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JSF Chart Creator

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Categories: Charting, JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX

Author: Cagatay Civici

Latest version: 1.0
Added 2005-11-10

JSF component that can be used to create charts on faces pages.

Features include:
- Supports 10 charts like bar, pie, line, area, etc.
- Supports 3d versions
- Fully customizable labels on charts
- Customizable layout of charts
- Customizable colors
- Customizable dimensions

Built for Java
Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available

JMSL Numerical Library

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Categories: Charting, Math - Logic - AI - Rules - Science

Author: Visual Numerics

Latest version: 6.0
Added 2009-09-01Updated 2009-11-06

Pure Java numerical library that operates in the Java J2SE and J2EE frameworks.
The JMSL Library provides software developers with a broad collection of mathematical, statistical, financial, data mining and charting classes. Functions range from basic algorithms such as linear algebra and regression to advanced neural network forecasting and other data mining, modeling and prediction technologies.

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Categories: Charting, Graphics

Author: Northwoods Software Corporation

Latest version: 5.1
Added 2006-09-11

Graphics library for building custom interactive diagrams, network or workflow editors, connected graphs, scheduling or organizational charts, smart maps, flowcharts, and software design tools.
JGo has built-in support for many shapes, text, images, containers, connectors, orthogonal links, arrowheads, scrolling, zooming, selection, drag-and-drop, resizing, in-place text editing, tooltips, layers, and multi-page printing.

Features include:
- supports Java 2, Java 2D, Swing and SWT
- built-in support for Swing's Undo framework
- can be used in Web applications by putting the graph image generation and editing on the server as servlets

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Built for Java


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Categories: Charting

Author: NETRONIC Software

Latest version: 2.3
Added 2007-02-13Updated 2007-11-24

Java Bean component for creating Gantt charts to display activities and their allocations over time.
Three modules are available:
- Basic Module (just for viewing and printing): range of graphical layout functions, such as multi-level grouping, several tasks in a row, optimized layout to avoid overlapping, etc.; different calendar grids, multiple calendars; printing support, including for example paging and page preview.
- Data Editing Module (lets you create, modify or delete items in the chart): in-place-editing; drag&drop between different Gantt instances running in the same virtual machine; PERT/CPM scheduling for early and late dates, total and free float
- Histogram Module: calculates and displays workloads and capacities of resources; indicates resource availabilities and helps to avoid overload, shortfall or idle periods in production systems
- Printing of charts
- JavaBeans and JSF

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Built for Java


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Categories: Charting

Latest version: 1.0.0 RC 1
Added 2005-07-07

Class library for generating charts.
Utilising the Java2D APIs, JFreeChart supports bar charts, pie charts, line charts, XY-plots and time series plots.

Features include:
- pie charts (2D and 3D);
- bar charts (regular and stacked, with an optional 3D effect);
- line and area charts;
- scatter plots and bubble charts;
- time series, high/low/open/close charts and candle stick charts;
- combination charts; Pareto charts; Gantt charts;
- wind plots, meter charts and symbol charts; wafer map charts;
- access to data from any source via dataset interfaces;
- support for multiple secondary axes and datasets;
- tooltips, zooming, printing;
- export to PNG and JPEG;

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Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available

TeeChart for Java

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Categories: Charting

Author: Steema Software

Latest version: 1
Added 2006-11-03

Charting component.

Features include:
- 53 chart styles (in 2D and 3D plus multiple combinations)
- 40 mathematical functions
- 10 chart tool components like dragging series marks, annotation objects, cursors
and manual trend lines, coloring bands, etc.
- supports Eclipse, Netbeans, IDEA, JDeveloper and JBuilder

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Built for Java
Source code provided
Source code provided

Big Faceless Graph Library

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Categories: Charting, Graphics

Author: Big Faceless Organization

Latest version: 2.2.3
Added 2006-08-02

Class library for creating graphs and charts.
Backed by a 3D engine, it can plot 2D or shaded 3D pie charts, line graphs, area and bar graphs from any viewpoint to PNG, Flash, PDF or SVG.

Features include:
- XML and JSP tag library interface
- SOAP and XML Web Services interface for graph creation
- Embed JavaScript in your tags to create rollovers
- Full 3D engine with adjustable light source
- Output to PNG, SVG, Flash, PDF or java.awt.Image for use in applets
- Graph dates, currencies, percentages, numbers and discrete data out of the box
- Mix bars, lines, candles, bubbles, all on the same graph
- Add text, lines or custom markers anywhere on the graph, including axes
- Use up to four axes on the one graph, including logarithmic axes
- Plot mathematical functions, data samples and spline curves fitted to data, all on the same graph

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Built for Java


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Categories: Charting

Author: Swiftchart

Latest version: 2_20
Added 2007-01-03

Applet and application for generating dynamic charts and graphs.
The Swiftchart java application class allows server side integration, is Java 2 compliant and can be used within JSP or java servlets.

Features include:
- Charts in 2D/3D
- Chart types: bar, line, pie, stacked and grouped charts in 2D and 3D
- Anti-aliasing
- Multi language support
- Cross browser compatible
- Java Script parameter control
- Data labels
- Contextual data drill down
- CSV data sources
- Trend calculation
- 3D depth control
- Multiple y-axis
- Automatic chart scaling
- Multiple Graphs in one graph

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Built for Java


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Categories: Charting, JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX


Latest version: 1.1
Added 2005-10-24

JavaServer Faces component library.
jenia4faces is composed of multiple component families, each solving a particular web scenario; developers can use a single family or all families together.
Families are:
- Dynamic: DHTML effects for JSF pages.
- Chart: dynamic chart generation with JFreeChart and Batik.
- Popup: various kind of popup handling.
- DataTools: extension to standard JSF DataTables.
- Template: template mechanism.

jenia4faces is based on the standard JSF API, so each library can be used with the implementation you prefer.

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Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
Source code provided
Source code provided

WebCab JGraph

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Categories: Charting, Graphics

Author: WebCab Components

Latest version: 2.0
Added 2006-12-05

Graphing and charting component.

Features include:
- Graph component: Several interpolation methods can be used (e.g. cubic spline, linear interpolation); Multiple series; JDBC compliant; Zooming; Scaling; Centering; Saving as JPEG; Anti-aliasing; Dragging.
- Chart component: Several types of bar charts are available (e.g. bar and pie); Multiple series; JDBC compliant; Anti-aliasing; Light effect; Transparency; Shadows; Saving as JPEG; Rotation.
- Pie component
- Pictogram component

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Built for Java


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Categories: Charting

Author: Greenpoint Software

Latest version: 5.2
Added 2007-10-18

Development toolkit for rich-client and web-based charting and data visualization.

Features include:
- General purpose and specialized 2- and 3-dimensional charts
- Gauges
- Maps of the world, regions and leading industrial countries
- A technology that allows it to deliver charts as applets or animated interactive server-generated images to the web browsers and mobile devices in multiple formats (Flash, SVG, PDF, PNG, JPEG, TIFF, WBMP) as well as to include charts as a part of Swing or SWT based applications
- Set of API functions and transparent XML based formats allow WebCharts3D to be embedded into any application
- Chart Designer: a WYSIWYG designer helps you to define chart styles, view styles XSD Schema and DTD, generate XML and/or Java code, bind charts to datasources, view recommended JSP or custom tags code, deploy code to the server, and export and preview charts in a variety of formats.
- Swing-based Designer component: a simplified version of Chart Designer can be incorporated into your applications to provide your users with chart editing capabilities in WYSIWYG mode.
- Client-side components: Swing and SWT components that can be used within the corresponding framework to embed charts into rich client applications.
- Server-side components: JSP and JSF components that can be used with any J2EE application server to embed server-generated interactive charts into web applications.
- WebCharts3D Eclipse plugin

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