Google Web Toolkit
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Categories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX, Web frameworks
Author: Google
Latest version: 2.1
Added 2006-05-17Updated 2010-11-04
Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is a Java software development framework that makes writing AJAX applications like Google Maps and Gmail easy for developers who don't speak browser quirks as a second language.
With GWT, you write your front end in the Java programming language, and the GWT compiler converts your Java classes to browser-compliant JavaScript and HTML.
Features include:
- Dynamic, reusable UI components.
- Simple RPC: To communicate from your web application to your web server, you just need to define serializable Java classes for your request and response.
- Browser history management: Handles the browser's back button history.
- Real debugging: In production, your code is compiled to JavaScript, but at development time it runs in the Java virtual machine. That means when your code performs an action like handling a mouse event, you get full-featured Java debugging, with exceptions and the advanced debugging features of IDEs like Eclipse.
- Browser compatible: Supports IE, Firefox, Mozilla, Safari, and Opera with no browser detection or special-casing within your code in most cases.
- Interoperability and fine-grained control: If GWT's class library doesn't meet your needs, you can mix handwritten JavaScript in your Java source code using our JavaScript Native Interface (JSNI).
- In-browser development mode
- Declarative user interface: using an XML format, the UiBinder feature allows the creation of user interfaces through declaration rather than code
- Resource bundling
- Code splitting
 Built for Java |
 Free or free version available |
 Source code provided |