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WebCab Bonds

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Categories: Miscellaneous

Author: WebCab Components

Latest version: 2.01
Added 2005-03-21Updated 2006-12-05

Models the pricing and risk analytics of interest rate cash and derivative products.
WebCab Bonds covers the fundamental theory of bonds, as well as the topics of fixed-interest bonds and interest-based calculations.

- Fundamental theory of bonds: Pricing and Yield, Treasury bonds, Constructing the Zero Rate Curve, Forward Rates and FRAs, Duration and Convexity
- Yield of Fixed-Interest Bonds on Interest payment dates
- Interest Calculations

Also contains:
- GUI Bundle: suite of graphical user interface JavaBean components allowing to plug-in GUI functionality (including charts/graphs) into client applications.
- JDBC Mediator: a J2SE component that mediates between a J2SE component, its J2SE clients and the database server.
- Web Application Example: a Java WAR file that contains a JSP example that makes use of the functionality provided by the J2SE Component.
- Synthetic JDBC: an example of how to make a JSP client using the J2SE component while manually implementing the JDBC code. The JSP application applies J2SE methods to certain rows from the database and lists the output in HTML format.

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