Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML
Includes Software design MDA = Model Driven Architecture
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML
Author: Visual Paradigm
Latest version: 4.0 Added 2005-09-29Updated 2007-06-30
SDE for Eclipse is a UML CASE tool totally integrated with Eclipse. It supports full software development lifecycle - analysis, design, implementation, testing and maintenance. It combines the power of UML modeling facilities and Eclipse. You can draw UML diagrams in Eclipse/IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD), generate Java code, reverse engineering Java code to class diagrams and generate documentation in PDF/HTML. UML 2.1 enabled.
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Home PageCategories: IDEs - IDE plug-ins, Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML
Author: Omondo
Latest version: 2008 3.4 Added 2006-05-29Updated 2008-10-03
Visual modeling tools integrated with Eclipse 3.2-3.4 and JDK 5-6.
Features include: - Support for UML 2.1 - UML Profiles - Live bidirectional code and model synchronization - Native GEF and EMF integration - Modeling and deploying J2EE (EJB and Servlet) - Modeling, mapping and deploying databases - Team support - CVS integration - Class and sequence diagram reverse engineering from the byte-code
Two version exist: EclipseUML Free Edition and EclipseUML Studio
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML, Object-relational mapping
Author: Visual Paradigm
Latest version: 5.0 Added 2005-09-01
UML CASE tool supporting real-time bi-directional round-trip code-model synchronization. VP-UML supports the standards Java notations and the full UML 2.0 diagrams and notations so as to support the full round-trip code generation and code reverse engineering for Java. VP-UML supports object-relational mapping and EJB development by acting as a bridge between object model, data model and relational database, and supports the generation and synchronization of database and code including POJO and EJB.
Features include: - Use-case scheduling - Textual analysis - Model sharing among diagrams - Mouse gesture - Modeling with Visio stencils - HTML or PDF report generation - Report writer - Code generation - Code reverse engineering - Support of Rose project import - XMI import/export - EJB diagram support and EJB code generation and deployment - Customizable SQL - Integrates with Eclipse/IBM WebSphere, JBuilder, NetBeans IDE/Sun ONE, IntelliJ IDEA, JDeveloper and WebLogic Workshop.
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML, RAD - Dev automation
Author: Model2code
Latest version: 1.2 Added 2009-09-25
Integrated environment for UML models' elaboration, execution and automated transformation into Java applications (JSF / MVC Architecture / Hibernate). M2Sping combines Model Driven technologies, MagicDraw UML Modeler and BluAge automatic application Generator.
Features include: - UML Modeling - Java application generation: Generate turn key application, Advanced MDA, Agile methodology, Database modeling
Supported technologies: UML 2.2, OCL 2.0, XMI 2.1, EMF UML2 2.x XMI, MDA/MDD, M2M, M2T, ATL, Jet, Hibernate, JSP, Webservice, SOA, Java, JDBC (Oracle 9i/10g, SQL Server 2000/2005, MySQL, PostgreSQL, DB2 UDB), IBM WAS 6.x, Weblogic 9.x/10.x, JBOSS 4.x, Tomcat 5.x, IIS 6.0.
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML
Author: AgileJ
Latest version: 1.5.0 Added 2007-01-24Updated 2008-03-03
Plugin for Eclipse that creates reverse-engineered UML class diagrams.
Features include: - The diagrams are filterable through custom rules - If you rename or move a class to another package, all diagrams follow suit - You can set rules as to what a diagram should show. eg. all members of package X or all subclasses of type Y - There's no separate UML model, all diagram info is sourced from the Eclipse JDT as you view it - Shows all Java related static model information. eg. synchronized, final, deprecated, exceptions, and inner classes on the diagrams - Shows Eclipse markers on the diagrams: errors, warnings, // TODO - Exports JPEG, SVG, GIF or PNG
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML
Author: Borland
Latest version: 2006 Release 2 Added 2005-04-22Updated 2007-09-12
Visual modeling platform designed to support architects, Java developers, UML designers, business process analysts, and data modelers in the delivery of software applications, as well as extracting design information from existing applications. Together for Eclipse allows creating UML 2 and business process models (BPMN) to generate and import business process execution language with Web Services definitions (BPEL4WS). Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) features include OMG’s Query View Transformation (QVT) used in model-to-model transformations and support for OCL 2.0 with syntax highlighting, validation, and code sense. Together for Eclipse supports C++ or Java 5 applications in the Eclipse 3.2 shell.
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML, RAD - Dev automation
Author: Skyway Software
Latest version: 6.3 Added 2009-09-25
Spring-certified code generator.
Features include: - Open source Spring MVC scaffolding - Java application generation - Integration with UML and build automation tooling - Grails-like functionality for creating pure Java Spring apps - Extensible architecture - Visual Spring development using the familiarity of Eclipse - Configurable deployment to a variety of open-source and commercial infrastructure stacks
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML, Object browsing - Library viewers
Author: MaintainJ
Latest version: 1.3 Added 2006-10-21Updated 2007-09-05
Eclipse plug-in for generating run-time UML sequence and class diagrams for a use case. MaintainJ logs runtime method execution sequence to a file and uses that trace file to render sequence and class diagrams. MaintainJ Instrumentation Wizard instruments a Java/J2EE application and MaintainJ UML Editor renders sequence and class diagram from the trace file.
MaintainJ helps you to find out what happens in an application when you run a use case. It can be used to understand large, complex Java code.
Features include: - Generate runtime UML sequence and class diagrams for a given use case on demand - Source untouched: The application code is untouched; application is rebuilt using AspectJ compiler to capture the method execution sequence at runtime - Aspects for instrumenting the code are generated by wizard - Collapsible calls: Method calls in sequence diagram are collapsible. Developers can explore a sequence diagram by collapsing and expanding calls as necessary. - Focused Diagrams: Only application classes in specified packages are shown in diagrams. All loop calls and recursive calls are removed from sequence diagrams. - Instrument Java applications or Jar files in Eclipse using AJDT or outside Eclipse using Ant. Generate trace files by running the application with instrumented class or jar files. - Multi-threaded application support: MaintainJ logs separate trace files for each thread in one use case. - JUnit integration - Eclipse Integration: Double click a call or class to open matching method or class in Eclipse. - Print or export diagrams as JPEG images.
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Home PageCategories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers, Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML
Author: hello2morrow
Latest version: 4.0 Added 2008-03-03Updated 2009-04-06
Software architecture management solution. Basically there are two main use cases for SonarJ: - You want to make sure that a given software architecture is reflected by the source code - You want to check the technical quality of a software delivery.
Features include: - Ability to check a given set of Java source and class files to its conformance to a given logical architecture - Logical architecture definition - Checking for architecture violations and cyclic dependencies - Calculates metrics: ACD (average component dependency - about internal coupling), LOC (lines of code), Cyclomatic complexity, Assertion usage, Relational cohesion, Metrics of Robert C. Martin (abstractness, instability, etc.), and more. - Ant task and Maven plugin
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML
Author: Objecteering Software
Latest version: 6 Added 2006-05-20
Provides coverage of model driven development. Incorporating the UML 2.0 modeling and MDA developments for model driven engineering, Objecteering 6 manages model consistency and traceability throughout the entire development cycle, from requirements, analysis and design through code generation, tests and application deployment.
Features include: - Dynamic model completeness and consistency checking - MDA automation - Integrated repository shared throughout all development phases - Automated documentation generation and web publishing - Integration and synchronization with the Eclipse development environment - Java, C#, C++, SQL, CORBA and Fortran generators - Teamwork management capacity with model merging facilities and configuration management tools integration - Integration with third party tools such as Configuration Management, Requirements Management, Application Servers and IDEs - Allows you to create your own UML extensions to further adapt it to your business domain and your technical target platforms
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML
Author: Gentleware
Latest version: 1.1 Added 2006-12-13Updated 2007-02-13
Modeling extension to Eclipse for creating and editing models alongside code. Apollo for Eclipse offers synchronized roundtrip engineering for Java 5 and UML 2.1.
Features include: - Forward, reverse, and roundtrip engineering - Support for Java 5 - Support for UML 2.1 - Available as a standalone RCP or as an extension to Eclipse - Based on GMF, EMF and UML 2
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML
Latest version: 1.0.1 Added 2007-12-30
Java framework for behavior-driven development.
Features include: - Behaviour runner: equivalent to JUnit - Story runner: runs executable scenarios / acceptance criteria - Story printer: outputs stories and scenarios in human-readable form - Minimock framework: a lightweight mocking framework based on JMock - Classmock framework: allows minimock to mock concrete classes - A Swing harness - Ant tasks: run behaviours, run stories and print stories using filesets - Maven integration: provides same functionality as Ant task using Maven - Eclipse and IDEA plugin: runs behaviours in your favourite IDE
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML
Latest version: 0.16.1 Added 2005-05-18
ArgoUML is a modelling tool that helps you do your design using UML.
Features: * Click and Go with JavaWebStart * Platform Independent: Java 1.3+ * Standard UML 1.3 Meta-Model * 8 out of 9 Diagrams supported * XMI-Support * Export Diagrams as GIF, PS, EPS, PGML and SVG * Internationalization EN, DE, ES, RU, FR * Advanced diagram editing and Zoom * OCL Support * Forward Engineering * Reverse Engineering / Jar/classfile Import * Cognitive Support: Reflection-in-action (Design Critics, Corrective Automations, "To Do" List, User model); Opportunistic Design ("To Do" List); Comprehension and Problem Solving (Explorer Perspectives; Multiple, Overlapping Views; Alternative Design Representations: Graphs, Text, or Table)
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML
Author: microTOOL
Latest version: 7.0 Added 2007-08-27
Tool for Model-Driven Development with UML that allows you to create and maintain class, package, activity, use case, sequence and state diagrams.
Features include: - Modeling standards supported: UML and BPMN - Model-Driven Development with model transformations and code generation according to the concepts of MDA/MDD - Code generation and roundtrip engineering with Visual Studio. Two-way integration with Visual Studio .NET keeps model and code in sync. - Refactoring functions on architecture and class levels - Documentation generation - Interfaces: XMI export, COM interfaces
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML
Author: Altova
Latest version: 2005 Added 2005-05-24
UML 2.0 modeling application.
UModel features context sensitive entry helpers, syntax coloring, cascading styles, customizable design elements, multiple layout views, and unlimited undo/redo, coupled with modeling functionality such as: - Java code generation from models: the code generated by UModel is compatible with Eclipse, JBuilder, Visual J#, and other popular Java development environments. The Java code created by UModel is defined in customizable templates you can modify to optimize for your compiler or target platform. - reverse engineering of existing Java source code. - round-tripping modified code to update existing models.
Supported diagrams: Use case, Class, Object, Packages, Component, Deployment.
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML, Web frameworks
Author: zeos informatics
Latest version: 2.0.4 Added 2005-04-05
Model-driven Java development environment for J2SE/J2EE. The zen Platform allows to develop Java applications by modelling them through visual methods (RAD) without the need for technical expertise. The development is integrated as a plug-in into Eclipse.
Features include: - Graphical model driven development and execution - Model-Test-Review development cycle, no code generation, no build (for model changes), no deploy needed - Application updates during runtime without server start/stop cycle - Full access to all J2EE features, even in servlet-only deployments - Automated business rules support - Integrated localization - Integrated output formats are html, pdf, wap (wml), xml and text. They can be extended - Platform can be extended in many degrees
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Home PageCategories: IDEs - IDE plug-ins, Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML
Author: Compuware
Latest version: 4.0 Added 2005-08-09
Implements OMG’s Model Driven Architecture (MDA), offering vendor- and language-independent interoperability. OptimalJ offers model-to-model and model-to-code transformation. OptimalJ's model-driven approach allows developers to build a visual model of applications and automatically generate the code needed to implement n-tier applications.
Features include: - Domain Model Editor: build a domain model — the starting point for development tasks. - Source Editor: In addition to its visual interfaces, the integrated development environment provides a source editor, class browser, form editor and debugger to enable developers to view, modify and customize the generated application. - Business Rules Editor: based on user-defined business rules, developers can customize applications. - Create applications using the J2EE components including Session and Entity EJB, JSP and application data tables. - Active synchronization: Java code remains synchronized with the application model. - Integrated deployment: automatically deploy to J2EE production servers including WebSphere, Weblogic and JBoss. - Includes an open-source test environment that includes a web server and EJB container.
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML
Author: Soyatec
Latest version: 3.4.0 Added 2007-03-27Updated 2008-10-13
UML modeler designed for Java developer in Eclipse.
Features include: - Real-time code/model synchronization - UML2.1 compliant and support of OMG XMI - Reversed engineering - Dependency analysis tools - JDK 1.4 and 1.5 support - Customizable templates
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML
Author: Balazs Tihanyi
Latest version: 2.02 Added 2009-09-01
Tool for creating UML class diagrams.
Features include: - C# and Java support with language specific elements - Inline class editors with syntactic parsers - Source code generation - Reverse engineering from .NET assemblies - Configurable diagram styles - Multilingual user interface
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Home PageCategories: Code generation, Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML, RAD - Dev automation
Author: Computer Associates
Latest version: 6.0 Added 2005-03-09Updated 2007-05-21
Architected RAD tool that combines the techniques of model-based development, patterns and code generation to accelerate the delivery and maintenance of .NET and Java applications.
Features include: - Multi-platform code generation: generates complete applications including user interfaces, business logic and database objects. - Patterns: utilize and extend patterns from supplied pattern libraries or write your own. - Visual development environment with multi-developer repository based on semantic network technology. - C# server generator built on .NET 2.0 - Enables design and generation of Swing Desktop Clients and Applets. - EJB design and generation across multiple app servers (JBOSS, Websphere, Weblogic, etc.). - OLE DB support for Oracle, DB2, MS SQL Server and other databases. - JDBC support for Oracle, DB2, MS SQL Server, Ingres and other databases. - Provides interoperability with Java and IBM System i applications. - Automatically provides DataSet interfaces for integrating Plex .NET apps with other tools. - HTML thin client generation and XML and web services support. - Platform independent model can also be generated for other platforms (including C++/MFC)
Previous name: AllFusion Plex
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML
Author: No Magic
Latest version: 15.0 EAP beta 1 Added 2003-05-20Updated 2007-10-24
Visual UML modeling and CASE tool with teamwork support. Designed for Business Analysts, Software Analysts, Programmers, QA Engineers, and Documentation Writers, this development tool facilitates analysis and design of Object Oriented systems and databases. It provides database schema modeling, DDL generation and reverse engineering facilities.
Features include: - Support for UML 2.2 notation and metamodel - Support for UML 1.4 metamodel - Support for XMI 2.1 - UML extensions (profiles) - Navigation with hyperlinks, backward and forward through your diagrams - Reverse engineering and code generation support for J2EE, C#, C++, CORBA IDL programming languages, .NET, XML Schema, WSDL - MSIL reverse engineering - Database modeling, DDL generation and reverse engineering facilities - Support for Business process modeling using BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation) - BPEL Export functionality allows you to export your Business Process Execution Language (BPEL 1.1) compliant code from a BPMN diagram. - Imports static and dynamic structure information from ProActivity business models for instant creation/redesign of IT systems. - Integration with Sun Java Studio, CaliberRM, WebLogic Workshop, IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, NetBeans, IBM Rational Application Developer, JBuilder. - SysML plugin that supports all SysML diagrams, including Requirements, Block Definition, Internal Blocks, Parametric and other UML diagrams reused by SysML. - Dependency matrix - Domain Specific Language customization engine
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML, Web frameworks
Latest version: 0.69 Added 2006-04-17
JTri consists in to parts: - The Java.tri Tools: set of plugins for Eclipse to import UML models, design applications in high level extensible specification and generate code and even the entire application. By using velocity templates and the Jmerge technology, it can generate code without erasing custom developments. - The Java.tri Framework: set of classes built around Struts and Hibernate to perform common tasks in web applications such as iterating on pages of data, displaying list of values to pick values from, list boxes that read from persistent data, master detail coordination, filter windows to perform search, and other features.
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML
Latest version: 1.0 RC 1 Added 2007-12-30
Java framework for behavior-driven development (BDD). JDave is inspired by rspec (a BDD framework for Ruby) and integrates JMock 2 as mocking framework and Hamcrest as matching library. It uses JUnit adapter to launch JDave specifications. This way it is possible to have IDE, build tool and coverage.
Features include: - Jemmy module - Wicket module - Wicket Selenium module - Scala module - Maven reporting plugin
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML, RAD - Dev automation
Author: Model2code
Latest version: 1.2 Added 2009-09-25
Integrated environment for UML models' elaboration, execution and automated transformation into Spring SOA applications. M2Sping combines Model Driven technologies, MagicDraw UML Modeler and BluAge automatic application Generator.
Features include: - UML Modeling - Spring application generation: Generate turn key application, Advanced MDA, Agile methodology, Database modeling
Supported technologies: UML 2.2, OCL 2.0, XMI 2.1, EMF UML2 2.x XMI, MDA/MDD, M2M, M2T, ATL, Jet, Struts, Spring 2, Hibernate, JSP, Webservice, SOA, Java, JDBC (Oracle 9i/10g, SQL Server 2000/2005, MySQL, PostgreSQL, DB2 UDB), IBM WAS 6.x, Weblogic 9.x/10.x, JBOSS 4.x, Tomcat 5.x, IIS 6.0.
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML
Latest version: 5.0 Added 2006-06-08
Open source project to develop an UML/MDA platform running on the Win32 platform.
Features include: - UML 2.0 diagrams - Java, C++ and C# code generation and reverse engineering - Microsoft Office document generation - Customizable code generation: text-based code template and generation; Script-enabled - Support MDA technology (UML profiles and customizable diagrams) - Diagram extensibility: dfine your own type of diagram beyond the UML ones - Extensibility: open API (COM Automation); COM-based plug-in architecture; Event subscription; Model template; Model framework support - Compatibility: Rational Rose import; XMI 1.1-UML 1.3 import, export (Unisys XMI support) - Model verification
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML
Author: Sparx Systems
Latest version: 6.5 Added 2003-05-20Updated 2006-10-19
UML modeling and design software.
Features include: - UML design and construction - Use case, logical, dynamic and physical models - Custom extensions for process modelling and more - MS Word compatible documentation - Data modelling and database engineering - Multi-user (professional version only) - Forward and reverse code engineering (professional version only) - Support for Java, C#, C++, VB.NET, Delphi, Visual Basic, Python, PHP and ActionScript - XMI 2.1 import/export facility - Spell checker - Supports UML 2.1 - Supports Model Driven Architecture (MDA) - Version control support with CVS, Subversion, Visual Studio Team Foundation Server (TFS) or any SCC compliant provider - Plug-ins for Visual Studio .NET or Eclipse
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML
Author: Change Vision
Latest version: 6.2.1 Added 2005-09-20Updated 2010-09-25
UML modeling tool integrated with ER Diagram (ERD), Data Flow Diagram (DFD), CRUD and Mind Mapping features.
Features include: - UML2.1 diagrams - Mind Map - ER Diagram - Flowchart - CRUD - Data Flow Diagram (DFD) - Requirement Table - Import/Export Java - Export C#, C++ - Export RTF, HTML - XMI Input/Output - Project Merge - Reference Model Management - Convert UML models to Mind Map - Convert models between ER, Flowchart and DFD
Previous name: JUDE
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML
Author: Gentleware
Latest version: 5.0 Added 2006-06-09Updated 2006-12-13
UML modeling tool. Poseidon for UML contains all UML diagrams and all implemented diagram elements. You can create, save, and load projects, browse existing models, exchange models, generate code, export your diagrams to various formats, etc.
Features include: - UML 2 diagrams - Template-based code generation - Reverse engineering for Java - Code generation for Java, C#, C++, VB.NET, IDL, SQL DDL, PHP, Perl and Delphi - Visual integration into the Eclipse IDE - JAR import to include existing libraries - Import of Rational Rose files (.mdl). - Saving format compliant to the UML 2.0 Diagram Interchange Standard - Supports XMI 1.2 as the standard saving format. XMI 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 can be loaded. - Internationalization and localization for English, German, Russian, French, Spanish, and Chinese - Real-time collaboration; Multi-user team support; Version control
Poseidon for UML evolved from the open-source project ArgoUML. It comes in multiple editions: Community, Standard, Professional, Embedded Enterprise, and Enterprise.
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML
Latest version: 3.0 Milestone 3 Added 2005-01-19
Open source code generation framework that follows the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) paradigm. AndroMDA takes models (usually UML models stored in XMI produced from CASE-tools) combined with of AndroMDA plug-ins (cartridge and translation-libraries) and generates deployable applications and other components. You can generate components for any language you want, Java, .NET, HTML, PHP, by writing (or customizing existing) plug-ins to support it.
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Home PageCategories: Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML
Author: IBM
Latest version: 6.12 Added 2005-04-20
Design-to-code experience inside Eclipse IDE and IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer and Integration Edition IDEs.
Features include: - IBM Rational Rose Professional J is included to integrate with other leading Java platform IDEs. - Model-driven development with UML support. - Java code roundtrip engineering. - Automatic or on demand model-code synchronization. - User-definable patterns and code templates. - Assisted modeling with language sensitive editing. - Multiple model support for Model-Driven Architecture. - Free-form diagramming. - Logical and physical database design. - Web publishing and reporting.
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