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Categories: Miscellaneous

Latest version: 0.7
Added 2006-01-11

Library to use functional programming patterns in Java code.

Features include:
- represent functions as objects
- dynamically invoke a constructor, instance method, or static method
- use currying (partial function application)
- write methods that accept functions as parameters and/or return functions as a result (higher-order functions)
- replace procedural code with functional code
- code with functional programming patterns such as mapping, filtering, folding, scanning, and more
- one jar file to add to your Java CLASSPATH, no other dependencies
- functions can refer to your existing methods without any modifications to those methods
- no need to deal with exceptions if you don't want to
- no special subclassing or interface implementation required

Built for Java
Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
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Source code provided
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