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JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

JavaServer Faces, JavaServer Pages, AJAX, Javascript

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: The Apache Software Foundation

Latest version: 1.1.0
Added 2005-03-11Updated 2005-09-22

Open source implementation of JavaServer Faces (JSR-127).
MyFaces is a framework for building Java Server application GUIs based on JSF. JSF is comparable to the well-known Struts framework but has features and concepts that are beyond those of Struts.

Components and features:
- Tiles support: you can use Struts/Tiles in JSF projects by using the myfaces-tiles extension.
- JSCook Menu component: Javascript menu.
- Data Scroller component: scroll through UIData.
- Navigation component: hierarchical (vertical) navigation menu.
- Calendar component with localisation support.
- File Upload component
- UISaveState component: saving model state in the client response. (traditional JSP/Servlet applications save their state information within HttpSession objects)
- SortHeader component: clickable list column header with sort direction arrow.
- Extended DataTable component: list sort support and preserve DataModel option.
- Layout component: dynamic page layout control.
- TabbedPane component: a Swing like tabbed pane renderer.
- DataList component: a UIData-based list that can be used do simple iteration over a group of components or to render a HTML <ul> or <ol> list.
- RssTicker component.
- EmailValidator, CreditCardValidator, RegExprValidator, EqualValidator.

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Free or free version available
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Jakarta Taglibs

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: Apache Jakarta

Open-source repository for JSP custom tag libraries and associated projects, such as TagLibraryValidator classes and extensions to page-creation tools to support tag libraries.

Jakarta Taglibs also hosts the development tree of the reference implementation (RI) for the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL). This implementation is done under project standard. Currently, no other tag libraries in Jakarta Taglibs represent Java Community Process (JCP) standards.

- JCP standardized tag libraries: JSTL 1.0, JSTL 1.1
- Supported tag libraries: Application, Benchmark, BSF, Cache, DateTime, DBTags, I18N, Input (1.1), IO, JMS, JNDI, Log, Mailer, Page, Random, Regexp, Request, Response, Scrape, Session, String, XTags

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: Matej Koval

Latest version: 0.1
Added 2006-02-28

JavaServer Faces (JSF) component that allows you to display news from a specified RSS source in one configurable tag.
FaceRSS uses rsslib4j and therefore supports RSS version 0.9x, 1.0, and 2.0 with Dublin Core and Syndication namespaces.

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Free or free version available
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Nitobi Grid

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: Nitobi

Latest version: 3.42
Added 2007-02-07

Grid web component for displaying and editing tabular data in various web browsers with Ajax features.

Features include:
- AJAX databinding: connects to any table, database (including MySQL, SQL Server, DB2, Oracle, etc), even generated datasets
- AJAX sorting
- Cross-browser: supports IE, Firefox and Netscape
- In-place cell editing: built-in editors include Autocomplete, Textbox, Checkbox, Listbox, images, links, password and more
- Live-scrolling: for working with large datasets
- Six distinct modes for rendering data: LiveScrolling Ajax, LiveScrolling Local, Paging Ajax, Paging Local, ShowAll Ajax and ShowAll Local
- Copy & Paste into Excel: copy and paste grid data between Excel or between different grids
- Auto-save: automatically save user-entry changes back to database without a postback
- Master-detail
- Freeze and resize columns; Keyboard navigation; Tool tips; Configurable toolbar
- Available for ASP.NET, Java, PHP, ASP and Coldfusion MX

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OOP Bento framework

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Categories: Frameworks, JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

OOP Bento framework consists of a set of APIs for JSP/Servlet development

OOP ViewGenerator API : View generation by HTML / Input validation for CGI FORM
OOP ServletWorker API : MVC framework for Java Servlet programming
OOP LoginManager API : User authentication / Session tracking
OOP PooledStatement API : Pooling mechanisum of JDBC PreparedStatement
OOP Pop3Receiver API : Receive the e-mails
OOP MimeParser API : File upload by multipart/form-data
OOP BinaryStore API : Save the binary contents into SQL table
OOP MailScheduler API : Schedule to send the e-mails

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Free or free version available

pragmatic WebControls

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: pragmaticObjects

Latest version: 0.55 Alpha 1
Added 2005-03-14

Set of JSP tag libraries that allows you to build Outlook-style menu bars and tree controls in Java-based web applications (JSP, Struts or JSF).
The pragmatic WebControls combine JavaScript and CSS and generates the HTML and other client-based code dynamically.

Included controls are:
- pragmatic OutlookBar: delivers a way for JSP and Struts developers to incorporate an Outlook-style menu bar in their web applications.
- pragmatic Tree: allows JSP and Struts developers to enrich their web applications with a tree control.

Features include:
- Supports static data-binding via XML configuration files.
- Supports dynamic data-binding via a Java API.
- Context menus can be defined on any node of the pragmatic Tree control. Each context menu can also have its data statically- or dynamically-bound.
- Developed for and tested on Internet Explorer 6.x, Mozilla 1.7, Firefox 1.0, and Netscape 7.2 browsers.

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Free or free version available
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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: Getahead

Latest version: 2.0 RC 1
Added 2006-06-01Updated 2006-12-08

Open source library that allows you to write Ajax web sites.
DWR (Direct Web Remoting) allows Javascript in a browser to interact with Java on a server and helps you manipulate web pages with the results.

DWR consists of two main parts:
- A Java servlet running on the server that processes requests and sends responses back to the browser
- JavaScript running in the browser that sends requests and can dynamically update the webpage

DWR supports "reverse Ajax", which allows Java on the server to asynchronously send Javascript to the client.

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Free or free version available
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Categories: Charting, JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX


Latest version: 1.1
Added 2005-10-24

JavaServer Faces component library.
jenia4faces is composed of multiple component families, each solving a particular web scenario; developers can use a single family or all families together.
Families are:
- Dynamic: DHTML effects for JSF pages.
- Chart: dynamic chart generation with JFreeChart and Batik.
- Popup: various kind of popup handling.
- DataTools: extension to standard JSF DataTables.
- Template: template mechanism.

jenia4faces is based on the standard JSF API, so each library can be used with the implementation you prefer.

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Free or free version available
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JSF Client Side Validators

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Latest version: 1.0
Added 2005-11-10

JSF has no built-in support for "client side validations", this component's goal is to bring this functionality to JSF.
Client-side validations are implemented using a series of validator components.
There are five types of validators: Required Field Validator, Compare Fields Validator, Range Validator, Regular Expression Validator, Validation Summary.
These components allow optional methods like field highlighting, custom error messages, and more.

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Free or free version available

JSF Chart Creator

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Categories: Charting, JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: Cagatay Civici

Latest version: 1.0
Added 2005-11-10

JSF component that can be used to create charts on faces pages.

Features include:
- Supports 10 charts like bar, pie, line, area, etc.
- Supports 3d versions
- Fully customizable labels on charts
- Customizable layout of charts
- Customizable colors
- Customizable dimensions

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Free or free version available

JSP Weaver

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: ZeroTurnaround

Latest version: 1.0.2
Added 2008-07-07

Eliminates Java generation and compilation stage by interpreting JSP files on-the-fly.
Usually JSP is first translated to regular Java code and then compiled into a Java servlet. JSP Weaver reduces the time taken to reload a JSP up to 50 times bringing it from seconds down to milliseconds.

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: Apache Jakarta

Latest version: 1.0
Added 2006-05-12

Add-on library for Struts that supports the use of the JavaServer Faces (JSF) user interface technology in a Struts-based web application, in place of the Struts custom tag libraries.
As a proof of concept, it also includes the canonical "struts-example" example web application, converted to use JSF tags, as well as tags from the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL), version 1.0 or later. It also includes a very basic Tiles based application, modified in a similar manner.

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Free or free version available
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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: Webworks

Latest version: 1.15
Added 2008-03-24

File system explorer that you can add to your Java web applications, for example as part of your site administration functions.

Features include:
- Integrates by adding the jar and the jsp file in applications.
- Backwards compatible down to 1.3.x versions of the Java runtime environment and requires no changes to existing application or server setup.
- Pure HTML on the client side and works with or without JavaScript. It also does not use frames or applets.

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Free or free version available
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ADF Faces

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: Oracle

Latest version: Early Access Release
Added 2005-05-12

Set of user interface components based on the new standard for JavaServer Faces (JSF).
ADF Faces provide various components with built-in functionality - such as List-Of-Values, Table, hGrid, Color Picker, and Calendar - that can be customized and re-used.

Features include:
- File upload support is integrated at a component level.
- Client-side validation is automatically derived from Validators and Converters.
- A pageFlow scope makes it easier to pass values from one page to another.
- A new hybrid state saving strategy gives developers the best of both client and server-side state saving.

ADF Faces ensures a consistent look and feel for your application, allowing you to focus more on user interface interaction rather than look and feel compliance. The components support multi-language and translation implementation as well as accessibility features. ADF Faces Components use Partial Page Rendering (PPR) offering superior runtime interactivity. PPR allow the browser to just render a piece of a page instead of the entire page.

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BEA Workshop Studio

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Categories: IDEs - IDE plug-ins, JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX, Object-relational mapping

Author: BEA Systems

Latest version: 10.1
Added 2005-10-04Updated 2007-10-12

Tools for the Eclipse environment.
BEA Workshop Studio offers support for the development of web applications based on standards like JSF, EJB3, and JSP and frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, Struts and Tiles. It provides all the features of BEA Workshop for WebLogic, plus WYSIWYG editors and BEA's AppXRay technology, which provides understanding of the web application as a whole, capabilities in code completion, consistency checking with generated classes, configuration files or annotations, pre-build error checking, and validation. It also includes annotation-driven EJB3 tools, and bundles the Spring IDE Project for Spring Bean development.

The BEA Workshop Studio consists of:
- BEA Workshop JSP Editor
- BEA Workshop for Struts
- BEA Workshop for JSF
- EJB3 - Hibernate ORM Mapping Workbench
- DbXplorer, DbXaminer relational database tools
- AppXRay technology for all the above
- Spring IDE Project for Spring Bean development
- Flex Builder 2, Flex Builder 2 SDK, Flex Charting 2
- Runtime Debugging
- Deployment for multiple servers: WebLogic Server, Websphere, Tomcat, Resin, Jetty, JBoss

Previous name: M7 NitroX

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Coldtags suite

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: Coldbeans Software

Latest version: 3.80
Added 2009-10-07

Suite that provides over 380 JSP custom tags for common programming tasks.

Coldtags suite includes standard user interface components like buttons, lists, edits, grids, menus, tables, tree views, calendars, ajax, and more. With this suite developers and web designers don't need to worry about writing browser-specific HTML or JavaScript.

All controls are tested to operate on major Internet browsers as well as JEE servers.

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Free or free version available


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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: PHDCC

Latest version: 6.04
Added 2009-02-03

Java servlet search engine for web sites.

Features include:
- Java servlet for Tomcat, WebSphere, and other app-servers
- Customisable to integrate with your site
- Doesn't show ads from your competitors
- Online configuration screen
- Schedule regular indexing runs to update the search databases
- Searches HTML, PDF, DOC, XLS, PPT, TXT, JPEG and TIFF files
- Search words highlighted in web pages
- International support; User interface in 15 languages

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: TeamDev

Latest version: 1.2.2
Added 2007-10-18

JSF library for creating a dynamic UI for Web-based applications.
QuipuKit provides a set of AJAX-powered JSF components and client-side validation framework.

Features include:
- Included widgets: TreeTable, Chart, Calendar
- Enhanced implementations of the standard JSF components: DataTable, TwoListSelection
- AJAX-enabled page updates
- Styling
- Client-side support for standard JSF validators
- Flexible validation logic configuration and flexible error presentation

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Latest version: 1.6
Added 2005-06-28

This component is a JSP version of a treeview.

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Free or free version available


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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: DS Data Systems

Latest version:
Added 2008-08-02

Java-based online shopping cart application that allows store owners to sell their products over the internet.
KonaKart is a Java / JSP / XML based solution with Java APIs and a SOAP Web Service interface. It supports the JSR 168 Portlet specification and can be run in your portal server.

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Free or free version available

SpreadsheetConverter to Java/JSP

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Categories: Interoperability, JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: Framtidsforum I&M AB

Latest version: 3
Added 2005-09-07Updated 2006-01-02

Converts a Microsoft Excel workbook into a JSP-page and a calculating JavaBean.

Features include:
- Supports 180 of Excel's built-in functions (includes mathematical operations, text operations and advanced lookup operations).
- Supported charts: Pie, bar, column, scatter, line, and radar.
- Excel isn't needed. Once the web page is created, Excel is not required.
- Formulas protected: All calculations are done on the server, your formulas are totally hidden from the user.
- Handles formatting of numbers, currencies and text. Handles borders, colors, images.
- Generates formatted plain Java-code. All self-contained. No library files. No Excel needed once the JavaBeans is created.
- A separate JavaBeans is used as a session bean to do all the calculation. The JavaBean is totally independent of the JSP-page and can be used stand-alone.

Previous name: ExcelEverywhere for Java/JSP.

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: Ideo Technologies

Latest version: 1.2 RC1
Added 2006-06-22Updated 2007-04-05

Set of Ajax widgets you can plug in your JSP pages.
Includes DataGrid, MultiSelect Combo, Click to open, Expand/Collapse, Excel export, Vitual Window and Client/server communication.

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Free or free version available
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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

The display tag library is an open source suite of custom tags that provide web presentation patterns that will work in an MVC model.

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Free or free version available

DBGrid For JSP

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: Prasad P. Khandekar

Latest version: 2004-07-27
Added 2005-05-20

ASP.NET style grid control for JSP.

Features include:
- Data pagination
- Sorting by a specified column
- Automatic row number display
- Image-based hyperlink columns
- Hyperlink columns
- Custom data formatting
- Value decoding

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Free or free version available
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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Latest version: 1.2
Added 2005-02-09Updated 2005-06-08

Tag library for Struts that helps with interface creation.
Struts-Layout provides tags to insert usual components (panels, input fields, tables, pagers, treeviews, sortable lists, datagrids, popups, calendars etc).
The tags deal with the layout and the developers don't have to write HTML code.

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Free or free version available
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NetAdvantage for JSF

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: Infragistics

Latest version: 2008 Volume 2
Added 2006-06-01Updated 2008-10-02

Collection of AJAX-enabled JavaServer Faces (JSF) web UI components.
The components include tree, grid, menu, tab, and numerous input controls.

Features include:
- AJAX requests behind the scenes
- Detection of client browser capabilities to send AJAX requests
- Data-binding and paging technologies to handle large amounts of data
- Built-in state management to keep the client and server in sync, between user interaction with UI components and AJAX calls
- UI-element architecture that provides granular control over styling the surface of all JSF components
- Built-in multi-language and translation
- Accessibility support (Section 508)
- Supports visual and declarative programming of components
- Integration with Sun Java Studio Creator and Eclipse

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Backbase JSF Edition

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: Backbase

Latest version: 1.2
Added 2006-05-18Updated 2006-11-13

Enables Java developers to create AJAX user interfaces on top of existing or new Java applications and web services by using an Eclipse-based development process.

The JSF Edition includes:
- The Backbase AJAX Engine
- Over 30 out-of-the-box AJAX components
- Backbase JSF server-side runtime
- Backbase Eclipse plug-in

The Backbase JSF runtime enables developers to utilize out of the box AJAX client controls. These Backbase controls can be included in the application by using a server-side JSF tag library. All controls can be used within a Single Page Interface.
The Backbase JSF runtime enables server-side events and other code run within Application-context instead of within Page-context. Additionally it offers client-server synchronization by tracking differences between client- and server-state and sending only the small delta over the communication line, instead of performing a full form post-back.

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RichFaces - Visual Component Platform

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: Exadel

Latest version: 2.0
Added 2006-03-24Updated 2006-10-02

Component library for JSF that includes a framework for integrating AJAX capabilities into business application development.
This toolset also includes a "skinable" functionality.

Features include:
- JSF components with built-in AJAX support
- Adding AJAX capability to existing JSF components
- Adding AJAX capability without JavaScript code
- Client-side debug panel for tracking AJAX requests
- Full support for JSF lifecycle using AJAX
- Support for JSF implementations: JSF 1.1 RI, JSF 1.1.2 My Faces, JSF 1.2 RI

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Nitobi ComboBox

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: Nitobi

Latest version: 3
Added 2007-02-07

Web auto-completing textbox.
Nitobi ComboBox offers dropdown-list or lookup functionality for your web applications.

Features include:
- Cross-browser, cross-platform (PC/Mac compatible)
- Section 508-compliant; Unicode compliance and localized language-packs; Keyboard navigation
- Can be bound to a recordset
- Six search modes: paging, filtering, smartlist (like GMail and Outlook), smartsearch (fuzzy substring autocompletion), compact (type-ahead only with no drop-down), and unbound
- Ajax support: performs on-the-fly data requests without postbacks
- Supports Java, classic ASP and PHP

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: nextWebStep

Latest version: 1.23
Added 2005-06-16

webbase is a Java class library with 55 GUI components like buttons, input fields, bitmap graphics, radio buttons etc. which is used for development of web applications.
Main feature of webbase is the automatically server-sided generation of GUIs in HTML as frontends on client side.

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Latest version: 0.3.2
Added 2005-09-12

Smile is an open source implementation of the JavaServer Faces API (JSF) . Special attention is given to the non-JSP programming model.
Main goals are specifications compliance, a rich set of GUI controls and a designer application to create your JSF pages.

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Free or free version available

dotJ Custom Tag Library

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: dotJ Software

Latest version: 2.0.18
Added 2005-03-04

UI controls for developing your JSP applications.
- grid control that features automatic sorting, paging, inline row editing, row selection, and customizable look and feel.
- file upload tag, with a listener interface to intercept and customize file uploading processing logic.
- calendar control, including a fixed mode and a user selectable popup mode. Also includes DHTML navigation.
- form-based tags that also include out-of-the-box client-side and server-side validation logic.
- tab container tag to display multiple panes of information on one screen.
- dialog box control, featuring expand/collapse and drag and drop capabilities.
- and more tags...

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JSF Tab component

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Latest version: 0.2
Added 2005-09-12

Tab component based on Java Server Faces.

Features include:
- Multiple level tabbed menu
- Dynamical menu based on different roles
- Integrates with J2EE container managed security
- JSF navigation integration
- XML configurable

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Free or free version available

Java Studio Creator

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Categories: IDEs - IDE plug-ins, JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX, RAD - Dev automation

Author: SUN Microsystems

Latest version: 2.0
Added 2006-01-26

IDE for rapid visual web application and portlet development.
Java Studio Creator is built on NetBeans 4.1, and includes features like a set of JavaServer Faces components, support for building JSR-168 portlets, access to databases, an application model, and more.

Features include:
- Library of JavaServer Faces components including Table, Calendar, Tree, Tab Set, File Upload, and more.
- Enables AJAX development through AJAX-enabled JSF components.
- Drag-and-drop configuration of JavaServer Faces components.
- Query Editor, Page Navigator, Cascading Stylesheet (CSS) Editor, and visual access to Web Services and Enterprise JavaBeans.
- Includes a JDK, Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 Platform Edition and a sample database; no configuration required.
- Support for developing Java Specification Request 168 (JSR 168) compliant portlets.
- Applications developed with Java Studio Creator can deploy to standard J2EE containers including Java System Application Server, BEA WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, Tomcat, and others.

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Free or free version available


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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX, Web frameworks

Author: ICEsoft Technologies

Latest version: 1.8.2
Added 2006-07-24Updated 2009-10-05

Ajax application framework that enables J2EE application developers to create and deploy thin-client rich web applications in pure Java.

Features include:
- Direct-to-DOM (D2D): mechanism for rendering JSF pages directly into the browser.
- Ajax bridge: takes care of all aspects of communication between the server-side Framework and the client browser. It is mainly responsible for assembling DOM updates in the client browser, and propagating user interactions back to the server-side applications.
- Component suite: set of components including enhanced implementations of the standard JSF components as well as additional custom components.
- IDE integration for Eclipse, MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench, IBM Rational Application Developer, Sun NetBeans.
- Application servers supported: Tomcat, JBoss Application Server, WebLogic Server, Sun Java System Application Server, Oracle Application Server Container for J2EE (OC4J), WebSphere Application Server.
- Web browsers supported: Internet Explorer 6/7/8.x, Firefox 2/3.x, Opera 9.x, Safari 3.x, Chrome 1.x.

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Free or free version available

Google Web Toolkit

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX, Web frameworks

Author: Google

Latest version: 2.1
Added 2006-05-17Updated 2010-11-04

Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is a Java software development framework that makes writing AJAX applications like Google Maps and Gmail easy for developers who don't speak browser quirks as a second language.

With GWT, you write your front end in the Java programming language, and the GWT compiler converts your Java classes to browser-compliant JavaScript and HTML.

Features include:
- Dynamic, reusable UI components.
- Simple RPC: To communicate from your web application to your web server, you just need to define serializable Java classes for your request and response.
- Browser history management: Handles the browser's back button history.
- Real debugging: In production, your code is compiled to JavaScript, but at development time it runs in the Java virtual machine. That means when your code performs an action like handling a mouse event, you get full-featured Java debugging, with exceptions and the advanced debugging features of IDEs like Eclipse.
- Browser compatible: Supports IE, Firefox, Mozilla, Safari, and Opera with no browser detection or special-casing within your code in most cases.
- Interoperability and fine-grained control: If GWT's class library doesn't meet your needs, you can mix handwritten JavaScript in your Java source code using our JavaScript Native Interface (JSNI).
- In-browser development mode
- Declarative user interface: using an XML format, the UiBinder feature allows the creation of user interfaces through declaration rather than code
- Resource bundling
- Code splitting

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Providing libraries of Open Source JSP Tags for use within any web applications that use Java Server Pages.

Main libraries :
* cachetags
* exttags
* filetags
* formtags
* htmltags
* mailtags

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Free or free version available


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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX, Profiling - Debugging

Author: Desiderata Software

Latest version: 1.0
Added 2007-02-07

Tool for debugging JSP (Java Server Pages) scripts.
Given a JSP, JspDebug will generate a Java file that's close to the JSP, and can be debugged using any IDE that has a debugger. The structure of this Java file is specially designed for ease of debugging. Once the bug has been found, the fix can be put into the original JSP. Before adding the fix to the original JSP, the Java file generated by JspDebug can also be modified to see if a particular fix will solve the problem.

Features include:
- During debugging, a String variable named _content is available. It can be examined or watched in the debugging IDE, and it will contain the JSP output until the current statement.
- Supports Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2

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RapidSpell Web Java

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: Keyoti

Latest version: 2.4.0
Added 2007-01-10

JSP spell checker.

Features include:
- cross browser (and multi client platform)
- written for JSP 1.1 and up
- uses combined or separate customizable 140,000 word US and UK dictionaries
- Australian, Canadian and non-English dictionaries are available on request
- supports user dictionary stored on the server (unique per user or shared amongst groups)
- no post-back interface
- suggestion engine
- UI provides support for: change, change all, ignore, ignore all, undo, and smart suggestions
- Section 508 compliant and conforms to W3C AA

Built for Java
Built for Java

WebGalileo Faces

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: JSCAPE

Latest version: 3.0
Added 2005-03-17Updated 2006-12-23

Set of customizable user interface components for developing of Java-based web applications.
With full support for the Sun JavaServer Faces (JSF) specification WebGalileo Faces provides developers with the tools needed to capture and respond to UI events in the browser.

Features include:
- MVC (Model View Controller) Design: Separation of code and content allows software developers and web page designers to easily work together.
- Existing Framework Support: WebGalileo Faces components may be used in a number of existing presentation layer frameworks such as Struts and Cocoon allowing developers to leverage their existing investment.
- Client and Server Side Components: Components may be manipulated using a JavaScript API from the client side or Java API from the server side.
- Extensible API: Modular design allows components to be customized to meet specific needs.
- Ajax support
- Support for Sun Java Studio Creator, IBM Rational Application Developer, Oracle JDeveloper, JBuilder 2005, Eclipse

Components include: Tabbed Panel, Toolbar, Menu, Tree, Table, Pop-Up Dialog, HTML Editor, Calendar, Color Dialog, Calculator, Tree Table, Charts, FlowCharts.

Built for Java
Built for Java

Backbase AJAX Struts Edition

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: Backbase

Latest version: 3.2
Added 2006-11-13

AJAX development framework to ajaxify Struts-based applications.

The Backbase AJAX Struts Edition allows:
- rendering to the Backbase AJAX engine, allowing richer presentation through the use of pre-defined AJAX widgets and behaviors;
- for partial page updates, i.e. a response that will update an area on the page instead of rendering a complete new page.

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Built for Java

Struts Console

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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: James Holmes

Latest version: 4.8
Added 2005-06-01

Standalone Java Swing application for developing and managing Struts-based applications. With the Struts Console you can visually edit JSP Tag Libraries, Struts, Tiles and Validator configuration files.

The Struts Console also plugs into multiple Java IDEs for management of Struts applications from one central development tool.

Features include:
- Full support for JSP Tag Library files (*.tld)
- Full support for Struts 1.0 - 1.2 config files
- Full support for Tiles config files
- Full support for Validator 1.0 and 1.1 config files
- Plugin support for Java IDEs: JBuilder, Eclipse, WebSphere Appl. Dev., IDEA, NetBeans, JDeveloper, Sun One Studio (Forte)

Built for Java
Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
Source code provided
Source code provided


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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Latest version: 1.0
Added 2006-08-07

Adds ajax capability to JSF applications without writing Javascript.

Ajax4jsf leverages JavaServer Faces, including lifecycle, validation, conversion facilities and management of static and dynamic resources. Using Ajax4jsf, components with built-in ajax support and a customizable look-and-feel can be incorporated into JSF applications.

Features include:
- Ajax support within JSF for asynchronous communication and partial page updates
- Compatibility with JSF utilizing all JSF features during the Ajax request/response lifecycle including event listeners, validation, transformation, and messages
- Capability to make existing JSF components Ajax-enabled with no changes to the components themselves
- Ajax features without JavaScript coding

Built for Java
Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
Source code provided
Source code provided


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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Latest version: 1.0
Added 2006-05-15Updated 2007-09-29

Ajax framework that provides a model for reusable Ajax-enabled widgets of your own design or for those extending existing toolkits such as Dojo, Yahoo UI Widgets, Abobe Spry, or Scriptaculous. jMaki facilitates the passing parameters to your widgets and provides the means to better connect your widgets to your server-side resourcess using XML or JSON. Currently the jMaki server-side runtime is provided as a JSP tag library or a JSF component.

The jMaki JavaScript runtime is responsible for bootstrapping all widgets and passing parameters provided by a server-side runtime. The jMaki server-side runtime sits behind the JavaScript Runtime API and is responsible for tying the jMaki JavaScript runtime to a server-side runtime such as Java or the JavaScript-based Phobos runtime. The XmlHttpProxy provides a generic JSON-based access to a widget range of XML-based services using an HTTP client.

Built for Java
Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
Source code provided
Source code provided
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