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Categories: Web frameworks

Latest version: 1.0-stable5
Added 2009-02-23

Framework for building Web applications with Java that targets RESTfull architectures.

Features include:
- No need to compile, deploy or restart the server. Edit your Java files, save, refresh your browser and see the results.
- Stateless model: Play! is a "Share nothing" system. Ready for REST and scalable by running the same application on several servers.
- Template system: Based on Groovy as expression language, it provides template inheritance, includes and tags.
- Integration with Hibernate, OpenID, Memcached, ... and a plugin system.
- When an error occurs, Play! shows you the source code and the source code line. Even in templates.
- Pure Java code: Use any Java library and develop with your preferred IDE. It integrates with Eclipse or NetBeans.

Built for Java
Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
Source code provided
Source code provided
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