ZValley Home Page
Home Page Categories: Rich client UI - Swing
Latest version: 1.1 Added 2005-12-13
Provides components and solutions that complement Swing and assist in creating Enterprise Internet Application solutions. Wingz is a framework that provides what is needed to create data-centric GUIs for Java environments.
Features include: - Wingz Widget: more than 50 components designed to take advantage of the Swing architecture. Includes ZTextField, ZExplorerBar, ZButton, ZTable, ZTableView, ZPanel, ZSelector, ZBorder, etc. - Wingz Kernel: offers convenience classes such as a dynamic Table Object for database access and a plugable comunication layer.
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Home Page Categories: Web frameworks
Latest version: 1.0 Added 2005-12-13
XML platform development environment for Rich Internet Applications. Zen defines a development and a runtime environment that lets developers familiar with server-side technologies build front ends for applications that look and function like Windows applications.
Features include: - more than 50 components, designed to take advantage of the Swing architecture, from enhanced basic components like Textfield or Toolbar, to advanced components like ZSelector or ZExplorerBar. - you can develop and integrate your own widgets. - your application can interact with server-side functionality, such as databases, Java objects, and other server-side services. - in Zen, you use an XML-based programming model to develop an application, describe the user-interface, configure user interface controls, and define data bindings. - two languages are used to write Zen applications: ZXML and Java. ZXML is an XML mark-up language that you use to lay out user interface components. You also use ZXML to declaratively define non visual aspects of an application, such as access to data sources on the server and data bindings between user interface components and data sources on the server.
 Built for Java |
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