Corporation
Latest version: 10.30 Added 2005-03-17Updated 2007-05-12
Suite of J2EE tools for Weblogic, Websphere and other J2EE servers. The standalone version is a Java scheduler, for general purpose scheduling and watchdog, which does not work with any application server, does not require any application server. Super is written entirely in Java. It is platform neutral and J2EE vendor neutral. It supports multiple J2EE servers.
It includes: - SuperEnvironment: A J2EE tool for environment monitoring and managing. - SuperLogging: A J2EE logging system with dynamical management GUI and source level J2EE tracing. It supports clustering environment. - SuperPeekPoke: An EJB tool for inspection. - SuperReport: A J2EE report tool. It is a data mining program for SuperLogging. - SuperScheduler: A J2EE scheduler. It can be run on any node of the network at any time. It uses SuperPeekPoke for set EJB tasks visually. It runs SuperReport and SuperPatrol tasks to periodically check the health of your J2EE application as well. - SuperStress: An EJB tool for stress test. It uses SuperPeekPoke to set EJB test case visually. - SuperPatrol: A patrol job for SuperScheduler. - SuperWatchdog: An EJB watchdog watching for events, such as file time-stamp change, JMS messaging. It can be run on any node of the network at any time. It uses SuperPeekPoke for set EJB tasks visually. It runs SuperReport and SuperPatrol tasks to periodically check the health of your J2EE application as well. - SuperArch: The framework for Super. All above components are hosted on SuperArch.
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Home Page Categories: Frameworks, Miscellaneous
Latest version: 0.4.1 Added 2005-09-22
JEF, acronym for Java Evolutionary Framework, is a project aimed to both define and implement a genetic programming framework for the Java programming language. JEF has been conceived as divided into three subprojects, namely: Dna, Jef and JXTA-Jef :
Dna: this is the basic building block for the JEF Proj since it provides a framework for dynamically manipulating Java class files. Amongst all the possibilities, this package allows developers to obtain object oriented Java class files representations, modify them according to their own needs up to the bytecode level (thus removing, adding or modifying the bytecode of already existing methods), add brand new methods to already existing classes, or even programmatically create new classes completely from scratch, validate newly created class files according to the constraints imposed by the Official Java Class File Specification, all by means of an easy to use/understand and well defined API characterized by a rapid learning curve.
Jef: the Jef subproject is meant to define the interfaces as well as some basic implementations of all those classes involved in the process of mixing two Java class files in order to generate a potentially brand new implementation, according to a customizable logic. This subproject is aimed to provide both demonstrative Mixer implementations and implementations useful to be deployed either directly or to be used as starting point for customized Mixer implementations. In the latter case developers will be berived of the burden of taking care of how some complex functionalities should be implemented, relying upon well tested and working implementations.
JXTA-Jef: deploying the Jef-Dna framework over a number of somehow interconnected computing-capable nodes, will enable us to let heterogeneous Java class files (i.e. mobile agents, teleo-reactive agents, etc.) move from one node to another, and potentially evolve with a really low degree of human interaction. This subproject is therefore necessary for building a decentralized (P2P - peer to peer) overlay network gathering Jef-capable nodes.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Author: WebCab Components
Latest version: 2.01 Added 2005-03-21Updated 2006-12-05
Models the pricing and risk analytics of interest rate cash and derivative products. WebCab Bonds covers the fundamental theory of bonds, as well as the topics of fixed-interest bonds and interest-based calculations.
Supports: - Fundamental theory of bonds: Pricing and Yield, Treasury bonds, Constructing the Zero Rate Curve, Forward Rates and FRAs, Duration and Convexity - Yield of Fixed-Interest Bonds on Interest payment dates - Interest Calculations
Also contains: - GUI Bundle: suite of graphical user interface JavaBean components allowing to plug-in GUI functionality (including charts/graphs) into client applications. - JDBC Mediator: a J2SE component that mediates between a J2SE component, its J2SE clients and the database server. - Web Application Example: a Java WAR file that contains a JSP example that makes use of the functionality provided by the J2SE Component. - Synthetic JDBC: an example of how to make a JSP client using the J2SE component while manually implementing the JDBC code. The JSP application applies J2SE methods to certain rows from the database and lists the output in HTML format.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Latest version: 2.0z Added 2005-02-17
Automatically reformats source code in your personal style. Polystyle learns your formatting style by examining examples of your code.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Author: Terracotta
Latest version: 2.6-stable0 Added 2007-02-15Updated 2008-04-08
Java infrastructure software that allows you to scale your application to as many computers as needed, without expensive custom code or databases. Terracotta is an open source clustering solution that provides transparent clustering and coordination services.
Features include: - Heap-Level replication: selectively share object graphs across the cluster. - Cross-JVM coordination. - Large virtual heaps: manage heaps that are much bigger than what can be contained in a single JVM. - Fine-grained changes: Terracotta does not use serialization, and therefore can push field-level changes to the cluster. This translates into better network efficiency for replication. - Runtime management and control: view in real-time objects in the heap. - No serialization: because Terracotta clusters at the JVM level, no serialization code is required. - Cluster-wide locking semantics: distributed wait/notify and synchronized.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Author: Egothor
Latest version: 1.2.6 Added 2005-02-10
Open Source, text search engine written in Java. Egothor is technology suitable for nearly any application that requires full-text search, especially cross-platform. It can be configured as a standalone engine, metasearcher, peer-to-peer HUB, and, moreover, it can be used as a library for an application that needs full-text search.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Author: WebCab Components
Latest version: 3.1 Added 2006-12-05
Prices a broad range of option and futures contracts using a range of price/vol/interest rate models. Includes in addition to the general pricing framework a detailed Black-Scholes-Merton Model API (including Greeks and implied volatility) for European, Asian, American, Lookback, Bermuda and Binary Options using Analytic, Monte Carlo and Finite Difference techniques. Also offers an implementation of a binomial and trinomial trees based pricing engine for the evaluation of employee options in accordance within the Enhanced FASB 123 model and a module allowing the evaluation of the Value-at-Risk (VaR) of an investment portfolio in accordance with the Linear model.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous, Profiling - Debugging
Latest version: 1.0 Added 2005-05-25
The Java Application Monitor (JAMon) is a free Java API that allows developers to monitor production applications. JAMon can be used to determine application performance bottlenecks, user/application interactions, and application scalability. JAMon gathers summary statistics such as hits, execution times (total, average, minimum, maximum, standard deviation), and simultaneous application requests. JAMon statistics are displayed in the clickable JAMon Report.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Latest version: 2.0.0 Added 2005-04-22
Open source Java GIS toolkit for developing standards compliant solutions. Geotools provides an implementation of Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) specifications as they are developed.
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Author: Tom Ball
Latest version: 1.1 Added 2007-09-09
Command-line utility that consists of a single class, which relies on the java.io and java.util.zip packages, to find which jar file contains a given Java class. Just specify the class or package you want to find and a directory to start your search, and JFind will report the jar file or path that defines it.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Author: The Apache Software Foundation
Latest version: 6.0.10 Added 2004-12-23Updated 2007-03-02
The servlet container that is used in the official Reference Implementation for the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Latest version: 1.2 Added 2005-04-11
ActiveCluster is a framework for writing cluster-based applications, monitoring the available nodes in a cluster and communicating with them. ActiveCluster consists of an API together with a default implementation.
The API reuses a few of the standard JMS APIs for Message, Destination, MessageListener and adds a few simple interfaces for working with clusters representing nodes in the cluster, replicated node state and listeners to nodes joining, leaving or updating their state.
The current features include * viewing the current nodes in the cluster and their current state * listening to nodes arrive, update their state, shut down or fail * communicate with the cluster as a whole or with any specific node in the cluster * elect a leader of the cluster to make decisions on behalf of the cluster
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Home Page Categories: Builds, Miscellaneous
Author: The Apache Software Foundation
Latest version: 2.2.1 Added 2005-01-10Updated 2009-09-14
Java project management and project comprehension tool. Maven is based on the concept of a Project Object Model (POM) in that all the artifacts produced by Maven are a result of consulting a well-defined model for your project. Features include: - Development and management of your project are controlled from the project model (builds, documentation, source metrics, source cross-references and several reports). - A single set of methods are used to build any number of projects that you are managing. - Integration with Gump, a tool used at Jakarta to help projects maintain backward compatibility with their clients. - Site publication based on the POM. Once the POM is accurate your developers can publish the project's content. Maven provides the following: Change log document created directly from repository information; Cross referenced sources; Source metrics; Mailing lists; Developer list; Dependency list; Unit test reports including coverage; Article Collection; Software Development References; Software Development Process Documentation; and more reports using the different plugins.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Author: MPowers
Latest version: 2.1c Added 2005-09-27
Package your Java application as a jar, and Executor will turn the jar into a Windows exe file, indistinguishable from a native application. Simply double-clicking the exe file will invoke the Java Runtime Environment and launch your application.
This allows you to distribute your Java application as a genuine Win32 binary executable. Your users will never need to run an ugly batch file to run your application. You will not have to distribute any temp or config files along with your executable. You will never need to learn JNI and have a C compiler to make a launcher for your application. You will save the hours of effort needed for writing a native launcher with this one tool.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Latest version: 0.8 Added 2006-11-20
Java-based clustering framework that provides infrastructure to build fault tolerance, reliability and availability. The framework can be plugged into any product needing clustering and related distributed systems capabilities without tightly binding to a specific communications infrastructure. The framework can be plugged in as an in-process component. The framework offers two broad categories of public APIs: - a Client API that allows in-process client components to be notified of cluster events and to send and receive messages to/from the group or individual members. - a Group Communication Provider SPI that provides for integration of any group communication service provider technologies such as JXTA, JGroups, etc.
Shoal's default Group Communication Provider is JXTA given its strong credentials in the areas of security, ability to cross firewalls, virtualized networking, and several other strong group membership and communication features.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Author: Agilis Software
Latest version: 2.5.11 Added 2010-05-04
Multi-platform Java license manager that supports such models as node-locked, trial, subscription, feature-based and usage-based licensing.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Latest version: 1.0 Added 2006-03-15
Embeddable Java syntax highlighting library that supports Java, Groovy, C++, HTML, XHTML, XML, and LZX (Lazslo XML) languages and outputs to XHTML.
The library can be used in the following ways: - embedded into another tool (for instance a blog or forum), - through the command-line to generate highlighted files locally, - as a servlet filter to highlight source files on your server on-the- fly.
It also supports RIFE template tags and highlights them clearly so that you can easily identify the difference between your RIFE markup and the actual marked up source. JHighlight is licensed under the CDDL.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Latest version: 1.1 Added 2005-12-21
JoSQL (SQL for Java Objects) provides the ability for a developer to apply a SQL statement to a collection of Java Objects. JoSQL provides the ability to search, order and group ANY Java objects and should be applied when you want to perform SQL-like queries on a collection of Java Objects.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Latest version: 1.6 Added 2005-08-23
Joda-Time provides a library of classes to replace the Java JDK Date and Time classes including formatting. It is based around the ISO8601 datetime standard, but also provides full support for other calendar systems, such as Gregorian and Buddhist.
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Author: Vivid Solutions
Latest version: 1.5 Added 2005-04-22
The JTS Topology Suite (JTS) is an API providing spatial object model and fundamental geometric functions. It implements the geometry model defined in the OpenGIS Consortium Simple Features Specification for SQL.
Functions provided include: - spatial predicates (based on the DE-9IM model) - overlay functions (intersection, difference, union, symmetric difference) - buffer - convex hull - area and distance functions - topological validity checking
The API supports a user-definable precision model and contains code for geometric computation. Also included are classes for spatial indexing. The API is 100% Java code (version 1.2 and above).
The software is published under the LGPL.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Author: Semantic Designs
Source code search engine. Provides an interactive interface enabling one to search across a large source code base, using the language structure of each of the languages providing more precise answers than simple string searches can produce. For any query, the Search Engine offers a list of matches with surrounding context; the use can select a specific match and immediately inspect the source file.
Features include: - Interactive search and inspection of source code - Search across millions of lines of code, tens of thousands of source code files - Query in terms of language lexical constructs such as identifiers, numbers, operators, string literals or comments to minimize false positives - Generic queries can match identifiers or string literals across multiple programming languages - Complex queries can match complex statements - Queries can have patterns (or regular expressions) on character strings - Numbers can compared to values or ranges - Language elements are normalized so escape conventions do not confound searches - Searches ignore language-specific intervening whitespace, linebreaks and comments, providing more accurate answers - Optional GREP-like string (regular expression) search - Scrollable list of search hits with context - Can handle many computer languages (Java, C#, C++, etc.) - Translates arbitrary characters sets into a uniform representation for indexing and display
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Latest version: 1.0rc5 Added 2007-09-09
Utility for repackaging Java libraries and embed them into your own distribution. This is useful for two reasons: - You can ship a single jar file with no external dependencies. - You can avoid problems where your library depends on a specific version of a library, which may conflict with the dependencies of another library.
How does it work?
Jar Jar Links includes an Ant task that extends the built-in jar task. The normal zipfileset element is used to embed jar files. A new rule element is added which uses wildcards patterns to rename the embedded class files. Bytecode transformation (via ASM) is used to change references to the renamed classes, and special handling is provided for moving resource files and transforming string literals.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Author: Apache Jakarta
Latest version: 1.0 Added 2005-06-29
Provides an API for working with the command line arguments and options.
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Author: Aspose
Latest version: Added 2007-02-06
Component to create, read, write and modify a PowerPoint document without using Microsoft PowerPoint.
Features include: - Slide cloning - Adding fonts/background pictures - Slide show transitions and shape animations - Add/modify audio and video frames to a slide - Shape management - Tables and text frames - Save as streams or SVG format
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Author: Mario Linke
Latest version: 0.2.0 Added 2006-12-22
SOJO stands for Simplify your Old Java Objects or Simply Old Java Objects. The intention for this project is a Java framework, that convert JavaBeans in a simplified representation, so it is easy and uniform to handle and control the access to JavaBeans properties.
Features include: - a library to convert object graphs into specific structures - a "pluggable" basis to integrate different kind of conversions, including custom formats - cyclic reference detection
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