BEA Systems Home Page
Home Page Categories: Object-relational mapping
Latest version: 4.1 Added 2005-12-28Updated 2006-10-17
Implementation of both the Java Data Object (JDO) and Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) standardized persistence APIs. Kodo allows you to use the API you prefer or even to mix use of both JDO and EJB in the same application.
Features include: - Complete JDO 2.0 support - Full EJB 3.0 Java Persistence API (JPA) based on code from the Apache OpenJPA project - Level 2 database cache; Statement batching; Query caching; Custom fetch groups - Stored procedure support - Supported mappings: one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many (collection or map) - Inheritance models: single table, multiple table - Extensible plug-in architecture - BEA Kodo Management Console - Fine-tuning with BEA Kodo Profiler - Supported databases: Oracle 8i, 9i, 10g; IBM DB2 and Informix; SQL Server; Sybase ASE; Borland JDatastore and Interbase; Pointbase; Firebird; Microsoft Fox Pro and Access; Empress; InterSystems Caché; Apache Derby/Cloudscape; MySQL; PostgreSQL; HSQL Database Engine (Hypersonic)
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Home Page Categories: Application servers
Latest version: 10 Added 2004-12-27Updated 2007-04-04
Provides the following application server functions and services: Load balancing, Fault tolerance, Clustering, Caching, Web Services, Network transparency, Legacy integration, Transaction management, Security, Messaging, Multi-threading, Persistence, Database connectivity, Resource pooling, Development, testing, and packaging facilities. BEA WebLogic Server additional features: - Developer productivity: BEA WebLogic Workshop integration, Visual Process Definition Tools, Data Mapping, EJBGen, BEA WebLogic Builder, Borland JBuilder integration. - Interoperability: Web services, Integrated messaging, Messaging bridge, Integration with BEA Tuxedo... - Security: Dynamic role mapping and authorization rules engine, Policy editor, Pluggable security framework - Management: Web-based management console, Application monitoring, Domain configuration wizard, Two-phase deployment, Interop with external system management products... - Platform independence: Multiple platform support, Interoperability with Microsoft .NET. - Standards: Jave EE 5, EJB 3, JAX-WS 2.0, JAXB 2.0, XSLT, XQuery, JAAS, SNMP, BPEL, BPEL-J.
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Home Page Categories: IDEs - IDE plug-ins
Latest version: 10.1 Added 2007-04-04Updated 2007-10-12
Provides an Eclipse-based development experience for BEA WebLogic Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) enablement.
Features include: - Built on Eclipse 3.2.1 and the Web Tools Platform Project 1.5.2 - Installs as an Eclipse plug-in - Support for Java EE 1.4, J2SE 5.0, including EJB 2.1, JSP 2.0, JSTL 1.1, Servlet 2.4, JDBC 3.0, JMS 1.1, Java 5 Annotations, and JSR 88 Deployment - Apache Beehive: supports PageFlow/NetUI and Java Controls from Beehive 1.0.1. - Apache Struts 1.1 and 1.2 framework support - XML features: Apache XML Beans 2.0, XML productivity tools based on XML Schema - Web services: supports JSR-181, SOAP 1.1, SAAJ 1.2, WSDL 1.1, WS-Security 1.1, WS-Policy 1.0 , WS-Secure Conversation 2005/02, WS-Policy Attachment 1.0, Enterprise Web Services 1.1, JAX-RPC 1.1, JAX-R 1.0, WSAddressing 1.0 and WS-Reliable Messaging 1.0, Basic Profile 1.1, XML Schema, SAML Token Profile 1.1 - Custom Java controls
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Home Page Categories: IDEs - IDE plug-ins, JSF - JSP - Tag libraries - AJAX, Object-relational mapping,
Latest version: 10.1 Added 2005-10-04Updated 2007-10-12
Tools for the Eclipse environment. BEA Workshop Studio offers support for the development of web applications based on standards like JSF, EJB3, and JSP and frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, Struts and Tiles. It provides all the features of BEA Workshop for WebLogic, plus WYSIWYG editors and BEA's AppXRay technology, which provides understanding of the web application as a whole, capabilities in code completion, consistency checking with generated classes, configuration files or annotations, pre-build error checking, and validation. It also includes annotation-driven EJB3 tools, and bundles the Spring IDE Project for Spring Bean development.
The BEA Workshop Studio consists of: - BEA Workshop JSP Editor - BEA Workshop for Struts - BEA Workshop for JSF - EJB3 - Hibernate ORM Mapping Workbench - DbXplorer, DbXaminer relational database tools - AppXRay technology for all the above - Spring IDE Project for Spring Bean development - Flex Builder 2, Flex Builder 2 SDK, Flex Charting 2 - Runtime Debugging - Deployment for multiple servers: WebLogic Server, Websphere, Tomcat, Resin, Jetty, JBoss
Previous name: M7 NitroX
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