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Categories: Workflow

Author: OpenSymphony

Latest version: 2.8
Added 2006-02-09

Workflow engine designed to be embedded in enterprise applications. It provides support for a number of persistence API's, including EJB, Hibernate, JDBC, and others.

OSWorkflow does not mandate a graphical tool for developing workflows, and the recommended approach is to write the XML workflow descriptors "by hand". It is up to the application developer to provide this sort of integration, as well as any integration with existing code and databases.
OSWorkflow can be considered a "low level" workflow implementation. Situations like "loops" and "conditions" that might be represented by a graphical icon in other workflow systems must be "coded" in OSWorkflow. It is not expected that a non-technical user modify workflow. Having said that, the latest version provides a GUI designer that can help with the editing of the workflow.

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Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
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Categories: Workflow

Author: ObjectWeb

Latest version: 3.0
Added 2006-06-22Updated 2007-05-14

Workflow solution compliant to the XPDL standard.
Bonita provides functionalities to define and run business processes such as the XPDL workflow defintion module, the J2EE-based workflow engine, the JMS-based awareness infrastructure or the interoperability services.

Features include:
- activities that can start in anticipation
- awareness infrastructure allowing user notification of any events occurring during the execution in a given process
- automatic activation of user’s code according to a defined activity life cycle
- dynamic user/roles resolution
- activity performer
- sequential execution
- API accessible either through EJBs or web services calls
- processes are created using a graphical definition tool
- XPDL support allowing to import XPDL files within the workflow engine
- generation of Maven 2 artifacts from build.xml
- supports JDK 1.5

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Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
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Source code provided


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Categories: Workflow

Author: JBoss

Latest version: 3.1.4
Added 2005-06-25Updated 2007-02-09

Workflow and BPM engine that enables the creation of business processes that coordinate between people, applications and services.
With its modular architecture, jBPM combines development of workflow applications with a process engine. The jBPM process designer graphically represents the business process steps in order to facilitate a strong link between the business analyst and the technical developer.

Features include:
- Since jBPM is packaged as a Java library, it can be used standalone in a Java program or with an application server like JBoss Application Server.
- The process engine automatically handles state, variable, and task management as well as process timers and audit logging across all active processes.
- The pluggable architecture allows extensibility and customizability within the process engine, for each process definition and every corresponding process instance.
- Provides a process-oriented programming model that blends Java and declarative programming techniques. It enables developers to structure their software around a process graph that lets business people and developers speak the same language.

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Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
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Source code provided

Enhydra Shark

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Categories: Workflow


Latest version: 2.0 Beta 1
Added 2006-06-07

Java open source workflow engine based on XPDL.
Shark is completely based on standards from WfMC and OMG using XPDL as its native workflow definition language. The Shark framework can be configured to support different environments.

Features include:
- Every component (persistence layer, transaction manager, scripting engines, process repository,...) can be used with its standard implementation or extended/replaced by project specific modules. This way Enhydra Shark can be used as a simple "Java library" in servlet or swing applications or running in a J2EE container supporting a session beans API, Corba ORB or accessed as a web service.
- Sample ToolAgents are available for many different common tasks in automated workflows.
- Storage of process and activity instances is done via a configurable persistence API.
- The workflow engine kernel supports configurable LRU caching of active workflow objects for high load scenarios. Caching can be turned off for clustered installations.
- A Swing-based administration GUI can be used to do administrative work.

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Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
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Source code provided

Bossa Workflow

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Categories: Workflow

Author: BigBross

Latest version: 0.8.0
Added 2005-07-22

Bossa is a workflow engine written in Java. The engine uses expressive Petri net notation to define workflows, does not require a RDBMS, and can be integrated with Java applications. Actually, it was designed to be embedded. Therefore, Bossa is organized as a library to be used by server-side applications (especially Web-oriented ones) that need workflow services.

Features include:
- Workflow defined programmatically using Petri nets as modeling abstraction, using JavaScript expressions as edge weights
- Register, unregister and list workflow definitions (case types)
- List cases, work item and activities by case type or case
- Handle all life cycle of a workflow task: activation as work item, opening the work item as activity and finally the closing or cancellation of the activity
- Resource management, with users and groups organized as access control lists
- Resource specification in the case type using complex set expressions
- List work items and activities by resource capability
- History of workflow events, queried by date, case type, case and resource
- A notification bus that can be used to extend Bossa using notification plug-ins
- Transparent persistence. Uses only a writable directory, nothing more

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Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available


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Categories: Workflow

Latest version: 1.7.2
Added 2005-07-06Updated 2006-06-07

Open source workflow engine.
OpenWFE is a Business Process Management suite, with 4 components: an engine, a worklist, a webclient and a reactor (host for automatic agents).

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Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
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Source code provided


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Categories: Miscellaneous, Workflow

Author: Flux Corporation

Latest version: 7.7
Added 2007-02-09Updated 2008-06-03

Job scheduling, file transfer, and workflow.
Flux may be embedded as a set of APIs for Java, J2EE, XML, and web services applications.

Features include:
- Automate system tasks
- Transfer files
- Execute system processes
- Invoke web services
- Can be administered through a customizable web-based operations console
- Design with web/desktop interfaces
- Workflow designer

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