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Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

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Simple Log

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Categories: Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

Author: Graham Lea

Latest version: 1.6
Added 2005-01-11Updated 2005-07-12

Logging anti-framework.
Simple Log is written in protest against the many "logging frameworks" that are available and recommended by many developers. It is designed to be a small library that does logging simply and requires you to do almost nothing (other than actually logging) to get log output happening.
Features include:
- Light: 3 classes in a 17.8KB JAR
- "Brief" API (i.e short methods names)
- Fast-failing for unlogged messages
- Writes to System.err or to a specified file
- Support for three debug types: debug message, debug object and debug exception
- Seven debug levels: Fatal, Error, Warn, Info, Debug, Verbose, Ludicrous
- Ability to switch tracing on and off independent of the debug level
- Package-based, hierarchical inheritance of debug levels and trace flags
- Special printing of exceptions, object arrays, byte arrays and char arrays
- Instance-based logging records
- Configurable through code, while running

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Free or free version available
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RP Logging

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Categories: Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

Author: Richardson Software

Latest version: 1.2
Added 2007-12-17

Logging framework for use in web or standalone Java applications.
RP Logging is a simple logging mechanism written entirely in Java using the package. It includes the following options:
- File creation based on a given time period
- Logging levels
- Single and multi-threaded implementations

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Categories: Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

Author: The Apache Software Foundation

Latest version: 1.3 Alpha
Added 2004-12-21

Open source tool developed for putting log statements into your applications.
Logging equips the developer with detailed context for application failures.
With log4j it is possible to enable logging at runtime without modifying the application binary. The log4j package is designed so that these statements can remain in shipped code without incurring a heavy performance cost. Logging behavior can be controlled by editing a configuration file, without touching the application binary.
One of the distinctive features of log4j is the notion of inheritance in loggers. Using a logger hierarchy it is possible to control which log statements are output at arbitrarily fine granularity. This helps reduce the volume of logged output and minimize the cost of logging.

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Free or free version available
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Categories: Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

Author: Jan-Friedrich Mutter

Latest version: 1.4
Added 2006-04-23Updated 2012-09-23

Eclipse plugin that helps you to use your logger in Java projects.

Log4E is not bound to any special logging framework, thus you might be able to adapt to your own logger by defining your own templates using the preferences. It has active support for Log4j, SLF4J, Commons Logging and JDK 1.4 logging.

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Categories: Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

Author: JInspired

Latest version: 5.1
Added 2007-02-09Updated 2007-04-04

Performance monitoring, problem diagnostic, transaction analysis and application management solution.
JXInsight can monitor multiple resource transactional units of work across distributed systems recording resource consumption and response for transaction patterns and contextual paths.

JXInsight includes:
- JXInsight Tracer: provides contextual instrumentation and measurement capabilities.
- JXInsight JDBInsight: monitors and analyzes contextual information, such as transaction context, remote database operation commands (SQL), and execution paths.
- JXInsight Probes: an extensible resource metering framework with an open API.
- also JXInsight JVMInsight, JXInsight Diagnostics, JXInsight Analysis, JXInsight Agent, JXInsight Console, and JXInsight Terminal.

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Free or free version available

Craftsman Spy

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Categories: JDBC, Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

Author: Sébastien Lecacheur

Latest version: 1.0.0
Added 2005-08-04

JDBC logging framework.
Craftsman Spy is a JDBC driver implementation that logs all SQL connections and processing within execution time. This includesall the stored procedures with arguments, all the batch processing, and the result sets.

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Categories: Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

Author: JSnapshot

Latest version: 1.0.1
Added 2011-08-12

Java exception logging, monitoring and analysis tool.
JSnapshot traces thrown exceptions in real-time and logs a snapshot of call stack, variables and objects for every thrown exception. With this tool, developers can examine all of the exception details as if the application was stopped at the breakpoint in the debugger when exception happened. It has low performance overhead and can be used during application development, testing, production as well as at the customer’s site. JSnapshot helps even where common debuggers and other tools are not useful. Also JSnapshot is fully integrated with Eclipse IDE.

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Categories: Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

Log4J compatible for logging messages to database.

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Free or free version available

Lock Analyzer for Java

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Categories: Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

Author: IBM

Cross-platform tool that provides an insight into how well Java locks are performing in a live Java application.

IBM Lock Analyzer for Java is a tool consisting of two packages. The first package is platform-dependant and provides a connection to the Java virtual machine (JVM) for gathering lock statistics on the running application. This package gets loaded at run time along with the application to be monitored. The second package is not platform-dependant and provides a graphical user interface. The graphical user interface connects to the platform package and provides the controls and analysis required for identifying badly performing locks.

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Free or free version available


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Categories: Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

Latest version: 0.9.1
Added 2005-04-07

ALF, The Automated Logging Framework, is a logging framework for Java written in Standard C++.
The major advantage of ALF is the automated method tracing which is generated at runtime without need for explicit calls to print/logging methods.
This means you can debug your code at runtime, anytime.
Automated method tracing may be turned on or off via an argument to the JVM.
Support for information, warning, error and exception logging is also included.

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Free or free version available
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Categories: Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

Latest version: 1.0
Added 2009-01-29

Monitoring system for usage trends, response time and dependency analysis of plain Java applications or big multi-clustered Java Enterprise applications running in production.

The Usemon system consists of three separate components:
- Usemon Agent: performs byte code manipulation of interesting classes, injecting statistics gathering code in all public methods of classes like EJBs, MDBs, SQL statements, Queue senders or configured POJOs for that matter.
- Usemon Collector: receives the data from the Usemon Agents, transforms the observations and stores them into the SQL database.
- Usemon GWT: UI web app.
- Usemon Live: standalone Java app that displays the dependency graph as soon as it arrives from the Collectors and animates traffic in your system.

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RPM Lite

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Categories: Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

Author: New Relic

On-demand management to help you ensure the health and availability of your production Java web app in real-time.
RPM Lite monitors application response time, throughput, and Apdex scores. You can then go deeper into the JVM to monitor JSPs, servlets, EJBs or even individual methods using the industry’s first production profiler for Java. Monitor database calls down to SQL statements and EXPLAIN plans, CPU and memory utilization, and more.

Features include:
- Apache Solr metrics and dashboards
- Apdex Scores
- API to publish metrics
- Application overview
- Dashboard
- Web transaction analysis
- Deployments marker
- Cluster analysis
- Production profiling
- Notes
- Weekly email report of app performance
- Integration with Campfire, Twitter, and Lighthouse

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Free or free version available
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Sold as a service


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Categories: Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

Author: ustobe

Latest version: 3.0
Added 2005-06-16

Scottit is a monitoring and threshold evaluation tool for J2EE applications. It provides both administrators and developers with the necessary information to monitor application performance and detect and solve problems. Scottit also generates detailed use case reports for business users and managers.

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Categories: Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

Author: Gurock Software

Latest version: 3.3
Added 2005-05-24Updated 2010-05-04

Logging tool for debugging and monitoring .NET, Java, and Delphi applications.
SmartInspect helps you to identify bugs, find solutions to customer problems and gives you an understanding of how your software works in different environments and under different circumstances.

Features include:
- Native logging libraries for .NET, Java, and Delphi
- Log messages, errors, objects, source code, files and more
- Full source code of libraries included
- Viewer application for analyzing the logging information
- Monitor multiple threads, multiple processes and distributed systems
- Support for TCP/IP and log files
- Support for log rotation
- Redistributable console
- Enable and disable logging per session
- Code templates and snippets
- Integration with Visual Studio 2002/2003/2005/2008/2010, Delphi 6/7/8/2005/2006/2007/2009/2010, C++Builder 2006/2007/2009/2010, Eclipse 3.0/3.1/3.2/3.3/3.4/3.5

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Commons Logging

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Categories: Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

Author: Apache Jakarta

Latest version: 1.0.5 Alpha
Added 2005-03-12

The Jakarta Commons Logging (JCL) provides a Log interface that is intended to be both light-weight and an independent abstraction of other logging toolkits. It provides the middleware/tooling developer with a simple logging abstraction, that allows the user (application developer) to plug in a specific logging implementation.

JCL provides thin-wrapper Log implementations for other logging tools, including Log4J , Avalon LogKit , the Avalon Framework's logging infrastructure, Simple Log, JDK 1.4, and an implementation of JDK 1.4 logging APIs (JSR-47) for pre-1.4 systems. The interface maps closely to Log4J and LogKit.

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Free or free version available
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JRockit Mission Control

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Categories: Profiling - Debugging, Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

Author: Oracle

Latest version: 3.1
Added 2009-11-24

Tools suite that includes tools to monitor, manage, profile, and eliminate memory leaks in Java applications.
Integrates with Eclipse.

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Free or free version available

Java Gems

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Categories: Miscellaneous, Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

Latest version: 2009.01
Added 2009-01-29

General purpose utilities for Java.

Features include:
- Filtering: General purpose filtering interface, with null implementation and and, or and not operations for putting filters together.
- Command Line arguments parsing: CLI library implementation separating options as designed from options as typed.
- Logging library.

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Free or free version available
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Categories: Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

Author: LivePerf Software

Latest version: 1.1
Added 2005-08-01

Customizable performance monitoring tool for servers and distributed systems.

Features include:
- Consistent view across vendors, operating systems and application versions.
- Extracting and presenting custom data, extracted from SQL queries, Java applications and even command line tools. Also allows defining own statistics and displaying them in custom charts and tables.
- Record monitoring sessions and analyse them later.
- Built-in monitoring capabilities for Websphere, SQL Server, DB2, Oracle, Unix and Windows systems, Apache and IIS web servers, .NET and J2EE applications and more.

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Categories: Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

Latest version: 2.0.4
Added 2005-02-21

JMyra is a Java monitoring system that allows you to control and supervise your Java applications.

The main focus is the logging subsystem, which allows you online configuration and access to log messages. In addition to its own logging API, the log4j API, the Apache Commons Logging API and the Java Logging API (JDK 1.4 or later) are supported.

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Free or free version available
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Log4j Micro Edition

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Categories: Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

An implementation of the Log4j interface with a small memory footprint

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Categories: Miscellaneous, Profiling - Debugging, Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

Author: Acelet Corporation

Latest version: 10.30
Added 2005-03-17Updated 2007-05-12

Suite of J2EE tools for Weblogic, Websphere and other J2EE servers.
The standalone version is a Java scheduler, for general purpose scheduling and watchdog, which does not work with any application server, does not require any application server.
Super is written entirely in Java. It is platform neutral and J2EE vendor neutral. It supports multiple J2EE servers.

It includes:
- SuperEnvironment: A J2EE tool for environment monitoring and managing.
- SuperLogging: A J2EE logging system with dynamical management GUI and source level J2EE tracing. It supports clustering environment.
- SuperPeekPoke: An EJB tool for inspection.
- SuperReport: A J2EE report tool. It is a data mining program for SuperLogging.
- SuperScheduler: A J2EE scheduler. It can be run on any node of the network at any time. It uses SuperPeekPoke for set EJB tasks visually. It runs SuperReport and SuperPatrol tasks to periodically check the health of your J2EE application as well.
- SuperStress: An EJB tool for stress test. It uses SuperPeekPoke to set EJB test case visually.
- SuperPatrol: A patrol job for SuperScheduler.
- SuperWatchdog: An EJB watchdog watching for events, such as file time-stamp change, JMS messaging. It can be run on any node of the network at any time. It uses SuperPeekPoke for set EJB tasks visually. It runs SuperReport and SuperPatrol tasks to periodically check the health of your J2EE application as well.
- SuperArch: The framework for Super. All above components are hosted on SuperArch.

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Free or free version available

Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J)

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Categories: Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

Latest version: 1.5.9.RC1
Added 2005-07-26Updated 2009-11-24

The Simple Logging Facade for Java or (SLF4J) is intended to serve as a facade for various logging APIs allowing to the end-user to plug in the desired implementation at deployment time.

Logging API implementations can either choose to implement the the SLF4J interfaces directly, e.g. NLOG4J or SimpleLogger. Alternatively, it is possible (and rather easy) to write SLF4J adapters for the given API implementation, a la JDK14LoggerFA.

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Free or free version available
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Eclipse Test and Performance Tools Platform (TPTP)

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Categories: Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

Author: Eclipse Foundation

Latest version: 4.6.1
Added 2006-11-09Updated 2009-11-24

The Eclipse Test & Performance Tools Platform (TPTP) is an open development platform supplying frameworks and services for test and performance tools.

TPTP is divided into four projects:
- The TPTP Platform Project is the core project and basis for other projects. It provides common user interface, standard data models, data collection and communications control, as well as remote execution environments.
- The Monitoring Tools Project addresses the monitoring and logging phases of the application lifecycle. The framework has the capability of collecting and analyzing system and application resources. The log analysis tools can correlate disparate logs from multiple points across an environment. The project also includes examplary tools for monitoring application servers and system performance, such as CPU and memory utilization.
- The Testing Tools Project addresses the testing phase of the application lifecycle. The framework contains testing editors, deployment and execution of tests, execution environments and associated execution history analysis and reporting. The project also includes exemplary tools for JUnit based component testing tool, Web application performance testing tool, and a manual testing tool. The project supports the OMG UML2 Test Profile and have implemented an early draft of the model.
- The Tracing and Profiling Tools Project addresses the tracing and profiling phases of the application lifecycle. The framework has the capability of collecting and analyzing application performance information The project includes exemplary profiling tools for both single-system and distributed Java applications through a JVMPI monitoring agent that collects trace and profile data. A generic tool kit for probe insertion is also available.

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Categories: Frameworks, JDBC, Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

Author: P6Spy

Latest version: 1.3
Added 2005-04-06

P6Spy is an open source framework for applications that intercept and optionally modify database statements. The P6Spy distribution includes the following modules:

* P6Log. P6Log intercepts and logs the database statements of any application that uses JDBC. This application is particularly useful for developers to monitor the SQL statements produced by EJB servers, enabling the developer to write code that achieves maximum efficiency on the server. P6Spy is designed to be installed in minutes and requires no code changes.

* P6Outage. P6Outage detects long-running statements that may be indicative of a database outage proble and will log any statement that surpasses the configurable time boundary during its execution. P6Outage was designed to minimize any logging performance penalty by logging only long running statements.
P6Spy includes installation instructions for JBoss, ATG, Orion, JOnAS, iPlanet, WebLogic, WebSphere, Resin and Tomcat.

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