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Categories: Code protection - Obfuscation, Miscellaneous

Author: Semantic Designs

Java source code formatter.
This tool reorganizes Java source text files to indent code blocks according to their nesting level.

Features include:
- Formatted code compiles and executes exactly like unformatted code
- Handles Java 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5
- Specification of indentation step distance
- Specification of arbitrary input tab column positions
- Several styles of block ("curlybrace") indentation, including Sun standard
- Option to list separate logical conditions (&&,||) on separate lines
- A version with obfuscation capability can scramble the code to make it difficult to reverse-engineer
- Can process batches of files, specified either manually or through a Java-based file-selector GUI
- Output encoding in ASCII, European ASCII, or UNICODE (UTF-8 or UTF-16)

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