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Categories: Compilation - Bytecode manipulation, Miscellaneous
Latest version: 1.2.3
Added 2006-03-20Updated 2007-11-14
Tool that makes Java applications compatible with various versions of the Java platform.
Retrotranslator supports all Java 5 language features and a significant part of Java 5 API on J2SE 1.4. In other Java environments only the Java 5 language features that don't depend on the new API are supported.
Retrotranslator is based on the ASM bytecode manipulation framework and the backport of concurrency utilities.
Java 5 features supported: Generics, Annotations, Reflection on generics and annotations, Typesafe enums, Autoboxing/unboxing, Enhanced for loop, Varargs, Covariant return types, Formatted output, Static import, Concurrency utilities, Collections framework enhancements.
 Built for Java |
 Free or free version available |
 Source code provided |