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Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Mathematics, Logic, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Constraint programming, Rule-based Engines, Science

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Categories: Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Author: EsperTech

Latest version: 1.10
Added 2007-09-11

Component for developing Complex Event Processing (CEP) and Event Streaming Processing (ESP) applications.
NEsper enables development of applications that process large volumes of incoming messages or events. It filters and analyzes events in various ways, and respond to conditions of interest in real-time.

Features include:
- Event Stream Processing: Time-based, interval-based, length-based and sorted windows; Grouping, aggregation, sorting, filtering and merging of event streams; Tailored SQL-like query language using insert into, select, from, where, group-by, having and order-by clauses
- Event Pattern Matching
- Event Representations includes vanilla objects, XML documents and dictionaries, querying of deep object graphs and XML structures

Also available for .NET as Nesper.

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Free or free version available
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Categories: Graphics, Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Latest version: 0.8.0
Added 2007-05-21

Library of mathematical functions designed to be used in evaluating complex expressions and display the results graphically. It can be used either interactively or to interpret script files. JMathLib works like Matlab, Octave, FreeMat and Scilab.

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Categories: Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Author: JBoss

Latest version: 5.0.0.M3
Added 2005-02-10Updated 2008-12-08

Object-oriented rule engine for Java.

Drools is an augmented implementation of Forgy's Rete algorithm tailored for the Java language. Adapting Rete to an object-oriented interface allows for more natural expression of business rules with regards to business objects. More importantly, Drools provides for declarative logic programming and is flexible enough to match the semantics of your problem domain. The various parts that compose a rule may be extended to lend domain-specific sense to the rule.

Features include:
- Full Rete implementation
- Declarative programming
- Domain Specific Language: developers can write almost natural language semantics for rule authors
- Logic and data separation
- Language independent engine
- Eclipse plugin with intellisense autocompletion and debug views

Was also known as JBoss Rules, which is now only the name of the productized version of Drools.

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Free or free version available
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JMSL Numerical Library

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Categories: Charting, Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Author: Visual Numerics

Latest version: 6.0
Added 2009-09-01Updated 2009-11-06

Pure Java numerical library that operates in the Java J2SE and J2EE frameworks.
The JMSL Library provides software developers with a broad collection of mathematical, statistical, financial, data mining and charting classes. Functions range from basic algorithms such as linear algebra and regression to advanced neural network forecasting and other data mining, modeling and prediction technologies.

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WebCab Functions

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Categories: Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Author: WebCab Components

Latest version: 2.0
Added 2005-03-10

Java API components offering numerical procedures to either construct a function of one or two variables from a set of points (i.e. interpolate), or solve an equation of one variable. The interpolation procedures provided include Newton polynomials, Lagrange's formula, Burlisch-Stoer algorithm, Cubic splines (natural and free), Bicubic interpolation and procedures for find the interpolation functions coefficients. In order to solve an equation we provide the Van Wijngaarden-Dekker-Brent algorithm, interval bisection method, secant and false position, Newton-Raphson method and Ridders' method.

This suite includes the following features:
- Interpolation Module: polynomial interpolation and extrapolation, coefficients of an interpolating polynomial, interpolation and extrapolation in two or more dimensions.
- Equation Solver Module: Interval Method, Secant Method, Brent's Algorithm, Ridders' Method, Method of Regular Falsi, Method of Regula Falsi, Newton-Raphson Method, Fail-Safe Newton-Raphson Method.

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Categories: Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Author: Honeylocust

Latest version: 1.1
Added 2005-04-26

RngPack is a pseudorandom number generator package for Java. Pseudorandom means that the "random" numbers are generated by a deterministic mathematical process, not by a fundamentally random physical process such as radioactive decay or Johnson noise.

RngPack contains base classes that add value to random number generators, four research grade generators, as well as a wrapper for Java's built in random number generator and a demonstration application.

RngPack comes with java class documentation. Because RngPack is a set of Java classes it can be used in both applications and in applets. RngPack is available under the BSD License.

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Categories: Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Latest version: 2.4.0
Added 2007-09-15

Java package for training and using maximum entropy models.
Maximum entropy is a method for constructing statistical models of classification tasks, such as part of speech tagging in Natural Language Processing. Several example applications using maxent can be found in the OpenNLP Grok Library.

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Categories: Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science, Web frameworks

Latest version: 2.2
Added 2005-08-26

Jena is a Java framework for building Semantic Web applications. It provides a programmatic environment for RDF, RDFS and OWL, including a rule-based inference engine. Jena is open source and grown out of work with the HP Labs Semantic Web Programme.

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Categories: Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Author: Ilog

Latest version: 6.0
Added 2005-01-27Updated 2006-09-25

Business rule management system (BRMS) for Java. Policy managers and developers capture business logic as business rules.
With JRules, rules can be embedded in Web, legacy and back-office applications.

ILOG JRules provides work environments for users involved in managing and deploying business rules:
- Rule Team Server: allows business professionals to manage and edit business rules with their own tools using their favorite web browser.
- Rule Studio: allows developers to move between rules and code. Debugging transitions between source and rule engine.
- Rule Scenario Manager: allows everyone across the enterprise to verify rules and simulate business policy changes. Create and manage tests, define, run and compare scenarios.
- Rule Execution Server: allows business administrators to integrate rule management with their choice of platform and data storage. JRules supports major runtime platforms.

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OpenNLP Tools

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Categories: Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Latest version: 1.3
Added 2007-09-15

Collection of natural language processing tools that use the Maxent package to resolve ambiguity. The package include a sentence detector, tokenizer, pos-tagger, shallow and full syntactic parser, and named-entity detector.

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Free or free version available
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Categories: Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Author: Catalyst Development Corporation

Latest version: 3.0
Added 2007-01-03

For programmers and analysts, LogicGem proves logic and processes by finding missing rules, ambiguities, contradictions and redundancies. They're displayed visually and include tools to automatically correct errors. LogicGem provides the means to prototype a procedural concept, work it through analysis and design phases, then generates documentation and programming source code for various programming languages (Basic, C, C++, Fortran, FoxPro, Java, Pascal, PowerBuilder, SAS, Visual Basic, VB.NET, C#, or Xbase).

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Categories: Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Author: DNA Evolutions

Latest version: 2.0.6
Added 2006-04-05Updated 2007-09-17

Tour planning and optimization library that uses specialized genetic algorithms to calculate an optimized allocation of orders and stops to resources. The algorithm not only provides tours at minimum costs but also considers an arbitrary set of constraints for each tour.

Features include:
- available best practices addons for different industries
- Java/J2SE-compliant
- SOAP interfaces
- unlimited number of vehicles and stops

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Categories: Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Latest version: 1.5
Added 2005-04-12

JMathTools is a collection of independent modules dedicated to some common engineering needs:
- JMathArray: Collection of static methods applicable on arrays (double[], double[][], int[], int[][])
- JMathPlot (includes JMathIO): Interactive 2D/3D plot JPanels
- JMathIO (includes JDOM): Collection of Input/Output classes for ASCII, Binary (big and little endian), XML file reading and writing

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Categories: Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Author: Robert Breidecker

Latest version: 0.9.3
Added 2008-02-18

Library for adding mathematical, Boolean and functional expression parsing and evaluation to Java applications.

Features include:
- Parses and evaluates dynamic and static expressions at run time
- Useful for filtering data at runtime
- Supports mathematical, Boolean, String and functional expressions
- Supports major mathematical and Boolean operators
- 39 built-in Math and String functions
- Supports custom functions; Supports nested functions
- Supports variables; Allows for custom variable resolver
- No reparsing of expressions when variables change
- No dependencies to other non-standard Java libraries
- JUnit tests
- Compatible with J2SE 1.2 and above

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Free or free version available
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Common Knowledge

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Categories: Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Author: Object Connections

Latest version: 3.0
Added 2007-01-30

Cross-platform business rules engine and management system that supports the capture, representation, documentation, maintenance, testing and deployment of an organization's business rules and application logic.

Features include:
- Common Knowledge Studio: a visual business rules authoring environment that provides support for the capture, representation, maintenance, validation, evaluation, debugging and documentation of business rules
- Common Knowledge Rules Engine: business rules authoring and execution API
- Support for Java, Delphi, .NET, ActiveX
- Supported rule formats include: Workflows, Rete rules, Decision grids, State maps, Flow charts, Decision tables, Decision trees, Scripts, Active scripts

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Categories: Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Author: Numerical Method

Latest version: 1.6.0
Added 2011-08-12

Java numerical and statistics library of numerical methods and for numerical analysis and statistical data analysis.
SuanShu provides a collection of data structures to represent many mathematical concepts to help you write good object-oriented code.

Features include:
- differentiation and integration
- special functions
- root finding
- linear algebra
- optimization
- parallelization
- statistics
- time series analysis
- cointegration
- Markov chain
- Kalman filter
- hypothesis testing

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Categories: Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Latest version: 3.0.0
Added 2006-03-02

Library for the scientific community.

Features include:
- Units and quantities modules proposed as basis for the JSR-275 reference implementation.
- A coordinates module compliant with OGC/ISO specifications for the development and deployment of geographic applications.
- A mapping of mathematical structures (e.g. Group, Ring, Field, VectorSpace ) to Java interfaces.
- A linear algebra module, which includes a parameterized matrix class capable of resolving linear system of equations involving any kind of elements (e.g. Complex, ModuloInteger, RationalFunctions).
- A functions module for symbolic calculations and analysis.
- Different types of numbers such as real numbers of arbitrary and guaranteed precision, or the always exact rational numbers.
- Support for exact or arbitrary precision measurements (also strongly typed).
- Support for Standard, Relativistic, High-Energy, Quantum and Natural physical models.
- A monetary module for precision-guaranteed calculations and currencies conversions.

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Free or free version available
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Categories: Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Author: Singular Systems

Latest version: 3.0.0
Added 2007-09-05

JEP (Java Math Expression Parser) is a Java library for parsing and evaluating mathematical expressions.
With this package you can allow your users to enter an arbitrary formula as a string, and instantly evaluate it. JEP supports user defined variables, constants, and functions. A number of common mathematical functions and constants are included.

Features include:
- only 160KB as jar archive
- High precision using BigDecimals
- Includes common math functions and operators; Supports Boolean expressions; Support for implicit multiplication
- Extensible and configurable architecture
- Support for strings, vectors and complex numbers
- Allows declared or undeclared variables
- Java 1.5 compatible
- Supports Unicode characters
- Includes JavaCC grammar from which the main classes are generated

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Categories: Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Latest version: 0.8 Beta
Added 2006-04-27

Project aimed at providing a financial library for correct, accurate money calculations.
MoneyJar has also classes that help in calculating taxes and invoices. The library is fully internationalized, so that printing and maintaining money is in the required currency and/or format.

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Free or free version available
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WebCab Optimization

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Categories: Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Author: WebCab Components

Latest version: 2.6
Added 2005-03-14

Procedures for solving and performing sensitivity analysis on uni and multi-dimensional, local or global optimization problems which may or may not have linear constraints. Specialized Linear programming algorithms based on the Simplex Algorithm and duality are included along with a framework for sensitivity analysis w.r.t. boundaries (duality, or direct approach), or object function coefficients.

Features include:
- local unidimensional optimization: fast "low level" algorithms (where the weight is on speed and not the accuracy of the results); bracketing algorithm (find an interval where at least one extrema of a continuous function exists); locate algorithms (converge to the extrema if the extrema is bracketed and the function under consideration is continuous); accurate "high level" algorithms;
- global unidimensional optimization: finds global minima/maxima;
- unconstrained local multidimensional optimization;
- unconstrained global multidimensional optimization;
- constrained optimization for derivable functions with linear constraints;
- linear programming: here the functions are linear and the constraints are linear;
- sensitivity analysis: stability of the value and location of the extremum.

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Categories: Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Latest version: 1.3.0
Added 2005-04-12

Connects Java and MATLAB.
Native methods make it possible to use MATLAB's computational engine inside your own java applications, applets and servlets.

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Free or free version available
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WebCab Probability and Statistics

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Categories: Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Author: WebCab Components

Latest version: 3.6
Added 2005-03-14Updated 2006-12-05

Offers functionality for Basic Statistics, Discrete Probability, Standard Probability Distributions, Hypothesis Testing, Correlation and Linear Regression.

- Statistics Module: Incorporates evaluation procedures of standard quantitative measures of centrality (mean) and dispersion of (discrete) numerical sets. This module incorporates weighted averages, geometric mean, Inter-Quartile range, mean and standard deviation, sample variance and the coefficient of variation.
- Discrete Probability Module: Encapsulates the foundations of discrete probability and discrete probability distributions. This component includes the addition law, conditional probability, cumulative distribution function, mean and variance of a distribution, expected values, covariance and simplification of expressions involving random variables.
- Correlation and Regression Module: Allows the user to investigate relationships between two variables. These finding can be used to predict one variable from the given values of other variables. It covers linear (Spearman's, t-test, z-transform) and rank (Spearman's, Kendall's) correlation, linear regression and conditional means.
- Standard Probability Distributions Module: Assists in the development of applications that incorporate the Binomial, Poisson, Normal, Lognormal, Pareto, Uniform, Hypergeometric and Exponential probability distributions. The probability density function, cumulative distribution function and inverse, mean, variance, Skewness and Kurtosis are implemented where appropriate and/or their approximations for each distribution. It also offers methods that randomly generate numbers from a given distribution.
- Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Testing Module: Presents two aspects of inferential statistics known as confidence intervals and hypothesis testing.

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Categories: Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Latest version: 7.0
Added 2005-08-26Updated 2006-11-03

Rule engine and scripting environment written entirely in Java language.

Features include:
- uses an enhanced version of the Rete algorithm to process rules
- backwards chaining
- working memory queries
- can directly manipulate and reason about Java objects
- scripting environment, from which you can create Java objects, call Java methods, and implement Java interfaces without compiling any Java code
- includes a development environment based on the Eclipse platform

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Free or free version available


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Categories: Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Latest version: 2.2
Added 2005-02-07

Forward chaining rule engine.
This rule engine is used to power up the business process by rules in Java application servers, client applications, and servlets.

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Free or free version available
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Categories: Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Author: JAPISoft

Latest version: 3.5
Added 2005-02-12Updated 2006-10-27

Library for evaluating various mathematical expressions. User can evaluate instantly a string setting variables, adding its own functions or operators.

Features include:
- Decimal, string, boolean operators (or, and, not, xor...)
- Unicode
- High precision mode
- Boolean expression support; "if then else" expression; Short expression format; Variables; Multi-lines expressions
- Functions with decimal, boolean, string or list arguments
- Override or add your operators; Extend or add a new library dynamically; Override any functions from the current library by yours
- Lazy evaluation for boolean expressions
- Evaluation tree produced by a pluggable parsing system
- Evaluation optimization for symbol value changes
- Standard library with 24 mathematical functions
- Use delegates for resolving unknown functions or symbols
- Support for multithreaded computing
- JDK 1.1 compliant (tested on JDK1.1.8, JDK 1.4 and JDK1.5)

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Categories: Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Latest version: 3.0 RC 2
Added 2006-07-25

JGAP (Java Genetic Algorithm Package) is a genetic algorithms component that provides basic genetic mechanisms that can be used to apply evolutionary principles to problem solutions.
Custom components can be plugged in.

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