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Caching systems

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Categories: Caching

Author: Wintermute

Latest version: 1.2
Added 2006-06-20

Library for indexing and searching data in an existing cache.

Features include:
- Multi-cache support (EHCache, JBosscache, OSCache, Tangosol)
- Transaction support
- Type aware searching
- Configurable property indexing
- Indexing/searching by interfaces
- Support for dynamic proxies
- Support for primitive attributes
- Support for collections and arrays
- String prefix searching
- EJB3 QL/SQL format querying
- Multi-attribute sorting
- Result paging
- Disk overflow for large indexes

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Categories: Caching

Latest version: 0.4
Added 2006-03-13

Cache for Java objects.

Features include:
- in-memory caching
- a design for a multi-threaded environment
- synchronized and blocking implementations
- a choice of eviction algorithms (LFU, LRU, FIFO)
- the choice of either hard or soft references for object storage

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Categories: Caching

Author: Brad Fitzpatrick

Latest version: 1.4.0
Added 2007-07-23Updated 2009-07-31

Distributed memory object caching system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load.
Several client APIs are available, including one for .NET and one for Java.

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Free or free version available
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GigaSpaces XAP

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Categories: Caching

Author: GigaSpaces

Latest version: 7.0.1
Added 2006-11-03Updated 2009-10-21

Grid-based application platform.
GigaSpaces eXtreme Application Platform (XAP) is a "Space-Based Architecture" (SBA) product, which basically places services in a grid, providing dynamic scalability. SBA is geared for the distribution of stateful service-oriented transactions.

XAP is available in three editions:
- the Caching Edition provides clustering capabilities to JDBC, JavaSpaces, and JCache, as well as a management console for the clustering configuration.
- the Enterprise Edition adds JMS clustering to the Caching Edition, as well as clustering for J2EE, C++, and .NET applications, as well as dynamic deployment, configuration management, and other features.
- the Community Edition has unlimited licenses and doesn't expire, but offers limited functionality.

Features include: Clustering; J2EE, C++, .NET APIs; JavaSpaces, JMS, JDBC, MAP/JCache APIs; Service Grid management console; Dynamic service deployment; Proactive cache; Distributed service container; Automatic provisioning; Deployment; Unemployment; Failure detection and handling; Dynamic scalability.

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Free or free version available


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Categories: Caching, Miscellaneous

Latest version: 2.0b1
Added 2005-06-17

EdenLib contains packages and classes for the following:
* Generic configuration interface
* Generic cache interface with in memory cache implementation
* IO utilities (byte counting streams and specialized writers)
* Text utilities including UTF-8 to ASCII and ASCII to UTF-8 escaping
* GUI tools including a set of classes for creating Wizards and a file system tree
* Resource loading and monitoring classes
* Database-agnostic locking and unique ID generation
* General utility classes for reflection
* Extensions of ArrayList and TreeMap which allow them to be used directly in Swing components

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Free or free version available


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Categories: Caching

Latest version: 1.0 RC 2
Added 2005-05-02

Distributed cache.
SwarmCache uses IP multicast to communicate with any number of hosts on a LAN.
It is specifically designed for use by clustered, database-driven web applications. Such applications typically have many more read operations than write operations, which allows SwarmCache to deliver the greatest performance gains. SwarmCache uses JavaGroups internally to manage the membership and communications of its distributed cache.

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Free or free version available
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Java Caching System

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Categories: Caching

Author: Apache Jakarta

Latest version:
Added 2005-05-02Updated 2006-07-07

Distributed caching system written in Java for server-side applications.
JCS (Java Caching System) goes beyond simply caching objects in memory.

Features include:
- Memory management
- Disk overflow (and defragmentation)
- Element grouping
- Quick nested categorical removal
- Data expiration
- Extensible framework
- Fully configurable runtime parameters
- Remote synchronization
- Remote store recovery
- Non-blocking "zombie" (balking facade) pattern
- Optional lateral distribution of elements via HTTP, TCP, or UDP
- Remote server chaining (or clustering) and failover

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Free or free version available
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Categories: Caching

Latest version: 1.0 Beta
Added 2005-09-15

Chisel is a semantic cache framework for Java. It calculates which parts of a SQL query can't be answered from the cache, and poses a smaller query (or queries) to obtain only those data from the source.

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Categories: Caching

Author: Tangosol

Latest version: 3.3
Added 2006-09-06Updated 2007-10-31

Enables in-memory data management for clustered J2EE applications and application servers.
Coherence coordinates updates to data using cluster-wide concurrency control, replicating and distributing data modifications across the cluster, and delivering notifications of data modifications to any server that requests them. Developers can take advantage of Coherence features using the standard Java collections API to access and modify data, and use the standard JavaBean event model to receive data change notifications.

Features include:
- Individual JVM in-process caching providing: JCache compliance; configurable cache expiry and eviction policies; JavaBean event notification; Read-through and write-through caching for database applications; On-heap, off-heap and on-disk caching using Java NIO; Local disk overflow caching and disk paged caching
- XML-based cache configuration
- Data grid capabilities including data partitioning and replication
- Clustered caching; Clustered FailOver and FailBack, automatic and transparent; Wide area clustering for global load balancing and disaster recovery
- Built-in Coherence*Web clustered HTTP session management
- Built-in Coherence*Extend-JMS proxy; Coherence*Extend-JMS client
- Local JMX support; Clustered JMX Support
- JAAS security framework
- Configurable cluster node authorization
- Cluster-wide parallel query capability
- J2CA transactional caching support with two-phase commit (2PC)

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Categories: Caching

Author: OpenSymphony

Latest version: 2.3.1
Added 2005-02-15Updated 2006-07-07

J2EE caching framework.
In addition to its servlet-specific features, OSCache can be used as a generic caching solution for Java applications.

Features include:
- Caching of arbitrary objects: you are not restricted to caching portions of JSP pages or HTTP requests. Any Java object can be cached.
- API: gives you full programmatic control over all of OSCache's features.
- Persistent caching: the cache can optionally be disk-based, thereby allowing expensive-to-create data to remain cached even across application restarts.
- Clustering: support for clustering of cached data can be enabled with a single configuration parameter. No code changes required.
- Expiry of cache entries: you have control over how cached objects expire, including pluggable RefreshPolicies if the default functionality does not meet your requirements.

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Free or free version available
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WebSphere Extended Deployment Data Grid

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Categories: Caching

Author: IBM

Latest version: 6.1
Added 2007-09-28

Component that provides data caching features enabling applications to process massive data volumes. Data Grid offers a customizable, pluggable data fabric framework that lets applications share data.

Features include:
- The in-memory management capabilities can support terabytes of data spread across thousands of servers.
- Can span thousands of Java Virtual Machines (JVM) and allow for very large datasets.
- Can execute in a standalone fashion within any J2EE or J2SE JVM running on at least J2SE 1.4.2 JDK.
- Non-WebSphere servers can leverage the ObjectGrid to provide a common data fabric approach across heterogeneous deployments.

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Categories: Caching

Latest version: 1.0 beta 5
Added 2005-02-12

FKache is an Open Source implementation of the JSR-107 JCache API.

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Free or free version available
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Categories: Caching

Author: JBoss

Latest version: 4.0.0.BETA2
Added 2009-10-21

Data grid platform.
The purpose of Infinispan is to expose a data structure that is highly concurrent, designed ground-up to make the most of multi-processor/multi-core architectures while at the same time providing distributed cache capabilities. At its core Infinispan exposes a JSR-107 (JCACHE) compatible Cache interface (which in turn extends java.util.Map). It is also optionally is backed by a peer-to-peer network architecture to distribute state efficiently around a data grid.
Offering high availability via making replicas of state across a network as well as optionally persisting state to configurable cache stores, Infinispan offers enterprise features such as efficient eviction algorithms to control memory usage as well as JTA compatibility.

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Free or free version available
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GemFire Enterprise

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Categories: Caching

Author: GemStone Systems

Latest version: 5.0
Added 2007-03-26

Distributed data caching platform.
GemFire Enterprise supports multiple topologies that allow it to be embedded into application architectures such as J2EE, .NET, Grid, SOA and portals.

Features include:
- Distributed data caching: Cache topologies (Peer-to-peer, partitioned, hierarchical/client-server caching); Disk overflow to scale to large data volumes (LRU, MFU, etc.); Disk Persistence
- Data distribution and cache consistency management: Asynchronous/synchronous propagation of cache updates; Transport layer based on TCP and reliable multi-cast; Support for loosely-coupled caches across a WAN Message queuing to support slow receivers; Declarative role-based reliable distribution (message-like semantics)
- JTA compliant transaction support
- Standards-based querying via Object Query language (OQL)
- Access APIs for Java, C++, C# applications
- Scalable distributed membership management
- High availability through n-way replication and disk persistence
- Connection level security (SSL) and on-the wire tamper-proofing
- XML data management with Xpath, XML:DB and SOAP API support
- System management: management console; visual statistics display; JMX API support

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Categories: Caching

Latest version: 1.4.1
Added 2005-06-30Updated 2008-03-06

Ehcache is a pure Java, in-process cache.

Features include:
- memory and disk stores
- scalable to hundreds of caches
- multiple CacheManagers per virtual machine
- supports Object or Serializable caching
- support cache-wide or element-based expiry policies
- provides LRU, LFU and FIFO cache eviction policies
- blocking cache to avoid duplicate processing for concurrent operations
- self-populating cache for pull through caching of expensive operations
- replicate by copy and invalidate
- listeners
- gzip caching servlet

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Free or free version available
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