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Profiling - Debugging

Includes Monitoring, Performance testing, Optimization

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JProbe Suite

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Categories: Code coverage, Profiling - Debugging

Author: Quest Software

Latest version: 8.2
Added 2006-06-06Updated 2009-11-24

Java profiler providing diagnostics on memory usage, performance and test coverage.

JProbe Suite includes:
- JProbe Memory: for proactively discovering, diagnosing and resolving memory allocation issues such as memory leaks (loitering objects) and excessive garbage collection activity (object cycling) that can lead to out-of-memory system crashes and slower overall system performance.
- JProbe Performance: for proactively discovering, diagnosing and resolving code bottlenecks such as expensive methods, deadlocks and stalled threads that can lead to slow application performance and limit scalability.
- JProbe Coverage: for proactively assessing the completeness and accuracy of test runs in development and QA – enhances development and QA collaboration in creating more complete test suites.

JProbe also offers an Eclipse plug-in that provides code performance analysis and problem resolution directly within the Eclipse Java IDE.

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Free or free version available


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Categories: Profiling - Debugging

Author: Borland

Latest version: 2007
Added 2007-09-12

Tool for software application performance and load testing, delivering automated software load, stress and performance testing.
With SilkPerformer, you can create load tests for thousands of users running business scenarios across a range of enterprise application environments to identify bottlenecks, and then apply diagnostics to resolve performance issues.

Features include:
- Virtual user "types" enable shared, reusable access to load testing across all major application environments
- No license requirement for "controllers" or individual "protocols" means greater access to test creation and execution for more team members across the organization
- Isolate and resolve code-level Java and .NET application performance issue, under load
- Visual script recorder and step-by-step workflow wizards
- Support for a high number of virtual users per box at either the protocol or GUI level
- Eclipse plug-in that expands test creation to Eclipse IDE users
- The Server Analysis Module maps server-side resource usage with client-side load test results
- Web Services performance testing: Borland SilkPerformer SOA Edition and .NET Explorer or Java Explorer add-ons

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Categories: Miscellaneous, Profiling - Debugging, Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

Author: Acelet Corporation

Latest version: 10.30
Added 2005-03-17Updated 2007-05-12

Suite of J2EE tools for Weblogic, Websphere and other J2EE servers.
The standalone version is a Java scheduler, for general purpose scheduling and watchdog, which does not work with any application server, does not require any application server.
Super is written entirely in Java. It is platform neutral and J2EE vendor neutral. It supports multiple J2EE servers.

It includes:
- SuperEnvironment: A J2EE tool for environment monitoring and managing.
- SuperLogging: A J2EE logging system with dynamical management GUI and source level J2EE tracing. It supports clustering environment.
- SuperPeekPoke: An EJB tool for inspection.
- SuperReport: A J2EE report tool. It is a data mining program for SuperLogging.
- SuperScheduler: A J2EE scheduler. It can be run on any node of the network at any time. It uses SuperPeekPoke for set EJB tasks visually. It runs SuperReport and SuperPatrol tasks to periodically check the health of your J2EE application as well.
- SuperStress: An EJB tool for stress test. It uses SuperPeekPoke to set EJB test case visually.
- SuperPatrol: A patrol job for SuperScheduler.
- SuperWatchdog: An EJB watchdog watching for events, such as file time-stamp change, JMS messaging. It can be run on any node of the network at any time. It uses SuperPeekPoke for set EJB tasks visually. It runs SuperReport and SuperPatrol tasks to periodically check the health of your J2EE application as well.
- SuperArch: The framework for Super. All above components are hosted on SuperArch.

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Free or free version available
Free or free version available


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Categories: Profiling - Debugging

Author: IBM

BIPTK (Bytecode Instrumentation Profiling Toolkit for Java) is an Eclipse-based toolkit that helps developers and performance specialists exploit bytecode instrumentation for the purpose of profiling Java applications.
BIPTK includes a library for generating profiling traces, an Eclipse plug-in GUI for visualizing the traces, and some working examples of instrumenting code with Eclipse TPTP Probekit.
The Bytecode Instrumentation Engine captures timing events from the Java application, and the library makes the correlations and saves traces in XML format.
The Eclipse plug-in is an editor for profiling traces, helping in the analysis, and visualizing for each method and every child call; it also enables navigation of the whole call tree in order to identify the major causes of performance degradation.

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Free or free version available


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Categories: Profiling - Debugging

Author: IBM

Latest version: 2.3
Added 2006-07-04Updated 2007-11-24

Graphical tool for discovering possible Java heap leak areas through a heuristic search engine and analysis of the Java heap dump in Java applications.
HeapAnalyzer analyzes Java heap dumps by parsing the Java heap dump, creating directional graphs, transforming them into directional trees, and executing the heuristic search engine.

Features include:
- List of Java heap leak suspects
- Recommendation of the size of kCluster
- List of gaps among allocated objects/classes/arrays
- Java objects/classes/arrays search engine
- List of objects/classes/arrays by type name, object name, address, size, size of children, number of children, frequency
- List of available heap spaces by size
- Tree view of Java heap dump
- Loading/saving processed Java heap dumps

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Free or free version available
Free or free version available

JRockit Mission Control

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Categories: Profiling - Debugging, Tracing - Logging - Monitoring

Author: Oracle

Latest version: 3.1
Added 2009-11-24

Tools suite that includes tools to monitor, manage, profile, and eliminate memory leaks in Java applications.
Integrates with Eclipse.

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Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available

JGear Performance for Eclipse

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Categories: Profiling - Debugging

Author: Embarcadero Technologies

Memory and CPU performance profiling and debugging plug-in for Eclipse.

Features include:
- shows if a performance issue is related to CPU, memory or both
- Automatic memory leak detector
- Real-time monitoring of object allocations
- Allocation Backtrace View allows developers to identify the code or part of the program responsible for instance allocations
- Thread Debugger gives real-time display of the progress of all threads running within the Virtual Machine
- Real-time class coverage view
- OS support: Windows XP, Windows Vista (requires Administrator rights), Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
- IDE support: MyEclipse 5.5, BEA Workshop 10.1, Eclipse Callisto 3.2, Turbo JBuilder 2007

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Vantage Analyzer

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Categories: Profiling - Debugging

Author: Compuware

Latest version: 5.1
Added 2006-12-27

J2EE and .NET performance monitoring and analysis capabilities.

- Customizable dashboards
- Workload-level analysis
- Drill-down of transaction analysis
- Hot-spot analysis for SQL, methods, performance and memory
- Real-time performance monitoring that allows you to select the parameters to be monitored
- CPU and wall-clock response-time measurement
- Alerts keep you aware of issues before they impact performance
- Integration with ClientVantage allows you to trace the performance of transactions over the network and into the data center

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Categories: Profiling - Debugging

Author: Software Pearls

Latest version: 1.1
Added 2009-10-02

Profiler for the Java collection framework.

Features include:
- Discover bugs and other defects in your program's run-time usage of the Java Collection Framework
- Analysis rules detect a variety of bugs and coding anti-patterns
- View real-time display of all live collections, including all API accesses
- View complete hash code distribution of any hashing container
- Detect hashing collection corruption due to mutating elements
- See which threads access which collections, when and how

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Rational PurifyPlus

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Categories: Code coverage, Profiling - Debugging

Author: IBM

Latest version: 6.13
Added 2005-03-31

Set of automated runtime analysis tools for improving Linux-, UNIX- and Windows-based application reliability and performance.
Designed for Java, C, C++, and .NET applications.

Features include:
- Runtime and memory management error detection: memory corruption and leak detection.
- Application performance profiling: highlights application performance bottlenecks.
- Code coverage analysis: identifies untested code.
- Instruments code at the byte or object level.
- Server-side Java support: install PurifyPlus on your Web server to analyze Java Server Pages (JSP) and servlets.
- For software developers working with Java, Visual C++ and all VS.NET managed languages (including C# and VB.NET).
- Runs directly inside WebSphere Studio, Eclipse or Visual Studio, as well as stand-alone.
- Selective instrumentation: allows you to select which modules of an application to analyze.

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Categories: Profiling - Debugging

Author: Excelsior

Latest version: 1.0
Added 2007-09-17

JFC/Swing benchmark suite.
JFCMark is a benchmark suite created to measure performance of JFC/Swing and related APIs.
All tests report performance measured in units specific to their particular scenarios (e.g. repaints/sec) so that the results could be used for comparative performance evaluation of different client-side Java VMs available for the system under test. You may also use JFCMark to compare hardware, operating systems and video drivers with respect to Java UI performance.

JFCMark is designed to execute on J2SE environments versions 1.3 and 1.4.

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Free or free version available


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Categories: Profiling - Debugging

Author: Blue Marsh Softworks

Latest version: 3.10
Added 2005-02-17Updated 2006-04-27

JSwat is a standalone, graphical Java debugger front-end, written to use the Java Platform Debugger Architecture and based on the NetBeans platform.

Features include:
- breakpoints with conditionals and monitors
- colorized source code display
- graphical display panels showing threads, stack frames, visible variables, and loaded classes
- command interface for more advanced features
- Java-like expression evaluation, including method invocation
- non-graphical mode for use in consoles
- graceful handling of non-Java code

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Built for Java
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Free or free version available
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Source code provided


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Categories: Profiling - Debugging

Author: ej-technologies

Latest version: 6.0
Added 2005-01-17Updated 2009-11-24

Profiler that helps you find performance bottlenecks, pin down memory leaks and resolve threading issues.

Features include:
- Memory profiling: dynamically updated views on memory usage and allocations.
- Heap walker: can take a snapshot of the heap and drill down to objects of interest by performing selection steps.
- CPU profiling: various ways to record the call tree to optimize for performance or detail.
- Thread profiling: views include Thread history, Thread monitor, Deadlock detection graph, Current monitor usage, Monitor usage history, Monitor usage statistics.
- VM telemetry: to observe the internal state of your JVM (heap, objects, garbage collector, classes, threads)
- Snapshot comparison facility
- JProfiler can be integrated into the following IDEs: Eclipse, NetBeans, IBM WSAD, IBM RAD/RSA, IntelliJ IDEA, Borland JBuilder, Oracle JDeveloper.

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SAP Memory Analyzer

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Categories: Profiling - Debugging

Author: SAP

Latest version: 1.1.1
Added 2007-11-24

Heap analyzer that helps you find big chunks of memory and identify who is keeping these objects alive.

SAP Memory Analyzer was developed to analyze productive heap dumps with hundreds of millions of objects. Once the heap dump is parsed, you can re-open it instantly, get the retained size of single objects and approximate the retained size of a set of objects. The Analyzer is (relatively) low on resource consumption, so you can analyze multi-GB heap dumps on 32 bit boxes.
SAP Memory Analyzer supports HPROF binary heap dumps, a de-facto standard of Sun supported also by other vendors: Sun, SAP and HP JDK/JVM from version 1.4.2_12 and 5.0_7 and 6.0 upwards. IBM doesn't support HPROF binary heap dumps.
SAP Memory Analyzer is based on Eclipse 3.3 and needs a 1.5 JDK.

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Categories: JDBC, Profiling - Debugging

Author: JDbMonitor

Latest version: 1.00
Added 2006-07-18

Monitors JDBC performance.
JDbMonitor is a tool to monitor and analyse database performance for Java applications.

Features include:
- Real-time monitoring of SQL execution
- Works with any application that uses JDBC
- GUI to analyse SQL performance data
- No code change required
- Suitable for monitoring production systems

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX, Profiling - Debugging

Author: Desiderata Software

Latest version: 1.0
Added 2007-02-07

Tool for debugging JSP (Java Server Pages) scripts.
Given a JSP, JspDebug will generate a Java file that's close to the JSP, and can be debugged using any IDE that has a debugger. The structure of this Java file is specially designed for ease of debugging. Once the bug has been found, the fix can be put into the original JSP. Before adding the fix to the original JSP, the Java file generated by JspDebug can also be modified to see if a particular fix will solve the problem.

Features include:
- During debugging, a String variable named _content is available. It can be examined or watched in the debugging IDE, and it will contain the JSP output until the current statement.
- Supports Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2

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Categories: JDBC, Profiling - Debugging

Latest version: 1.0.21
Added 2007-02-22

Tool designed to monitor and profile JDBC activity.
Elvyx is useful to tune caching and to expose JDBC gotchas.

This JDBC profiler has a wrapper that intercepts the access to the database and sends this information to the Elvyx server. The server receives the information, stores the data into a database and serves this information to the client. The client shows SQL statements, bound SQL statements, elapsed time, elapsed time preparing the statements, etc.

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Free or free version available
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Source code provided

Java Execution Time Measurement Library

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Categories: Profiling - Debugging

Latest version: 0.6.2
Added 2005-07-21

Library for programmatic or declarative execution time measurement.

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Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
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Source code provided


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Categories: Miscellaneous, Profiling - Debugging

Latest version: 1.0
Added 2005-05-25

The Java Application Monitor (JAMon) is a free Java API that allows developers to monitor production applications.
JAMon can be used to determine application performance bottlenecks, user/application interactions, and application scalability. JAMon gathers summary statistics such as hits, execution times (total, average, minimum, maximum, standard deviation), and simultaneous application requests. JAMon statistics are displayed in the clickable JAMon Report.

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Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
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Source code provided


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Categories: Profiling - Debugging

Author: Neotys

Latest version: 1.0
Added 2005-03-23

Load testing tool for web applications (J2EE, ...).
By simulating a large number of users accessing your application, NeoLoad tests the robustness and the performance of the server under different loads. A test report pinpoints errors and bottlenecks, so you can focus on your slow JSP pages and code, or server configuration issues.

Through the test, NeoLoad answers these questions: How many users does my site handle? Will my site crash under load? What are the response times?

Key features:
- GUI for designing your tests (no scripting, wizards).
- Can dynamically extract links and data while the test is running to inject them in the scenario.
- Browser-based recorder: browse your application to record your scenario.
- System monitoring: get statistics from your servers (CPU, Memory, …).
- Data replacement: log in the virtual users with different accounts, submit forms changing the values.
- Data extraction: extract generated links and forms.
- Content validation: check page content under load.
- Reporting: generate a test report (HTML/PDF/XML).
- SSL: record and replay secured pages.
- IP spoofing: mandatory to test IP based load balancers.
- Written in Java and multi-platform (Windows, Linux, Solaris).
- Can generate a large amount of traffic by using additional load generators.

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Categories: Profiling - Debugging


Latest version: 3.10.4
Added 2005-03-03Updated 2007-02-07

Java debugger, built on top of the JPDA (Java Platform Debugger Architecture) standard.

Features include:
- Swing GUI
- Context sensitive help viewer
- Debug applications, applets, servlets and EJBs
- Local and remote debugging
- Run, attach and listen
- Multi-thread debugging
- Breakpoint groups
- Data tooltips
- Hot-swap classes and pop stack frames
- Save settings in projects
- Should work with any JPDA compliant JVM.
- JDK 1.5, J2SDK 1.4, and JDK 1.3 are supported.

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Built for Java

YourKit Java Profiler

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Categories: Profiling - Debugging

Author: YourKit

Latest version: 10 EAP
Added 2005-10-07Updated 2011-03-28

CPU and memory profiler.

Features include:
- Analysis capabilities: CPU and memory hot spots with devoted views; snapshot comparison; memory leak detection; memory distribution reports; measuring of shallow and retained sizes of objects; reporting utility.
- On-demand profiling: enable the profiling only when you need it to avoid overhead.
- Free embedding into production: you are eligible to distribute profiling DLLs with your real-world commercial applications, free of charge.
- J2EE support: non-intrusive profiling; integration with application servers; automatic deobfuscator.
- Java 5, 6 and 7 support.
- J2ME support.
- Multi-platform and multi-processor licensing: commercial, floating, educational, open source licenses available.
- IDE integration: Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans, JBuilder, JDeveloper

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Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available

Rational Purify for Windows

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Categories: Profiling - Debugging

Author: IBM

Latest version: 6.13
Added 2003-05-20

Runtime analysis helping developers pinpoint memory-related reliability errors in their C/C++, managed .NET and Java code.

Features include:
- Runtime and memory management error detection: memory corruption and leak detection.
- Instruments code at the byte or object level.
- Does not require access to source code and can thus be used with third-party libraries in addition to home-grown code.
- For software developers working with Java, Visual C++ and all VS.NET managed languages (including C# and VB.NET).
- Runs directly inside WebSphere Studio, Eclipse or Visual Studio, as well as stand-alone.
- Selective instrumentation: allows you to select which modules of an application to analyze.

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Built for Java


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Categories: Profiling - Debugging, Testing

Author: Apache Jakarta

Latest version: 2.3.4
Added 2005-01-28Updated 2008-01-26

Apache JMeter is a 100% pure Java desktop application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance. It was originally designed for testing Web Applications but has since expanded to other test functions.

Apache JMeter may be used to test performance both on static and dynamic resources (files, Servlets, Perl scripts, Java Objects, Data Bases and Queries, FTP Servers and more). It can be used to simulate a heavy load on a server, network or object to test its strength or to analyze overall performance under different load types. You can use it to make a graphical analysis of performance or to test your server/script/object behavior under heavy concurrent load.

Features include:
- Can load and performance test HTTP and FTP servers as well as arbitrary database queries (via JDBC)
- Full Swing and lightweight component support (precompiled JAR uses packages javax.swing.* )
- Full multithreading framework allows concurrent sampling by many threads and simultaneous sampling of different functions by seperate thread groups
- Caching and offline analysis/replaying of test results
- Extensible:
- Pluggable samplers allow many testing capabilities
- Several load statistics may be choosen with pluggable timers
- Data analysis and visualization plugins allow extendibility as well as personalization
- Functions can be used to provide dynamic input to a test or provide data manipulation
- Scriptable samplers (BeanShell is fully supported; and there is a sampler which supports BSF-compatible languages)

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Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
Source code provided
Source code provided

JRockit JDK

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Categories: Miscellaneous, Profiling - Debugging

Author: Oracle

Latest version: 3.1
Added 2009-11-24

The Oracle JRockit JDK provides tools, utilities, and a complete runtime environment for developing and running applications using the Java programming language. The JRockit JDK includes the Oracle JRockit Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

The JRockit JVM brings real time infrastructure capabilities with JRockit Real Time and JVM diagnostics with JRockit Mission Control.
The JRockit JVM is developed and optimized for 32 and 64-bit Intel architectures.

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Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available

DevPartner Java Edition

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Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers, Profiling - Debugging

Author: Micro Focus

Helps resolve problems associated with run-time performance, memory utilization and multi-threading.

Features include:
- automates development productivity tasks such as: distributed application analysis, memory analysis, performance analysis, code coverage analysis, thread analysis, code review, design analysis and refactoring
- includes OptimalAdvisor: a design and code validation tool that offers advice into the structure and effectiveness of the overall application.

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Hibernate Profiler

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Categories: Object-relational mapping, Profiling - Debugging

Author: Hibernating Rhinos

Latest version: 1.0
Added 2009-12-17

Hibernate Profiler (H Prof) is a real-time visual debugger for Hibernate.

Features include:
- Visual insight into the interaction between your database and application code
- Analysis and detection of common pitfalls when using Hibernate
- Analysis is delivered via SQL and linkable code execution
- Supports Hibernate 3.x and up
- Integration with Spring applications

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Categories: Profiling - Debugging

Latest version: 1.0 Beta 2
Added 2006-07-04

Open-source CPU profiler for Java that supports remote profiling and on-the-fly configuration.
Profiler4j has two main parts:
- a profiling agent that runs in the same JVM as your application
- a remote console that connects to the remote agent and allows the user to view the profiling data and change settings

Features include:
- Based on bytecode instrumentation.
- You can define rules to select which packages, classes, and methods must be profiled. Even more, you can change these rules without restarting your application. Only profiled methods are instrumented. The remaining code runs at 100% of the original speed. Thanks to JVMTI (introduced in J2SE1.5), Profiler4j can redefine classes as many times as needed while the JVM is running.
- Add a JVM parameter to your application and you're ready to go.
- 100% Java. No native library or executable is required.
- UI includes: call graph view that shows the "hot path"; call tree view; memory monitor; thread status monitor; list of loaded classes that can be profiled and their current instrumentation status; load/save settings

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Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
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Source code provided


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Categories: Profiling - Debugging

Author: ds-emedia

Latest version: 1.0
Added 2006-05-23Updated 2006-09-18

Lets you debug and visualize Java applications on the conceptual level of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) at which they are designed and makes it possible to find not only simple bugs but also weaknesses and inefficiencies in application design.
jBixbe shows the big picture of your application so you can recognize classes and objects, and their relationships in UML structure diagrams and interaction with UML sequence diagrams. Different view levels support top-down debugging from design level to source code level and simplify debugging of multi-threaded applications. Source code debugging is fully integrated into the object-oriented visualization.

Features include:
- top down debugging from design to source code level
- UML sequence diagrams to display message exchange between objects
- UML structure diagrams to display object relationships and data structures
- classes, threads and source files overviews
- object references as clickable links
- drag & drop for object references
- source code debugging with breakpoints and local variable views
- Project management with auto open/save functionality
- debugging of remote Java Virtual Machines
- supports Windows and Linux

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