The Apache Software Foundation Home Page
Home Page Categories: Internet and communications
Latest version: 5.2.0 Added 2005-05-18Updated 2008-12-08
Open source Message Broker and Enterprise Integration Patterns provider. Apache ActiveMQ supports many Cross Language Clients and Protocols, comes with Enterprise Integration Patterns and many features while fully supporting JMS 1.1 and J2EE 1.4.
Features include: - Supports a variety of Cross Language Clients and Protocols from Java, C, C++, C#, Ruby, Perl, Python, PHP: OpenWire for clients in Java, C, C++, C#; Stomp support so that clients can be written in C, Ruby, Perl, Python, PHP, ActionScript/Flash, Smalltalk to talk to ActiveMQ as well as any other popular Message Broker - Full support for the Enterprise Integration Patterns both in the JMS client and the Message Broker - Supports advanced features such as Message Groups, Virtual Destinations, Wildcards and Composite Destinations - Fully supports JMS 1.1 and J2EE 1.4 with support for transient, persistent, transactional and XA messaging - Spring Support so that ActiveMQ can be easily embedded into Spring applications and configured using Spring's XML configuration mechanism - Tested inside popular J2EE servers such as Geronimo, JBoss 4, GlassFish and WebLogic. Includes JCA 1.5 resource adaptors for inbound & outbound messaging so that ActiveMQ should auto-deploy in any J2EE 1.4 compliant server - Supports pluggable transport protocols such as in-VM, TCP, SSL, NIO, UDP, multicast, JGroups and JXTA transports - Supports persistence using JDBC along with a journal - Designed for clustering, client-server, peer based communication - REST API to provide technology agnostic and language neutral web based API to messaging - Ajax to support web streaming support to web browsers using pure DHTML, allowing web browsers to be part of the messaging fabric - CXF and Axis support so that ActiveMQ can be dropped into either of these web service stacks to provide reliable messaging - Can be used as an in memory JMS provider, ideal for unit testing JMS
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Home Page Categories: Builds
Latest version: 1.7.0 Added 2004-12-20Updated 2006-12-23
Open source build tool. ANT stands for Another Neat Tool. In theory, it is kind of like Make, but without Make's wrinkles. Ant is scriptable in XML, it can manipulate files and directories, it can invoke applications and it can interact with code versioning systems.
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Home Page Categories: Remote Invocation - RPC
Latest version: 3.0b1 Added 2006-07-25
Java implementation of XML-RPC, a protocol that uses XML over HTTP to implement remote procedure calls.
Apache XML-RPC is compliant to the XML-RPC specification, however, the user may enable several vendor extensions to extend the power of XML-RPC: - All primitive Java types are supported, including long, byte, short, and double. - Calendar objects are supported. In particular, timezone settings, and milliseconds may be sent. - DOM nodes, or JAXB objects, can be transmitted. So are objects implementing the java.io.Serializable interface. - Both server and client can operate in a streaming mode, which preserves resources much better than the default mode, which is based on large internal byte arrays.
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Home Page Categories: Builds
Latest version: 1.0 Added 2007-12-03
Build artifact repository manager for use with build tools such as Maven, Continuum, and ANT. With Archiva, you can share artifacts with other developers and manage the associated security required, aggregate (proxy) content from remote artifact repositories, visualise your artifact utilisation with search, browse and reporting, and perform routine maintenance on your repositories.
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Home Page Categories: Remote Invocation - RPC
Latest version: 1.5.1 Added 2010-02-26
Web Services / SOAP / WSDL engine, successor to the Apache Axis SOAP stack. There are two implementations of the Apache Axis2 Web services engine: Apache Axis2/Java and Apache Axis2/C.
Apache Axis2 not only supports SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2, but it also has integrated support for the REST style of Web services . The same business logic implementation can offer both a WS-* style interface as well as a REST/POX style interface simultaneously.
Modules include: - WS-ReliableMessaging, supported by Apache Sandesha2 - WS-Coordination and WS-AtomicTransaction, supported by Apache Kandula2 - WS-Security, supported by Apache Rampart - WS-Addressing, included as part of Axis2 core
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Home Page Categories: Frameworks, Web frameworks,
Latest version: 1.0.2 Added 2007-04-04
Application development framework.
Major components: - NetUI: An annotation-driven web application programming framework that is built atop Struts. NetUI centralizes navigation logic, state, metadata, and exception handling in a single encapsulated and reusable Page Flow Controller class. In addition, NetUI provides a set of JSP tags for rendering HTML / XHTML and higher-level UI constructs such as data grids and trees and has first-class integration with JavaServer Faces and Struts. - Controls: A lightweight, metadata-driven component framework for building that reduces the complexity of being a client of enterprise resources. Controls provide a unified client abstraction that can be implemented to access a diverse set of enterprise resources using a single configuration model. - Web Service Metadata (WSM): An implementation of JSR 181 that standardizes a simplified, annotation-driven model for building Java web services.
In addition, Beehive includes a set of system controls that are abstractions for low-level J2EE resource APIs such as EJB, JMS, JDBC, and web services.
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Home Page Categories: Object-relational mapping
Latest version: 3.0.1 Added 2005-08-25Updated 2010-09-29
Openn source persistence framework providing object-relational mapping and remoting services. Cayenne binds one or more database schemas directly to Java objects, managing atomic commit and rollbacks, SQL generation, joins, sequences, and more. With Cayenne's Remote Object Persistence, those Java objects can even be persisted out to clients via Web Services. Or, with native XML serialization, objects can be even further persisted to non-Java clients, such as an Ajax-capable browser.
Cayenne is distributed with CayenneModeler, a GUI mapping tool that supports reverse-engineering of RDBMS schemas, working with database mappings and generation of Java source code for the persistent objects. Persistent Java classes are generated and synchronized with the mapping using the Modeler or alternatively with an Ant task. A database SQL schema can be generated from the Modeler and also with simple API calls.
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Home Page Categories: Builds
Latest version: 1.1 Added 2005-10-27Updated 2007-12-03
Continous integration server for building Java based projects. Continuum supports the following range of projects: Maven 1, Maven 2, Ant, Shell scripts.
Features include: - Tight integration with Maven 2.x - Tight integration with Maven SCM (Subversion, CVS, Starteam) - Web-based setup and interface - Quartz-based scheduling - XML-RPC and SOAP interfaces for integration, automation and remoting - Mail notification - IM notification (IRC, Jabber, MSN) - Blame mechanism
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Home Page Categories: Remote Invocation - RPC
Latest version: 2.2.6 Added 2010-02-26
Open source services framework. CXF helps you build and develop services using frontend programming APIs, like JAX-WS and JAX-RS. These services can speak a variety of protocols such as SOAP, XML/HTTP, RESTful HTTP, or CORBA and work over a variety of transports such as HTTP, JMS or JBI.
CXF is primarily focused on the following areas: - Web Services Standards Support: CXF supports a variety of web service standards including SOAP, the WSI Basic Profile, WSDL, WS-Addressing, WS-Policy, WS-ReliableMessaging, WS-Security, WS-SecurityPolicy, and WS-SecureConversation. - Frontends: CXF supports a variety of "frontend" programming models. CXF implements the JAX-WS APIs (TCK compliant). It also includes a "simple frontend" which allows creation of clients and endpoints without annotations. CXF supports both contract first development with WSDL and code first development starting from Java. For REST, CXF also supports a JAX-RS (TCK compliant) frontend. - Ease of use: There are simple APIs to quickly build code-first services, Maven plug-ins to make tooling integration easy, JAX-WS API support, Spring 2.x XML support to make configuration a snap, and more. - Binary and Legacy Protocol Support: CXF has been designed to provide a pluggable architecture that supports not only XML but also non-XML type bindings, such as JSON and CORBA, in combination with any type of transport.
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Home Page Categories: DBMS
Latest version: Added 2006-11-20Updated 2010-06-18
Apache Derby is a relational database implemented entirely in Java and available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
Features include: - small footprint: about 2.6MB for the base engine and embedded JDBC driver - based on the Java, JDBC, and SQL standards - provides an embedded JDBC driver that lets you embed Derby in any Java-based solution - supports the more familiar client/server mode with the Derby Network Client JDBC driver and Derby Network Server
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Home Page Categories: Application servers
Latest version: 2.1 Added 2005-05-20Updated 2008-02-25
Open-source certified J2EE server that: - is licensed under the Apache License - passes Sun's TCK for J2EE 1.4 - reuses ASF/BSD licensed code available today, with new ASF code to complete the J2EE stack.
Features include: - complete J2EE 1.4 certification - support for Java Business Integration (JBI) - Tomcat or Jetty Web container deployment options - a Web-enabled management console based on Java Portlets - integration with the Eclipse Web Tools Project - integration of Apache Derby and the Apache Directory Server
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Home Page Categories: Application servers
Latest version: 5.0M6 Added 2008-06-23
Open Source Java SE.
The aim of the project is to produce a community of those interested in runtime platforms tasked with creation of: - A compatible, independent implementation of the Java SE 5 JDK under the Apache License v2 - A community-developed modular runtime (VM and class library) architecture.
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Home Page Categories: Persistence - Data-tier
Latest version: 2.3.0 Added 2004-12-27Updated 2007-04-11
Couples objects with stored procedures or SQL statements using an XML descriptor. To use iBATIS Data Mapper you rely on your own objects, XML, and SQL.
Features include: - iBATIS SQL Mapping Framework: real SQL; works with complex databases; supports composite keys and complex relationships; stored procedures support; JavaBeans support; Primitive wrappers (Integer, String, Date, etc.); HashMap, List, Collection, and array[]; XML text and DOM Support; Null value translation; Auto-mapping bean properties to columns; Dynamic SQL using conditional XML tags; - Caching and dependency management; Centralized data source configuration; Local and global (JTA) transaction support; Small footprint 300k (minimum); Minimal dependencies (only commons-logging required); Spring DAO Templates available (popular alternative to iBATIS DAO) - Optional Data Access Objects Framework: DAO framework; Centralized data source configuration; Templates for SQL Maps, Hibernate and JDBC; Local and global (JTA) transaction support
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Latest version: 2.0.0-beta2 Added 2005-01-15Updated 2008-05-14
Dependency manager. Ivy can help if your software uses from one to many other software components. In very simple cases, it can simply help to track the components and the versions your software uses, helping you to get them and document your software. In complex cases, it can handle a whole component repository and track all dependencies between all your company software components. Features include: - XML-based - Integrated with Ant - Ready to use with Maven's ibiblio repository - Dependencies of dependencies - Publishing handling - Dependency reports
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Home Page Categories: Persistence - Data-tier, XML,
Latest version: 0.5.2 Added 2005-03-22
Open source implementation of JAXB, the specification for Java/XML binding.
A Java/XML binding compiler takes as input a schema description (in most cases an XML schema but it may be a DTD, a RelaxNG schema, a Java class inspected via reflection or a database schema). The output is a set of Java classes: - A Java bean class compatible with the schema description. (If the schema was obtained via Java reflection, then the original Java bean class.) - An unmarshaller that converts a conforming XML document into the equivalent Java bean. - Vice versa, a marshaller that converts the Java bean back into the original XML document. In the case of JaxMe, the generated classes may also: - Store the Java bean into a database. Preferrably an XML database like eXist, Xindice, or Tamino, but it may also be a relational database like MySQL. - Query the database for bean instances. - Implement an EJB entity or session bean with the same abilities.
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Home Page Categories: Tracing - Logging - Monitoring
Latest version: 1.3 Alpha Added 2004-12-21
Open source tool developed for putting log statements into your applications. Logging equips the developer with detailed context for application failures. With log4j it is possible to enable logging at runtime without modifying the application binary. The log4j package is designed so that these statements can remain in shipped code without incurring a heavy performance cost. Logging behavior can be controlled by editing a configuration file, without touching the application binary. One of the distinctive features of log4j is the notion of inheritance in loggers. Using a logger hierarchy it is possible to control which log statements are output at arbitrarily fine granularity. This helps reduce the volume of logged output and minimize the cost of logging.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Latest version: 2.9.0 Added 2005-01-17Updated 2009-10-05
Open source text search engine library written entirely in Java. The Lucene API offers both indexing and searching features.
Features include: - Indexes text and HTML, document classes available for XML, PDF and RTF - Search supports phrase and boolean queries, plus, minus and quote marks, and parentheses - Allows single and multiple character wildcards anywhere in the search words, fuzzy search, proximity - Will search for punctuation such as + or ? - Field searches for title, author, etc., and date-range searching - Supports most European languages - Option to store and display full text of indexed documents - Search results in relevance order (ranking) - APIs for file format conversion, languages and user interfaces - Incremental indexing and batch indexing - Multiple-index searching with merged results
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Home Page Categories: Builds, Miscellaneous,
Latest version: 2.2.1 Added 2005-01-10Updated 2009-09-14
Java project management and project comprehension tool. Maven is based on the concept of a Project Object Model (POM) in that all the artifacts produced by Maven are a result of consulting a well-defined model for your project. Features include: - Development and management of your project are controlled from the project model (builds, documentation, source metrics, source cross-references and several reports). - A single set of methods are used to build any number of projects that you are managing. - Integration with Gump, a tool used at Jakarta to help projects maintain backward compatibility with their clients. - Site publication based on the POM. Once the POM is accurate your developers can publish the project's content. Maven provides the following: Change log document created directly from repository information; Cross referenced sources; Source metrics; Mailing lists; Developer list; Dependency list; Unit test reports including coverage; Article Collection; Software Development References; Software Development Process Documentation; and more reports using the different plugins.
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Home Page Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX
Latest version: 1.1.0 Added 2005-03-11Updated 2005-09-22
Open source implementation of JavaServer Faces (JSR-127). MyFaces is a framework for building Java Server application GUIs based on JSF. JSF is comparable to the well-known Struts framework but has features and concepts that are beyond those of Struts.
Components and features: - Tiles support: you can use Struts/Tiles in JSF projects by using the myfaces-tiles extension. - JSCook Menu component: Javascript menu. - Data Scroller component: scroll through UIData. - Navigation component: hierarchical (vertical) navigation menu. - Calendar component with localisation support. - File Upload component - UISaveState component: saving model state in the client response. (traditional JSP/Servlet applications save their state information within HttpSession objects) - SortHeader component: clickable list column header with sort direction arrow. - Extended DataTable component: list sort support and preserve DataModel option. - Layout component: dynamic page layout control. - TabbedPane component: a Swing like tabbed pane renderer. - DataList component: a UIData-based list that can be used do simple iteration over a group of components or to render a HTML <ul> or <ol> list. - RssTicker component. - EmailValidator, CreditCardValidator, RegExprValidator, EqualValidator.
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Home Page Categories: Object-relational mapping
Latest version: 1.0.1 Added 2005-01-10
ObJectRelationalBridge (OJB) is an object/relational mapping tool that allows transparent persistence for Java objects against relational databases. Features include: - Support of standard and non-standard API's (PB, OTM, ODMG, JDO) - The PersistenceBroker kernel API and all top-level APIs allows Java programmers to store and retrieve Java objects in/from (any) JDBC-compliant RDBMS - Transparent persistence: Persistent classes don't have to inherit from a persistent base class or to implement an interface. - Object caching, lazy materialization through virtual proxies, distributed lock-management with configurable Transaction-Isolation Levels. Optimistic and pessimistic Locking is supported. - Designed to be scalable: Allows to build massively distributed and clustered systems. - Configurable persistence by reachability: All Objects associated to a persistent object by references can made persitent too - Pluggable implementation of service classes like PersistenceBroker, ObjectCache, SequenceManager, RowReader, ConnectionFactory, ConnectionManager, IndirectionHandler, SQLGenerator, JdbcAccess... - Mapping support for 1:1, 1:n and m:n associations - Configurable collection queries to control loading of relationships - Automatic and manual assignment of foreign key values - The mapping is defined in an XML Repository. The mapping is dynamic and can be manipulated at runtime
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Home Page Categories: Application servers
Latest version: 3.0 Added 2005-04-18Updated 2008-08-27
Embeddable and lightweight EJB 3.0 implementation that can be used as a standalone server or embedded into Tomcat, JUnit, TestNG, Eclipse, IntelliJ, Maven, Ant, and any IDE or application. OpenEJB is included in Apache Geronimo, IBM WebSphere Application Server CE, and Apple's WebObjects.
Features include: - Supports EJB 3.0, 2.1, 2.0, 1.1 in all modes; embedded, standalone or otherwise - JAX-WS support - JMS support - J2EE connector support - Can be dropped into Tomcat 5 or 6 adding various JavaEE 5 and EJB 3.0 features to a standard Tomcat install - CMP support is implemented over JPA allowing to freely mix CMP and JPA usage - Complete support for Glassfish descriptors allowing those users to embedded test their applications - Flexible JNDI name support allows you to specify formats at macro and micro levels and imitate the format of other vendors - Allows for testing and debugging in IDEs such as Eclipse, Idea IntelliJ or NetBeans with no plugins required - Usable in ordinary JUnit or other style test cases without complicated setup or external processes - Validates applications and reports all failures at once, with three selectable levels of detail, avoiding several hours worth of "fix, recompile, redeploy, fail, repeat" cycles
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Home Page Categories: Frameworks
Latest version: 3.3.1 Added 2009-08-27
Open source ESB that combines the functionality of a SOA and an Event Driven Architecture (EDA) to create an agile, enterprise ESB.
ServiceMix is a distributed ESB built from the ground up on the Java Business Integration (JBI) specification JSR 208 and released under the Apache license. The goal of JBI is to allow components and services to be integrated in a vendor independent way, allowing users and vendors to plug and play.
Features include: - Embeddable - Integrated Spring support - Can be run at the edge of the network (inside a client or server), as a standalone ESB provider or as a service within another ESB. You can use ServiceMix in Java SE or a Java EE application server. - Uses ActiveMQ to provide remoting, clustering, reliability and distributed failover - Completely integrated into Apache Geronimo, which allows you to deploy JBI components and services directly into Geronimo. - Other J2EE application servers ServiceMix has been integrated with include JBoss, JOnAS with more to follow - JBI Container - Implementation of WS Notification - Includes many JBI components including HTTP, JMS, BPEL, Rules, and more
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Home Page Categories: MVC, Web frameworks,
Latest version: 2.0.6 Added 2004-12-20Updated 2007-02-27
Open source framework for building Java web applications. The framework is designed to streamline the full development cycle, from building, to deploying, to maintaining applications over time.
Features include: - Build: -- Jumpstart new projects with a bootstrap tutorial and template application or Maven archetype -- Code against HTTP-independant framework interfaces -- Code with stylesheet-driven form tags that provide their own markup -- Ajax support -- Inject dependencies into Actions using Spring -- POJO forms: use any JavaBean to capture form input or put properties directly on an Action class -- POJO Actions: use any class as an Action class - Deploy -- Add framework extensions by dropping in a JAR; No manual configuration required -- Integrated profiling -- Error reporting - Maintain -- Test Struts2 Actions directly, without resorting to mock HTTP objects -- Customize the request handling per action, if desired -- Built-in debugging tools -- Customize tag markup by editing a FreeMarker template. JSP, FreeMarker and Velocity tags are fully supported.
Apache Struts 2 requires Servlet API 2.4, JSP API 2.0 and Java 5. Apache Struts 2 was originally known as WebWork 2. After working independently for several years, the WebWork and Struts communities joined forces to create Struts 2.
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Home Page Categories: Remote Invocation - RPC
Latest version: 0.91 Added 2007-01-10
Mediation framework for Web Services. Apache Synapse is a broker for routing and mediating XML messages. It is designed to be the basis of a XML-oriented Enterprise Service Bus. It has support for logging, routing, and transforming all kinds of XML messages including XML/HTTP, SOAP, JMS, and others. It supports a number of standards including XSLT, XPath, WS-Reliable Messaging, WS-Security, WS-Policy and WS-Addressing.
Features include: - Support for HTTP and JMS transports - Support for WS-Reliable Messaging and WS-Security through WS-Policies - Support for error handling and recovery - Content-based routing using XPath 1.0 - Configurable Message logging based on Apache Commons Logging - Support for XML and SOAP over JMS, tested with Apache ActiveMQ - Initiation and termination of WS-Reliable Messaging 1.0 - Authentication and Authorization using WS-Security 1.1 - Support for remote configuration via HTTP-based registries - Extensible using Java and scripting languages, including support for JavaScript, E4X, JRuby, and other scripting languages
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Home Page Categories: Web frameworks
Latest version: 5.0.1 Preview Added 2005-03-11Updated 2007-02-08
Framework for creating web applications in Java that reconceptualizes web application development in terms of objects, methods and properties instead of URLs and query parameters.
Tapestry is an alternative to scripting environments such as JSP (JavaServer Pages) or Velocity. Tapestry goes further, providing a framework for creating dynamic applications with minimal amounts of coding. Tapestry's approach, using a component object model similar to a traditional GUI, provides the following benefits: - Everything in Tapestry is a reusable component within and between projects. - Framework does all the URL building and message dispatching, transparently. - Internationalization/Localization: framework selects localized version of text, templates and images. - Robust applications: Less code is less bugs; Built-in exception reporting; Line precise error reporting. - Graphic designers and Java developers can work together without having to know each other's jobs.
Tapestry exploits the dynamic nature of the Java language, leveraging the JavaBeans API, as well as servlets and other J2EE technology.
Tapestry components are a combination of a specification file (in XML), an HTML template and a Java class (extending a framework class, with additions). Tapestry components are combined together to form larger components or complete Tapestry pages.
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Latest version: 6.0.10 Added 2004-12-23Updated 2007-03-02
The servlet container that is used in the official Reference Implementation for the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies.
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Home Page Categories: Persistence - Data-tier
Latest version: 3.2 Added 2006-06-26
Torque does not use reflection to access user-provided classes, but it generates the necessary classes from an XML schema describing the database layout (which can either be written by hand or generated from an existing database). The XML schema can also be used to generate and execute a SQL script which creates all the tables in the database. As Torque hides database-specific implementation details, it makes an application independent of a specific database if no exotic features of the database are used. You can override the autogenerated methods and thus change their behaviour.
Torque consists of: - runtime: contains everything to allow an application to access the database. It is the only component of Torque needed in your application and can be used standalone. - Maven plugin: creates the object classes for accessing and storing data from the database. It can also generate the XML description of an existing database and (in reverse) create an SQL script to create the tables in the database. Internally, the Maven plugin uses the generator to accomplish these tasks. - generator: contains Ant tasks that do all the work for the Maven plugin. - templates: contain the building blocks used by the generator to create the object classes, SQL scripts and the like. You can change the templates if you want to customize the output of the generator.
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Home Page Categories: Page templating
Latest version: 1.5 Added 2005-01-20Updated 2008-02-25
Template engine permitting to use a template language to reference objects defined in Java code. When Velocity is used for web development, Web designers can work in parallel with Java programmers to develop web sites according to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) model, meaning that web page designers can focus solely on creating a site that looks good, and programmers can focus solely on writing top-notch code. Velocity separates Java code from the web pages, making the web site more maintainable over the long run and providing an alternative to Java Server Pages (JSPs) or PHP. Velocity's capabilities reach beyond the realm of the web; for example, it can be used to generate SQL and PostScript and XML from templates. It can be used either as a standalone utility for generating source code and reports, or as an integrated component of other systems. For instance, Velocity provides template services for the Turbine web application framework, together providing a view engine facilitating development of web applications according to a true MVC model.
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Home Page Categories: XML
Latest version: 2.6.0 Added 2004-12-22
XSLT processor for transforming XML documents into HTML, text, or other XML document types. Xalan-Java implements XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0 and XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0. It can be used from the command line, in an applet or a servlet, or as a module in other program. Xalan-Java recasts Xalan as an implementation of the Transformation API for XML (TrAX) interfaces, part of the Java API for XML Processing 1.2. TrAX provides a modular framework and a standard API for performing XML transformations, and it utilizes system properties to determine which Transformer and which XML parser to use. Xalan-Java also builds on SAX 2 and DOM level 2.
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Home Page Categories: XML
Latest version: 2.6.2 Added 2004-12-22
Fully conforming XML parser and XML Schema processor. Following standards and APIs are supported: - eXtensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 Third Edition Recommendation - Namespaces in XML Recommendation - eXtensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 First Edition Recommendation - Namespaces in XML 1.1 Recommendation - Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Core, Events, and Traversal and Range Recommendations - Simple API for XML (SAX) 2.0.1 Core, and Extensions - Java APIs for XML Processing (JAXP) 1.2 - XML Schema 1.0 Structures and Datatypes Recommendations
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Home Page Categories: XML
Latest version: 2.2.0 Added 2005-03-22Updated 2006-07-24
XML-Java binding tool. The idea behind XMLBeans is that you can take advantage the of XML and XML Schema and have their features mapped to equivalent Java language and typing constructs. XMLBeans uses XML Schema to compile Java interfaces and classes that you can then use to access and modify XML instance data. Using XMLBeans is similar to using any other Java interface/class, you will see things like getFoo or setFoo just as you would expect when working with Java. While a major use of XMLBeans is to access your XML instance data with strongly typed Java classes there are also API's that allow you access to the full XML infoset (XMLBeans keeps full XML Infoset fidelity) as well as to allow you to reflect into the XML schema itself through an XML Schema Object model.
Features include: - Full XML Schema support: fully supports XML Schema and the corresponding Java classes provide constructs for all of the major functionality of XML Schema. - Full XML Infoset fidelity: when unmarshalling an XML instance the full XML infoset is kept and is available to the developer. This is critical because because of the subset of XML that is not easily represented in Java. For example, order of the elements or comments might be needed in a particular application.
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