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Web frameworks

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Categories: Web frameworks

Author: Desiderata Software

Latest version: 2.0
Added 2007-04-17Updated 2008-01-24

Provides a Java framework and API for doing AJAX programming.

Jaxcent allows ful DOM access from server side in Java. A single JavaScript include statement needs to be added to HTML content, the rest of Jaxcent programming is in Java.
JavaScript can be taken advantage of, if desired, but JavaScript programming is not required.
In addition to dynamic Java AJAX access to the DOM, Jaxcent also provides access to session and application context, and can provide fully automated session data management for HTML forms.

Jaxcent works with AJAX compatible browsers and standard Java servlet containers.

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Free or free version available
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Google Web Toolkit

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX, Web frameworks

Author: Google

Latest version: 2.1
Added 2006-05-17Updated 2010-11-04

Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is a Java software development framework that makes writing AJAX applications like Google Maps and Gmail easy for developers who don't speak browser quirks as a second language.

With GWT, you write your front end in the Java programming language, and the GWT compiler converts your Java classes to browser-compliant JavaScript and HTML.

Features include:
- Dynamic, reusable UI components.
- Simple RPC: To communicate from your web application to your web server, you just need to define serializable Java classes for your request and response.
- Browser history management: Handles the browser's back button history.
- Real debugging: In production, your code is compiled to JavaScript, but at development time it runs in the Java virtual machine. That means when your code performs an action like handling a mouse event, you get full-featured Java debugging, with exceptions and the advanced debugging features of IDEs like Eclipse.
- Browser compatible: Supports IE, Firefox, Mozilla, Safari, and Opera with no browser detection or special-casing within your code in most cases.
- Interoperability and fine-grained control: If GWT's class library doesn't meet your needs, you can mix handwritten JavaScript in your Java source code using our JavaScript Native Interface (JSNI).
- In-browser development mode
- Declarative user interface: using an XML format, the UiBinder feature allows the creation of user interfaces through declaration rather than code
- Resource bundling
- Code splitting

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Free or free version available
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Categories: Web frameworks

Author: SUN Microsystems

Latest version: 1.2
Added 2008-12-08Updated 2009-06-25

Platform and tools suite for Java Web development.
JavaFX is fully integrated with the Java Runtime. It's a combination of a scripting language (JavaFX Script), a client platform and a set of tools that enable a collaborative developer-designer workflow.
Web developers can start building RIAs (Rich Internet Applications) using JavaFX by downloading the JavaFX SDK. Graphical designers can download the JavaFX Production Suite that provides the tools for collaborating with Web developers.

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Categories: Web frameworks

Author: ZValley

Latest version: 1.0
Added 2005-12-13

XML platform development environment for Rich Internet Applications.
Zen defines a development and a runtime environment that lets developers familiar with server-side technologies build front ends for applications that look and function like Windows applications.

Features include:
- more than 50 components, designed to take advantage of the Swing architecture, from enhanced basic components like Textfield or Toolbar, to advanced components like ZSelector or ZExplorerBar.
- you can develop and integrate your own widgets.
- your application can interact with server-side functionality, such as databases, Java objects, and other server-side services.
- in Zen, you use an XML-based programming model to develop an application, describe the user-interface, configure user interface controls, and define data bindings.
- two languages are used to write Zen applications: ZXML and Java. ZXML is an XML mark-up language that you use to lay out user interface components. You also use ZXML to declaratively define non visual aspects of an application, such as access to data sources on the server and data bindings between user interface components and data sources on the server.

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Categories: MVC, Web frameworks

Latest version: 1.3.0 RC 2
Added 2005-03-17Updated 2007-12-30

Component-based Java web application framework designed with simplicity and separation of concerns in mind.
Wicket pages can be mocked up, previewed and later revised using standard WYSIWYG HTML design tools. Dynamic content processing and form handling is all handled in Java code using a component model backed by POJO data beans.

Features include:
- Pages and components in Wicket are real Java objects that support encapsulation, inheritance and events.
- Separation of concerns: Wicket does not mix markup with Java code and adds no special syntax to your markup files.
- Secure: URLs do not expose sensitive information and all component paths are session-relative. Explicit steps must be taken to share information between sessions.
- Transparent, scalable clustering support: all Wicket applications will work on a cluster automatically and without additional work.
- Typesafe sessions: Wicket eliminates the need to manage HttpSession attributes by hand.
- Factory customizable: Wicket is extensible. Most operations are customizable through factories or factory methods.
- Native, cross-platform AJAX support

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Free or free version available
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Categories: Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science, Web frameworks

Latest version: 2.2
Added 2005-08-26

Jena is a Java framework for building Semantic Web applications. It provides a programmatic environment for RDF, RDFS and OWL, including a rule-based inference engine. Jena is open source and grown out of work with the HP Labs Semantic Web Programme.

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Categories: Web frameworks

Author: Matt Raible

Latest version: 2.0 M3
Added 2005-05-24Updated 2007-02-08

Application for "kickstarting" webapp development.

Download, extract and execute "ant new" to be up and running with a Struts+Spring+Hibernate application running on Tomcat/MySQL. AppFuse uses Ant, XDoclet, Spring, Hibernate (or iBATIS), JUnit, jMock, StrutsTestCase, Canoo's WebTest, Struts Menu, Display Tag Library, OSCache, JSTL and Struts (Spring MVC, WebWork, Tapestry and JSF are also options).

Features include:
- Cross-platform, implemented using Java technology.
- Should run on all J2EE 1.3+ compatible application servers that support J2SE 1.4.
- Authentication (using Acegi Security), Remember Me, Self Registration, Password Hint, GZip Compression.
- Support for SSL throughout, including login only.
- internationalization, with built-in translations for Dutch, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and Chinese.
- Label Tag Library for displaying validation errors next to fields.
- Unit testing environment using DBUnit, JUnit, jMock and Canoo's WebTest.
- Configuration and development using XDoclet, Spring and AppGen.

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Free or free version available
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Categories: Web frameworks

Latest version:
Added 2006-04-23

Set of Eclipse plugins for developing Struts-based web applications.
Struts-It is based on Eclipse 3.1 and integrated with WTP 0.7. It supports Struts 1.1, 1.2 and JSTL.

Features include:
- Support for Struts 1.1 and 1.2, Tiles.
- Multipage editor for viewing and modifying Struts-config.xml. The form-based editor supports the full set of Struts elements and attributes. You are able to adjust any parameter of struts-config without help of the text editor (although a text editor is included). Also, the editor provides a way to create all Struts artifacts like Form-bean, Action, Exception, etc.
- Wizards for creating: Struts project, Struts module, form-bean, action, local and global exception, local and global forward, datasource, MessageResources, plugins, Form class, Action class, and other Struts-related classes like configuration classes.
- Automatically modify the web descriptor (web.xml) when related Struts configuration was changed.
- Adds Struts capabilitiy to a Dynamic Web Project so that developers can use the Struts framework in their existing web applications.

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Free or free version available
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Categories: Web frameworks

Author: Hirondelle Systems

Web application framework.

Features include:
- let's you build a browser front-end to a relational database
- lets you put SQL in plain .sql text files
- lets you implement forms with plain old HTML
- allows package-by-feature, where closely related items are placed in the same directory
- has no reliance on javascript
- has no custom annotations
- has no custom .xml files (only web.xml is used)
- has no object-relational mapping
- can be used with any relational database that has a JDBC driver
- lets your Model Objects be immutable
- lets your Model Objects be responsible for their own validation
- lets your Model Objects avoid the Java Beans anti-pattern
- uses convention over configuration
- lets your apps assist in their own translation
- lets you place translations in the database

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Free or free version available

SweetDEV Framework

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Categories: Web frameworks

Author: Ideo Technologies

Latest version: 2.12
Added 2005-07-01

J2EE technical framework for Web application development.

Features include:
- set of web user interface controls and components
- develop your applications in HTML
- create filter management components by using copy/paste
- standardise the display of your application’s errors
- manage exporting tables to Excel
- manage multilingual interfaces
- integrate your graphic chart into all your applications without having to redefine it each time
- implement cache management technologies
- manage your configurations in XML files or databases and download them automatically
- use your stored procedures
- manage breaks in protocol, in architectures where security is especially important
- facilitate the recovery of parameters from different sources (flat files, databases, JNDI trees, Web repositories, ...)
- implement policies for managing access permissions
- adapt the behaviour of interfaces depending on the utilisation contexts (browsing, updating).

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Categories: Web frameworks

Author: Gestión 400

Latest version: 3.0
Added 2005-03-14Updated 2008-03-12

Framework for developing Java EE applications.
OpenXava allows you to define applications with POJOs, JPA and Java 5 annotations. It generates JSR-168 portlet applications.

Features include:
- Based on the concept of business component
- Although the User Interface is automatically generated (on fly) a front-end arrangement is possible
- Adapted to work with legacy database schemas
- Supports any application server (Tomcat, JBoss, WebSphere, etc)
- Supports JSR-168: All OpenXava modules are standard portlets too
- Persistence engine: EJB3 JPA, Hibernate or EJB2 CMP
- Tested with portals such as JetSpeed 2, WebSphere Portal, Liferay and Stringbeans
- Integration of reports made with JasperReports
- Licensed under LGPL. You can develop comercial application using OpenXava.
- All labels and messages are in English, Spanish, German, Polish, Indonesian, French and Catalan

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Free or free version available
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Categories: Web frameworks

Latest version: 1.0-stable5
Added 2009-02-23

Framework for building Web applications with Java that targets RESTfull architectures.

Features include:
- No need to compile, deploy or restart the server. Edit your Java files, save, refresh your browser and see the results.
- Stateless model: Play! is a "Share nothing" system. Ready for REST and scalable by running the same application on several servers.
- Template system: Based on Groovy as expression language, it provides template inheritance, includes and tags.
- Integration with Hibernate, OpenID, Memcached, ... and a plugin system.
- When an error occurs, Play! shows you the source code and the source code line. Even in templates.
- Pure Java code: Use any Java library and develop with your preferred IDE. It integrates with Eclipse or NetBeans.

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Free or free version available
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Categories: Web frameworks

Author: UCS

Latest version: 3.0 Community Preview
Added 2008-03-25

Java EE 5 open-source (GPL) framework for the development of web applications.
[fleXive] aims to speed up development by easing tedious and repetitive programming tasks and helping to keep the application flexible during the development-cycle and in production.

[fleXive] concentrates on enterprise-scale content modeling, storage and retrieval, and includes JSF support for displaying and manipulating these contents in web applications. The runtime environment can be included in existing Java EE applications.

Features include:
- EJB-based persistence engine with security and versioning
- SQL-like query language
- JSF-based web administration
- Web development JSF toolkit with reusable JSF components for integration into existing applications
- Based on Java 6, EJB 3, JSF, MySQL

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Free or free version available
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Categories: Page templating, Web frameworks

Latest version: 2.0
Added 2006-11-13

Database mapping layer library for the Apache Velocity template engine.
Velosurf provides automatic database mapping of tables and relationships without any code generation. It is a lightweight placeholder to heavy persistence systems. In the context of a Velocity Tools Webapp, it also provides tools for authentication, localization and forms data validation.

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Free or free version available
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Categories: MVC, Web frameworks

Author: The Apache Software Foundation

Latest version: 2.0.6
Added 2004-12-20Updated 2007-02-27

Open source framework for building Java web applications.
The framework is designed to streamline the full development cycle, from building, to deploying, to maintaining applications over time.

Features include:
- Build:
-- Jumpstart new projects with a bootstrap tutorial and template application or Maven archetype
-- Code against HTTP-independant framework interfaces
-- Code with stylesheet-driven form tags that provide their own markup
-- Ajax support
-- Inject dependencies into Actions using Spring
-- POJO forms: use any JavaBean to capture form input or put properties directly on an Action class
-- POJO Actions: use any class as an Action class
- Deploy
-- Add framework extensions by dropping in a JAR; No manual configuration required
-- Integrated profiling
-- Error reporting
- Maintain
-- Test Struts2 Actions directly, without resorting to mock HTTP objects
-- Customize the request handling per action, if desired
-- Built-in debugging tools
-- Customize tag markup by editing a FreeMarker template. JSP, FreeMarker and Velocity tags are fully supported.

Apache Struts 2 requires Servlet API 2.4, JSP API 2.0 and Java 5.
Apache Struts 2 was originally known as WebWork 2. After working independently for several years, the WebWork and Struts communities joined forces to create Struts 2.

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Free or free version available
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Categories: RAD - Dev automation, Rich client UI - Swing, Web frameworks

Author: Servoy

Latest version: 4.0
Added 2008-08-02

Cross-platform application development and deployment environment.
Servoy enables you to build applications that can be deployed to both the desktop and over the internet, with one code base.

Features include:
- Eclipse plug-in
- GUI designer
- event-driven
- scriptable through JavaScript

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Free or free version available


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Categories: MVC, Web frameworks

Author: Apache Jakarta

Latest version: 2.1
Added 2005-01-31

Apache Cocoon is a web development framework built around the concepts of separation of concerns and component-based web development.

Cocoon implements these concepts around the notion of 'component pipelines', each component on the pipeline specializing on a particular operation. This makes it possible to use a Lego(tm)-like approach in building web solutions, hooking together components into pipelines without any required programming.

Cocoon is "web glue for your web application development needs". It is a glue that keeps concerns separate and allows parallel evolution of all aspects of a web application, improving development pace and reducing the chance of conflicts.

Cocoon has been designed to coexist and interoperate side-by-side with your existing J2EE solutions or to give them new functionality without requiring any change in the existing infrastructure.

Cocoon interacts with many data sources, including filesystems, RDBMS, LDAP, native XML databases, SAP systems and network-based data sources. It adapts content delivery to the capabilities of different devices like HTML, WML, PDF, SVG, and RTF, to name just a few. You can run Cocoon as a Servlet as well as through a powerful, commandline interface. The deliberate design of its abstract environment gives you the freedom to extend its functionality to meet your special needs in a modular fashion.

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Free or free version available


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Categories: MVC, Web frameworks

Author: Gerd Ziegler

Latest version:
Added 2008-01-24

Web framework based on Java 1.5

Features include:
- technology-agnostic URLs
- fully JSP, Velocity and AJAX compatible
- state-free
- invisible to the web-client
- uses conventions and annotations, almost no configuration: scans the classpath for annotated classes
- small, few classes are visible to the programmer, mostly annotations

The controller:
ztemplates is built around urls; urls can define url-variables; annotate an action-pojo with @ZMatch("yourUrlPattern"); url-variable values are assigned to pojos; urls can be nested (included) in each other with url-references; the nesting supports inheritance (polymorphism); the url defines a sequence of callbacks to the action-pojo; the callbacks contain the application logic and create the view (render-pojos)
The view:
define the view data in render-pojos; define the view in a template file (JSP, Velocity,...); style the view with css by placing a css fragment next to the pojo; annotate the render-pojo with @ZRenderer to link the pojo to the template and css; annotate the render-pojo-properties with @ZExpose to make them available to the template; include views by exposing other render-pojos as a property with @ZExpose(render=true)

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Free or free version available
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XX Framework

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Categories: MVC, Web frameworks

Latest version: 1.1
Added 2006-02-21Updated 2006-10-03

Configurable, XML-centric implementation of the MVC development paradigm that includes automation functionality, where HTML form fields can be mapped directly to database fields for display or update without additional coding.
The framework promotes a use case oriented development approach.

Features include:
- XML files are used for configuration and XSL is used for display
- Tools such as Hibernate and Castor are utilized
- Built around standards including J2EE, XHTML, XML, XSL, CSS
- Built-in configurable data caching and thread pooling
- CRUD tasks can be handled with little or no coding
- Uses a "portal-based" approach to page design, allowing compartmentalization of functionality
- Integrates with web services or native Java classes

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Free or free version available
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Categories: Rich client UI - Swing, Web frameworks

Author: Soyatec

Latest version: 1.2.3
Added 2008-10-13

XAML/WPF for Java
eFace provides an unified programming model for building both rich client and Web application.

Features include:
- Rapid and domain-oriented development
- Cross-environment applications
- Insulation from technology change
- XAML fundamentals: a markup language for declarative application programming
- Controls: a library of controls that support user interface development
- Data binding: elements can be bound to data from a variety of data sources in the form of Java objects and XML
- Internationalization and Localization

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Free or free version available


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Categories: Web frameworks

Latest version: 1.5
Added 2006-02-22Updated 2009-02-01

Presentation framework for building web applications.

Features include:
- Zero external configuration per page/action (ActionBeans are auto-discovered, and configured using annotations)
- Binding engine that will build object webs out of the request parameters
- Localized validation and type conversion system
- Localization system that works even when you use direct JSP->JSP links
- Ability to re-use ActionBeans as view helpers
- Indexed property support
- Built-in support for multiple events per form
- Transparent file upload capabilities
- Support for incremental development (e.g. you can build and test your JSP before even thinking about your ActionBean)

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Built for Java
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Free or free version available
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Source code provided

JBoss Seam

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Categories: Frameworks, Web frameworks

Author: JBoss

Latest version: 2.1
Added 2005-10-18Updated 2008-03-04

Application framework for Java EE 5 that unifies the component models of JSF and EJB 3.0, providing a streamlined programming model for web-based enterprise applications.
Seam introduces the notion of declarative application state management for POJO components. Seam components are stateful and contextual, with a well-defined container-managed lifecycle. This approach helps solve a whole class of bugs and performance problems that plague web applications with non-linear or multi-window navigation. Seam also makes business process management a first class construct, by integrating JBoss jBPM into this state management architecture.
Seam helps testing Java EE 5 applications in unit test frameworks by leveraging the JBoss Embeddable EJB3 container.
Seam is compatible with any application server that supports the EJB 3.0 public draft, and with any JSF 1.2 implementation.

Even if you're not ready to plunge into Java EE 5 and EJB 3.0 today, you can still take advantage of Seam's approach to state management by using Seam with Hibernate 3 and the JBoss Microcontainer.

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Free or free version available
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Categories: Web frameworks

Author: JCorporate

Latest version: 5.6
Added 2005-07-22

Open standards-based J2EE architectural framework that allows the developer to concentrate on application logic.
Expresso is a library of extensible Java Server application framework components for creating database-driven Web applications based on open standards. Expresso integrates with Apache Jakarta Struts, which emphasizes presentation and application configuration, and bringing a tag library to Expresso. Expresso adds capabilities for security, object-relational mapping, background job handling and scheduling, self-tests, logging integration, automated table manipulation, database connection pooling, email connectivity, event notification, error handling, caching, internationalization, XML automation, testing, registration objects, configuration management, workflow, automatic database maintenance and JSP tag library, etc.

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Categories: Web frameworks

Author: The Apache Software Foundation

Latest version: 5.0.1 Preview
Added 2005-03-11Updated 2007-02-08

Framework for creating web applications in Java that reconceptualizes web application development in terms of objects, methods and properties instead of URLs and query parameters.

Tapestry is an alternative to scripting environments such as JSP (JavaServer Pages) or Velocity. Tapestry goes further, providing a framework for creating dynamic applications with minimal amounts of coding.
Tapestry's approach, using a component object model similar to a traditional GUI, provides the following benefits:
- Everything in Tapestry is a reusable component within and between projects.
- Framework does all the URL building and message dispatching, transparently.
- Internationalization/Localization: framework selects localized version of text, templates and images.
- Robust applications: Less code is less bugs; Built-in exception reporting; Line precise error reporting.
- Graphic designers and Java developers can work together without having to know each other's jobs.

Tapestry exploits the dynamic nature of the Java language, leveraging the JavaBeans API, as well as servlets and other J2EE technology.

Tapestry components are a combination of a specification file (in XML), an HTML template and a Java class (extending a framework class, with additions). Tapestry components are combined together to form larger components or complete Tapestry pages.

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Free or free version available
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Categories: AOP, Frameworks, Inversion of Control, MVC, Web frameworks

Author: SpringSource

Latest version: 3.0
Added 2005-03-10Updated 2009-09-25

Java/J2EE application framework.

Features include:
- JavaBeans-based configuration (XML)
- Inversion of Control (IoC) container
- AOP framework
- Declarative transaction management
- O/R mapping integration with Hibernate and JDBC support
- Web MVC framework
- Full Java 6 and Java EE 5 support (JDBC 4.0, JTA 1.1, JavaMail 1.4, JAX-WS 2.0)

Spring is modular, with a layered architecture, meaning that you can choose to use just about any part of it in isolation.
Spring is designed from the ground up to help you write code that's easy to test.

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Free or free version available
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Categories: Web frameworks

Author: Aveda Technology

Latest version: 1.0
Added 2005-10-05

Enables the encryption of URL parameters at the presentation layer of the web application. This secures your web application from a potential hacker manipulating the query request to gain access to sensitive data by altering parameters.
QueryCrypt works via a session listener, and API calls are provided to construct or deconstruct query parameters.

Features include:
- configurable with Servlet Init parameters on server startup.
- creates a unique set of private key(s) for each user-session and encrypt all user-session query data with that unique set of private key(s). One private key set per user-session.
- uses the user-session specific key set and the DESede (triple DES variant with three DES keys) to encrypt all query data.
- what the user sees in their URL is an unique MD5 message digest of the encrypted result. This further prevents hackers from guessing the user-session key set.
- ability to timeout query parameters to further enhance the security.
- customize the query name so that it masks the use of this product in your server architecture.
- Built in mechanism to prune stale or expired user-session data when session expires to maintain a small memory footprint.

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX, Web frameworks

Author: ICEsoft Technologies

Latest version: 1.8.2
Added 2006-07-24Updated 2009-10-05

Ajax application framework that enables J2EE application developers to create and deploy thin-client rich web applications in pure Java.

Features include:
- Direct-to-DOM (D2D): mechanism for rendering JSF pages directly into the browser.
- Ajax bridge: takes care of all aspects of communication between the server-side Framework and the client browser. It is mainly responsible for assembling DOM updates in the client browser, and propagating user interactions back to the server-side applications.
- Component suite: set of components including enhanced implementations of the standard JSF components as well as additional custom components.
- IDE integration for Eclipse, MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench, IBM Rational Application Developer, Sun NetBeans.
- Application servers supported: Tomcat, JBoss Application Server, WebLogic Server, Sun Java System Application Server, Oracle Application Server Container for J2EE (OC4J), WebSphere Application Server.
- Web browsers supported: Internet Explorer 6/7/8.x, Firefox 2/3.x, Opera 9.x, Safari 3.x, Chrome 1.x.

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Free or free version available


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Categories: Web frameworks

Latest version: 1.5
Added 2005-10-24Updated 2006-08-02

Open-source web application framework with tools and APIs to implement most common web features.
RIFE's toolkits can be used by themselves or together. RIFE ensures that every declaration and definition is handled in one place in the code.
RIFE's design blends the request-based and component-based approaches into a consistent component object model. Through a centralized site structure, an application can be split up into reusable binary modules that can be integrated into other projects.

Features include: Web application engine; Integrated web continuations; IoC support; Out of container testing; Content management framework; Bidirectional multi-format template engine; Template content transformation; Centralized meta-data facility; Authentication framework; JDBC abstraction layer; Database query builders; Persistence layer; Configuration framework; Central application life-cycle management; Cron-like scheduler; Asynchronous mail queue; Content syndication framework; Resource abstraction; Web services; JNDI support.

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Free or free version available
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Categories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML, Web frameworks

Latest version: 0.69
Added 2006-04-17

JTri consists in to parts:
- The Java.tri Tools: set of plugins for Eclipse to import UML models, design applications in high level extensible specification and generate code and even the entire application. By using velocity templates and the Jmerge technology, it can generate code without erasing custom developments.
- The Java.tri Framework: set of classes built around Struts and Hibernate to perform common tasks in web applications such as iterating on pages of data, displaying list of values to pick values from, list boxes that read from persistent data, master detail coordination, filter windows to perform search, and other features.

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Free or free version available
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Categories: RAD - Dev automation, Web frameworks

Latest version: 6.0
Added 2006-04-25

JAG (Java Application Generator) is an application that creates complete, working J2EE applications from a database or UML model.

Features include:
- Extendable framework of "application templates"
- The generated applications build with Apache Ant
- For the presentation tier, either Tapestry or Struts can be selected
- Webservices using Axis or XFire SOAP framework (based on STAX)
- Acegi for declarative authentication and authorization
- Rome RSS feed support
- Many to many relations support
- Jasper PDF Reports
- Generation of a Intellij 5 project file for a web application

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Free or free version available
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Categories: Frameworks, Rich client UI - Swing, Web frameworks

Author: C1 SetCon

Latest version: 1.0 RC 4
Added 2005-06-30Updated 2006-06-07

WidgetServer (WiSer) is a Java/XML server-side GUI-framework that enables an application to run as either
- a monolithic application with a Swing GUI,
- a client/server application with a thin Swing client,
- or as an application with a rich Web client based on HTML and JavaScript
without any change and without loss of functionality.

XML markup helps to define an application's GUI fully separated from Java code. A unified widget-based, object-oriented programming interface for Web and Swing GUIs is offered to the developer to control and assemble the GUI, instead of struggling with HTML, JavaScript, and HTTP requests, or the internals of Swing. For Swing client/server applications, the framework handles client/server communication, including compression and security layers. The framework also supports a mixed deployment mode, which enables one server to serve Swing clients and Web clients at the same time.
A WYSIWYG GUI-builder is included.

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Free or free version available
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zen Platform

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Categories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML, Web frameworks

Author: zeos informatics

Latest version: 2.0.4
Added 2005-04-05

Model-driven Java development environment for J2SE/J2EE.
The zen Platform allows to develop Java applications by modelling them through visual methods (RAD) without the need for technical expertise.
The development is integrated as a plug-in into Eclipse.

Features include:
- Graphical model driven development and execution
- Model-Test-Review development cycle, no code generation, no build (for
model changes), no deploy needed
- Application updates during runtime without server start/stop cycle
- Full access to all J2EE features, even in servlet-only deployments
- Automated business rules support
- Integrated localization
- Integrated output formats are html, pdf, wap (wml), xml and text. They can be extended
- Platform can be extended in many degrees

Built for Java
Built for Java


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Categories: Frameworks, Web frameworks

Author: The Apache Software Foundation

Latest version: 1.0.2
Added 2007-04-04

Application development framework.

Major components:
- NetUI: An annotation-driven web application programming framework that is built atop Struts. NetUI centralizes navigation logic, state, metadata, and exception handling in a single encapsulated and reusable Page Flow Controller class. In addition, NetUI provides a set of JSP tags for rendering HTML / XHTML and higher-level UI constructs such as data grids and trees and has first-class integration with JavaServer Faces and Struts.
- Controls: A lightweight, metadata-driven component framework for building that reduces the complexity of being a client of enterprise resources. Controls provide a unified client abstraction that can be implemented to access a diverse set of enterprise resources using a single configuration model.
- Web Service Metadata (WSM): An implementation of JSR 181 that standardizes a simplified, annotation-driven model for building Java web services.

In addition, Beehive includes a set of system controls that are abstractions for low-level J2EE resource APIs such as EJB, JMS, JDBC, and web services.

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Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
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Source code provided


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Categories: Web frameworks

Author: Apache Jakarta

Latest version: 2.4
Added 2005-01-27

Turbine is a servlet based framework that allows experienced Java developers to build web applications. Turbine allows you to use personalize the web sites and to use user logins to restrict access to parts of your application.

Turbine is a choice for developing applications that make use of a service-oriented architecture. Some of the functionality provided with Turbine includes a security management system, a scheduling service, XML-defined form validation server, and an XML-RPC service for web services. It is a task to create new services particular to your application.

The Turbine core is free of any dependency on a presentation layer technology. Both JavaServer Pages (JSP) and Velocity are supported inside Turbine. For developers already familiar with JSP, or have existing JSP tag libraries, Turbine offers support for the Sun standard.

Turbine is developed in an open, participatory environment and released under the Apache Software License.

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Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
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