Semantic Designs Home Page
Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Clone detection and removal tool. Clone Doctor is a tool that detects and removes duplicate code ("clones"). It identifies not only exact, but near-miss duplicates in software systems and can be used on a variety of languages.
 Built for Java |
Home Page Categories: Documentation - Code commenting
Java Source Code Browser. This tool reads a designated set of Java source files and produces a JavaDoc equivalent extended with fully browsable source code containing hyperlinked cross-references within and across that set of files. Every identifier in the source code (public or local) acts as a link to its corresponding source definition, all uses of that identifier anywhere in the source files, and the corresponding JavaDoc information. This provides a convenient method for programmers to view the entire source of large application systems.
Features include: - JavaDoc tag compatible - Java 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 compatible - Produces JavaDoc equivalent web pages - Extracts full cross-reference and type information from both source and class files - Can handle large systems of source code - Optional specification of files via graphical project file chooser
 Built for Java |
Home Page Categories: Code protection - Obfuscation, Miscellaneous,
Java source code formatter. This tool reorganizes Java source text files to indent code blocks according to their nesting level.
Features include: - Formatted code compiles and executes exactly like unformatted code - Handles Java 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 - Specification of indentation step distance - Specification of arbitrary input tab column positions - Several styles of block ("curlybrace") indentation, including Sun standard - Option to list separate logical conditions (&&,||) on separate lines - A version with obfuscation capability can scramble the code to make it difficult to reverse-engineer - Can process batches of files, specified either manually or through a Java-based file-selector GUI - Output encoding in ASCII, European ASCII, or UNICODE (UTF-8 or UTF-16)
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Home Page Categories: Miscellaneous
Source code search engine. Provides an interactive interface enabling one to search across a large source code base, using the language structure of each of the languages providing more precise answers than simple string searches can produce. For any query, the Search Engine offers a list of matches with surrounding context; the use can select a specific match and immediately inspect the source file.
Features include: - Interactive search and inspection of source code - Search across millions of lines of code, tens of thousands of source code files - Query in terms of language lexical constructs such as identifiers, numbers, operators, string literals or comments to minimize false positives - Generic queries can match identifiers or string literals across multiple programming languages - Complex queries can match complex statements - Queries can have patterns (or regular expressions) on character strings - Numbers can compared to values or ranges - Language elements are normalized so escape conventions do not confound searches - Searches ignore language-specific intervening whitespace, linebreaks and comments, providing more accurate answers - Optional GREP-like string (regular expression) search - Scrollable list of search hits with context - Can handle many computer languages (Java, C#, C++, etc.) - Translates arbitrary characters sets into a uniform representation for indexing and display
 Built for Java |
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