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Code protection - Obfuscation

Ways to hide your code from prying eyes and protect your intellectual property.

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Categories: Code protection - Obfuscation, Decompilation

Latest version: 1.1.2 pre1
Added 2005-04-05

Package containing a decompiler and an optimizer for Java.

The decompiler reads in class files and produces something similar to the original Java file. Of course this can't be perfect: There is no way to produce the comments or the names of local variables (except when compiled with debugging info) and there are often more ways to write the same thing.

The optimizer (obfuscator) transforms class files in various ways, which can be controlled by a script file. It supports the following operations:
- Renaming class, method, field and local names to shorter, obfuscated, or unique names or according to a given translation table
- Removing debugging information
- Removing dead code (classes, fields, methods) and constant fields
- Optimizing local variable allocation

JODE can be used as a library, through the AWT or Swing interfaces, or from the command line.

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Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
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Source code provided


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Categories: Code protection - Obfuscation

Author: PreEmptive Solutions

Latest version: 6.7
Added 2004-12-28Updated 2011-01-07

Tool for obfuscating and instrumenting Java code.

Features include:
- Obfuscation: Cross JAR renaming, Renaming prefix, Overload induction, Incremental obfuscation, Control flow, String encryption
- User interface: Eclipse integration, Command line, Ant tasks, Setup wizard
- Supported application types: WAR files, Library JARs, Spring, Hibernate, JSP tag libraries
- Debugging support: Stack trace translation, Preserve/remove debug information
- Deployment optimizations: Unused code removal, Const removal, Removal report
- Application life cycle management: Embedded shelf life token, Default action on expiration, Custom action on expiration, Custom shelf life token source
- Runtime intelligence support: Custom endpoint, Commercial RIS endpoint, Community portal endpoint, Opt-in/opt-out support, Application tracking, SSL messages, Keys (custom data payload), Send PII, Send custom instance ID (application serial number), Feature tracking
- Runtime intelligence messages types: Feature tick, Feature duration, Performance probe, System profile

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Categories: Code protection - Obfuscation

Latest version: 3.3
Added 2005-07-07

Java class file shrinker, optimizer, and obfuscator. It removes unused classes, fields, methods, and attributes. It then optimizes the bytecode. It then renames the remaining classes, fields, and methods using short meaningless names.

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Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available


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Categories: Code protection - Obfuscation, Miscellaneous

Author: Semantic Designs

Java source code formatter.
This tool reorganizes Java source text files to indent code blocks according to their nesting level.

Features include:
- Formatted code compiles and executes exactly like unformatted code
- Handles Java 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5
- Specification of indentation step distance
- Specification of arbitrary input tab column positions
- Several styles of block ("curlybrace") indentation, including Sun standard
- Option to list separate logical conditions (&&,||) on separate lines
- A version with obfuscation capability can scramble the code to make it difficult to reverse-engineer
- Can process batches of files, specified either manually or through a Java-based file-selector GUI
- Output encoding in ASCII, European ASCII, or UNICODE (UTF-8 or UTF-16)

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Built for Java


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Categories: Code protection - Obfuscation

Author: Smardec

Latest version: 2.0
Added 2006-07-18Updated 2008-04-08

Java obfuscator and optimizer.

Features include:
- Protection methods: name obfuscation, flow obfuscation, debug info obfuscation, string encryption, watermarking.
- Stack trace utility: makes obfuscated debug information comprehensible and adequate.
- A program module: uses information about decompiler work faults for creating special insertions into an obfuscated code that lead to decompilation failure.
- J2ME support as a plug-in for the Sun Java Wireless Toolkit for CLDC
- Command line interface.
- Integration with Ant.

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Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available


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Categories: Code protection - Obfuscation

Author: Software4J

Latest version: 2.0
Added 2007-06-06

Obfuscator that can generate a default project file by scanning your main jar file.
Obfuscate4J generates obfuscated files that utilize Java keywords resulting in class files that cannot be re-compiled once they are de-compiled.

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Categories: Code protection - Obfuscation

Author: Lee Software

Latest version: 3.52
Added 2007-01-15

Java obfuscator.
Aside from being able to change symbolic names, Smokescreen can also modify the bytecode instructions in methods thereby obfuscating control flow. This makes the resulting obfuscated classes more difficult to decompile.
Smokescreen works on class files in directories as well as zip or jar archives. It allows for selective obfuscation of the symbolic names depending on the access level of the class, method or field. Removal of unused methods and fields can also be done by Smokescreen. Smokescreen also performs control flow obfuscation by modifying the bytecode instructions in the class methods. The program features a graphic user interface as well as a command line option.

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Built for Java


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Categories: Code protection - Obfuscation

Author: Zelix

Latest version: 5.1 release 0
Added 2008-04-21

Java bytecode obfuscator.
Zelix KlassMaster protects your Java bytecode from decompilation and reverse engineering by using flow obfuscation and string encryption technologies.

Features include:
- Name Obfuscation performs size optimization by reducing the size of Java package, class, method and field names. Its Trim functionality reduces bytecode size by removing unused classes, fields and methods.
- Smart Save technology automatically updates JAR manifests and XML files.
- Incremental Obfuscation ensures consistent obfuscation of Java object names across your releases.
- GUI Stack Trace Translate tool to help deciphering obfuscated Java stack traces.
- GUI interface.
- A scripting language called ZKM Script allows you to automate the obfuscation process and integrate it into your build cycle.
- Helps you debug your beta releases with its Line Number Scrambling technology. This technology allows you to determine real line numbers from stack traces reported by your beta test customers without reducing the level of your code protection.

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