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Home PageCategories: Interoperability
Latest version: 2.1 Added 2006-06-27
Bidirectional Java-COM bridge that provides COM-to-Java and Java-to-COM interaction. ComfyJ allows integrating with any COM/OLE/OCX/ActiveX library and to expose Java objects as COM objects all on pure Java without writing native code.
Features include: - Wrappers for all standard COM interfaces, such as IUnknown, IDispatch etc. - Support for standard COM types, such as Variant, SafeArray (single and multidimensional arrays), BStr, etc. - Support for VTBL method calling mechanism. You can invoke COM object methods using the function index. - Automation support enabling you to: Invoke any method of a COM object using dynamic method invocation technique; Get any property of a COM object, including indexed and named ones; Set COM object properties. - Support for COM events. - Embedding any OLE/OCX/ActiveX controls into a Swing application. - DCOM support. - Code generation application: generate Java COM wrappers for custom COM objects. Generated classes can be compiled and packed to a JAR file if necessary.
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Home PageCategories: Reporting
Latest version: 1.1 Added 2006-06-19Updated 2008-02-27
Library for integrating Microsoft Excel into Swing applications.
The JExcel functionality can be divided into the following parts: - Automation of an Excel application, workbooks, worksheets, etc. This is the core functionality of the JExcel library, which allows working with Excel applications, workbooks, worksheets, ranges and cells. - Embedding a workbook in a Java Swing application. JExcel provides the JWorkbook component that allows embedding an Excel workbook in a Java Swing application as an ordinary Swing component. - Handling Excel workbook or worksheet events. Workbook and Worksheet JExcel classes allow adding listeners for events generated by a workbook or worksheet and event handlers to affect the application behavior. - Working with native peers. Native peers are provided to allow you to add custom functionality based on JExcel.
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Library |
Home PageCategories: Internet and communications, Rich client UI - Swing,
Latest version: 1.7 Added 2006-06-27
Library for integrating Internet Explorer into Java applications. JExplorer allows embedding the Internet Explorer browser into Swing applications and use the provided JExplorer API.
Features include: - Visual Browser component for embedding into a Swing UI and the HeadlessBrowser implementation for automated tests - Usual methods for navigation such as navigate(), back(), forward() and stop() - Regular Java listeners for various browser events - Execute JavaScript on the HTML page by using the WebBrowser.executeScript() method - Set and get the HTML content by using respectively the setContent() and getContent() methods of the WebBrowser instance - Create context-dependent Java menus instead of standard browser menus - Access to the browser's DOM and fast W3C DOM API adapters - Access to the browser's extended options such as AllowImages, AllowScripts, etc. - Set and get cookies for the specified URL by using the setCookie() and getCookies() methods - Forms API providing a way to manipulate data in the HTML form elements - Direct access to the MSHTML API via wrappers for COM interfaces - JNIWrapper API access
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Home PageCategories: Interoperability
Latest version: 3.2 Added 2005-04-11Updated 2006-06-19
Software development kit for working with native code from Java programs without using JNI. With JNIWrapper there is no need for you to create native code libraries to call a function of the operating system API or a function from any dynamic library. You write your code using Java only.
Main features: - Invoke any function with any parameters from native code library - Integrate COM/ActiveX objects and control their properties as pure Java objects - Support for both stdcall and cdecl calling conventions - Support for many data types including structures, unions and pointers - Callbacks with any parameters and stdcall or cdecl calling conventions - Specially tuned for operations with large amounts of complex native-side data - Extensible architecture allows implementing new data types or customizing existing ones - Support for thread-safe, truly concurrent function invocation - Customizable native library searching mechanism - Completely automatic resource management - Crashes in native functions are converted to Java exceptions - Available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X
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Home PageCategories: Graphics
Latest version: 1.0 Added 2007-10-18
cross-platform screen capture library that allows Java code to capture and manipulate images.
Features include: - Screen capture operations: full-screen capture (available on multiple monitors); active window capture; object capture of any UI element like window, button, menu, etc.; rectangular region capture. - Capture options like capture transparent windows, mouse cursor inclusion, keyboard shortcuts, etc.
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Home PageCategories: JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX
Latest version: 1.2.2 Added 2007-10-18
JSF library for creating a dynamic UI for Web-based applications. QuipuKit provides a set of AJAX-powered JSF components and client-side validation framework.
Features include: - Included widgets: TreeTable, Chart, Calendar - Enhanced implementations of the standard JSF components: DataTable, TwoListSelection - AJAX-enabled page updates - Styling - Client-side support for standard JSF validators - Flexible validation logic configuration and flexible error presentation
Built for Java |
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