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Categories: AOP

Latest version: 1.5 Beta
Added 2008-01-26

Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) system for Java.
GluonJ provides AOP constructs by using annotations in regular Java. Developers can use GluonJ as a compile-time AOP system or a load-time AOP system. Weaving (program transformation) can be done by an ant task or a class loader.
The AOP constructs provided by GluonJ are not only pointcut-advices but also refinements, which are similar to intertype declarations in AspectJ. A refinement is a mechanism for extending an existing class. It can be used for implementing dependency injection.
GluonJ is a system integrating AOP and dependency injection.

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Categories: AOP

Author: JBoss

Latest version: 2.0.0.SP1
Added 2005-02-15Updated 2008-12-08

JBoss AOP allows you to apply interceptor technology and patterns to plain Java classes and dynamic proxies.
It is not only a framework, but also a prepackaged set of aspects that are applied via annotations, pointcut expressions, or dynamically at runtime. Some of these include caching, asynchronous communication, transactions, security, remoting.

Features include:
- Java Class Interception: Field, constructor, and method interception, public, private, protected, and package protected, static and class members.
- Fully compositional pointcuts caller side for methods and constructors, control flow, annotations.
- Aspect classes Advices can be incapsulated in scoped Java classes
- Hot-deploy: Interceptors can be deployed, undeployed, and redeployed at runtime for both dynamic proxies and classes.
- Introductions: ability to add any arbitrary interface to a Java class. Either an interceptor or a 'mixin' class can service method calls for the attached interfaces.
- Dynamic proxies: ability to define a dynamic proxy and an interceptor chain for it. Proxies can either be created from an existing class, or from a set of interfaces ala java.lang.reflect.Proxy.
- Metadata and attribute programming: ability to define and attach metadata configuration to your classes or dynamic proxies. Interceptors can be triggered when metadata is added to a class. We also have Metadata Chains, the ability to define defaults at the cluster and application level, as well as the ability to override configuration at runtime for a specific method call.
- Dynamic AOP: all aspected objects can be typecasted to an AOP API. You can do things like add/remove new interceptors to a specific instance or add/remove instance configuration/metadata at runtime.

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Categories: AOP

Author: Eclipse Foundation

Latest version: 6
Added 2004-12-20Updated 2009-03-16

Aspect-oriented extension to the Java programming language.
AspectJ enables clean modularization of crosscutting concerns, such as error checking and handling, synchronization, context-sensitive behavior, performance optimizations, monitoring and logging, debugging support, and multi-object protocols.

The AspectJ and AspectWerkz projects have agreed to work together as one team to produce a single aspect-oriented programming platform building on their complementary strengths and expertise. The first release from this collaboration is AspectJ 5, which extends the AspectJ language to support an annotation-based development style in addition to the familiar AspectJ code-based style. AspectJ 5 provides full AOP support for the new Java 5 language features.

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Categories: AOP, Frameworks, Inversion of Control, MVC, Web frameworks

Author: SpringSource

Latest version: 3.0
Added 2005-03-10Updated 2009-09-25

Java/J2EE application framework.

Features include:
- JavaBeans-based configuration (XML)
- Inversion of Control (IoC) container
- AOP framework
- Declarative transaction management
- O/R mapping integration with Hibernate and JDBC support
- Web MVC framework
- Full Java 6 and Java EE 5 support (JDBC 4.0, JTA 1.1, JavaMail 1.4, JAX-WS 2.0)

Spring is modular, with a layered architecture, meaning that you can choose to use just about any part of it in isolation.
Spring is designed from the ground up to help you write code that's easy to test.

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Categories: AOP

Latest version: 2.0
Added 2005-01-20Updated 2005-03-14

Dynamic AOP framework for Java.
AspectWerkz utilizes bytecode modification to weave your classes at project build-time, class load time or runtime. It hooks in using standardized JVM level APIs. Aspects, advices and introductions are written in plain Java and your target classes can be regular POJOs. You have the possibility to add, remove and re-structure advice as well as swapping the implementation of your introductions at runtime. Your aspects can be defined using either Java 5 annotations, Java 1.3/1.4 custom doclets or an XML definition file.
AspectWerkz provides an API to use the same aspects for proxies allowing a smooth transition for users familiar with proxies.
Features include: Annotation support; Aspects, advices and introductions are written in plain old Java code; The target classes can be regular POJOs; Weaving (bytecode modification) at compile time, load time and runtime; The join point model supports: method execution and call, constructor execution and call, field access, field modification, catch handlers, cflow, within and withincode, hasmethod and hasfield; Introductions/Inter type declarations (also called Mixins).

The AspectJ and AspectWerkz projects have agreed to work together as one team to produce a single aspect-oriented programming platform building on their complementary strengths and expertise. The first release from this collaboration will be AspectJ 5, which extends the AspectJ language to support an annotation-based development style in addition to the familiar AspectJ code-based style. AspectJ 5 will also provide full AOP support for the new Java 5 language features.

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Free or free version available
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Categories: AOP

Latest version: 1.0
Added 2005-05-03

Event-based Aspect-Oriented Programming (EAOP) for Java.
EAOP 1.0 realizes the EAOP model through the following characteristics:
- Expressive crosscuts: execution points can be represented by events and crosscuts can be expressed which denote arbitrary relations between events.
- Explicit aspect composition: Aspects may be combined using a (extensible) set of aspect composition operators.
- Aspects of aspects: Aspects may be applied to other aspects.
- Dynamic aspect management: Aspects may be instantiated, composed and destroyed at runtime.

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Built for Java
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Free or free version available
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Categories: AOP

Latest version: 0.8
Added 2005-05-03

Aspect-oriented framework for Java using only pure Java.

Features include:
- Aspects are written in pure Java.
- Aspects can be installed and deinstalled during runtime.
- Target classes can be written on a SUN JDK 1.4 or a SUN JDK 5.0 ( 1.5 ) basis.
- Lets you write advices that can be installed around method/constructor executions or calls.
- Lets you write Cflow-Advices.
- Lets you write MixIns/IntertypeDeclarations (which are currently loaded at program start and not deinstallable).
- Regular expressions are used for describing the pointcuts.

- needs the Runtime Environment SUN JRE 5.0.
- uses the JavaAgent technology introduced in SUN JDK 5.0.

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Built for Java
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Free or free version available
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