Code analysis - Standards verifiers

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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Latest version: 1.1.6 Added 2008-12-13
Java implementation of the CRAP (Change Risk Analysis and Predictions) software metric. CRAP: a mildly offensive metric name to help protect you from truly offensive code. The CRAP metric combines cyclomatic complexity and code coverage from automated tests (e.g. JUnit tests) to help you identify code that might be particularly difficult to understand, test, or maintain – the kind of code that makes developers say: "This is crap!" or, if they are stuck maintaining it, "Oh, crap!". Crap4j comes in two forms: Eclipse update and Ant task.
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Latest version: 4.2.3 Added 2005-02-21Updated 2008-09-18
PMD scans Java source code and looks for potential problems like: - Possible bugs: empty try/catch/finally/switch statements - Dead code: unused local variables, parameters and private methods - Suboptimal code: wasteful String/StringBuffer usage - Overcomplicated expressions: unnecessary if statements, for loops that could be while loops - Duplicate code: copied/pasted code means copied/pasted bugs
PMD is integrated with JDeveloper, Eclipse, JEdit, JBuilder, BlueJ, CodeGuide, NetBeans/Sun Java Studio Enterprise/Creator, IntelliJ IDEA, TextPad, Maven, Ant, Gel, JCreator, and Emacs.
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: Jutils
Latest version: 0.9 Added 2005-12-13
Lint4j ("Lint for Java") is a static Java source and byte code analyzer that detects locking and threading issues, performance and scalability problems, and checks complex contracts such as Java serialization by performing type, data flow, and lock graph analysis. It has plugins for Ant, Maven, Eclipse as well as Unix and Windows command line utilities.
Lint4j reports suspicious coding patterns and obvious problems, which helps developers speed up code reviews and find issues very early in the software development lifecycle.
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: Universal Software
Latest version: 6.0 Added 2004-12-21
Generic reverse engineering software for analysis and automatic documentation of source codes (program/header/form files). Universal Report's goal is to analyse and generate a structured and formatted overview of a given set of program codes. A session can be achieved either in a step-by-step way or in a completely automatic way. Universal Report is not focused on a specific programming language (will run with codes in Basic, C, C++, Fortran, Java, Matlab, Pascal, Visual Basic, Borland C++ Builder, Delphi, Kylix, Visual C++, Visual Basic .Net, Visual C#, Visual J++, etc....), and you can get reports in several common formats (text, latex, html) and languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian). The universality is due to heuristics that use programming languages intersection as well as possible, and examine further specific points. The tool is parameterizable both in the behavior point of view and the quality of the outputs. Moreover, some additional features are available, including spell checking, general pattern research, automatic information extraction, automatic code formating, glossary generator, graphics generator, routines reviewing system, protection with password, and more.
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Latest version: 1.3.5 Added 2005-03-17Updated 2008-09-18
Open-source bug finding tool for Java. FindBugs operates on Java bytecode and uses static analysis techniques to find a variety of potential bugs.
FindBugs is based on the concept of bug patterns. A bug pattern is a code idiom that is often an error. Bug patterns arise for a variety of reasons: - Difficult language features - Misunderstood API methods - Misunderstood invariants when code is modified during maintenance - Garden variety mistakes: typos, use of the wrong boolean operator
FindBugs doesn't focus on style or formatting; it specifically tries to find real bugs or potential performance problems. Comes with an Eclipse plug-in.
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: OCTO Technology
Latest version: 1.0.1 Added 2009-02-05Updated 2009-09-24
Code base analyzer.
Features include: - Analyze code structure - Assess components given different metrics (Number of Lines of Code, Cyclomatic Complexity) - Apprehend dependencies and navigate through artifacts - Specify design rules - Plan massive refactoring - Code reviews - Compare versions of code - Query your code with a SQL-Like Code Query Language (CQL) with autocompletion support - Anti-patterns detection - Graphical dynamic displays - Quality control rules extracted from best practices and customizable - Maven plugin
Java version of the NDepend product.
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: Sureshot
Latest version: 1.22 Added 2005-09-28
Command line tool employing static analysis on your Java source code. Potential bugs and weak points are reported and the manual describes how the source code can be improved. JiveLint also checks that the source code follows a set of coding convention rules. For example, JiveLint will find unused code and variables, switch blocks without a default case, if a class overrides "Object.equals()" but not "Object.hashCode()", if code use == to compare Strings instead of equals().
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: Hortis
Latest version: 1.10.1 Added 2008-01-26Updated 2009-09-14
Quality control tool that enables to collect, analyze and report metrics on source code.
Features include: - All projects at a glance: Have a quick insight of your portfolio’s health is possible even with hundreds of projects. - Coding rules: More than 600 coding rules are provided off the shelf from simple naming convention to complex anti-pattern detection. Need more? Write your own rules. - Standard metrics: Retrieve in Sonar all classical metrics related to Lines of Code, Cyclomatic Complexity, Duplicated code, Comments, etc. - Drill down to source code: Want to know why a project has for instance so many coding rules violations? Drill down to modules then to packages and finally to source code. - Unit Tests and code coverage - TimeMachine: Sonar helps you replay the past and show you how quality metrics evolve in time. - Maven ready - Leverage existing components: Sonar can transparently orchestrate tools like Checkstyle, PMD, Findbugs, Clover, and Cobertura. - Plugins: Add new features to Sonar to suit your requirements or cover new languages.
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers, Testing
Author: eoLogic
Latest version: 1.6 Added 2007-10-29
Java EE testing and analysis tool for discovering and understanding performance and reliability-related problems. eoSense uses built-in knowledge of the Java EE framework to test and visualize runtime application architecture and operation. A range of construction problems and anti-patterns are automatically detected. Complex application architecture and operation are explained visually.
Use of the following Java EE services are verified and visualized automatically: EJB, WebServices/SOAP, Servlets, Struts, JTA, JMS, JDBC, JNDI. eoSense supports WebLogic (6.1, 8.1, 9.1, 9.2) and WebSphere (6.1).
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: RedHill Consulting
Latest version: 2.2.8 Added 2004-01-28Updated 2005-04-12
Simian (Similarity Analyser) identifies duplication in Java, C#, C, C++, COBOL, Ruby, JSP, HTML, XML and Visual Basic source code. Simian can also be used on any human readable files such as plain text files. Especially on large enterprise projects, it can be difficult for any one developer to keep track of all the features (classes, methods, etc.) of the system. Simian can be used as part of the build process during development or as a guide when re-factoring. Think of Simian as an independent pair of eyes that will assist in raising the quality of your software.
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: TIOBE Software
Latest version: 7.3.6 Added 2006-05-31
Configurable code beautifier. It is possible to let Jacobe print your Java code according to the layout rules of Sun Microsystems or customize it to your own standards.
Features include: - Javadoc template generation and completion rules - a graphical configuration utility - Ant task - plug-in for Eclipse 3.1.0 - Supports Windows, Linux, Solaris
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: Eclipse Foundation
Latest version: 4.3.0 Added 2005-07-11Updated 2007-03-12
The Eclipse Checkstyle plug-in integrates the Checkstyle Java code auditor into the Eclipse IDE. The plug-in provides real-time feedback to the user about violations of rules that check for coding style and possible error prone code constructs.
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers, Modeling - Architecture - MDA - UML
Author: hello2morrow
Latest version: 4.0 Added 2008-03-03Updated 2009-04-06
Software architecture management solution. Basically there are two main use cases for SonarJ: - You want to make sure that a given software architecture is reflected by the source code - You want to check the technical quality of a software delivery.
Features include: - Ability to check a given set of Java source and class files to its conformance to a given logical architecture - Logical architecture definition - Checking for architecture violations and cyclic dependencies - Calculates metrics: ACD (average component dependency - about internal coupling), LOC (lines of code), Cyclomatic complexity, Assertion usage, Relational cohesion, Metrics of Robert C. Martin (abstractness, instability, etc.), and more. - Ant task and Maven plugin
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: Semantic Designs
Clone detection and removal tool. Clone Doctor is a tool that detects and removes duplicate code ("clones"). It identifies not only exact, but near-miss duplicates in software systems and can be used on a variety of languages.
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers, Testing
Author: Technobuff
Latest version: 1.1 Added 2005-09-20Updated 2006-01-18
Requirement coverage tool that facilitates focusing on requirements as you develop code.
JRequire works on top of the JUnit unit testing framework to identify the requirement coverage in the code. This also makes JRequire useful for projects that use tools that operate on top of JUnit, such as Cactus, StrutsTestcase, etc. From a developer's perspective, JRequire facilitates getting a view of: requirements successfully covered by code; broken requirements; requirements that are not covered. As a project manager you get a visibility on whether you are meeting the project requirements, and the potential risk areas. In addition, as the code enhances and unit tests fail, you can identify the requirements that are at risk.
JRequire is integrated with the Eclipse IDE and Ant. JRequire is available as Community Edition (free for non-commercial use only) and Commercial Edition.
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Latest version: 3.0 Added 2005-02-06
Checks Java code and find bugs, inconsistencies and synchronization problems by doing data flow analysis and building lock graph.
Jlint consists of two separate programs performing syntax and semantic verification. - AntiC fixes problems with C, C++, Objective C and Java grammars, which can cause dangerous programmer's bugs, undetected by compiler. It uses hand-written scanner and simple top-down parser, to detect such bugs as suspicious use of operators priorities, absence of break in switch code, wrong assumption about constructions bodies... - The Semantic verifier Jlint extracts information from Java class files. By using debugging information Jlint can associate reported messages with Java sources. Jlint performs local and global data flow analyses, calculating possible values of local variables and catching redundant and suspicious calculations. Jlint is able to detect invocation of method with possible "null" value of formal parameter and using of this parameter in method without check for "null". Jlint also builds lock dependency graph for classes dependencies and uses this graph to detect situations, which can cause deadlock during multithreaded program execution. Jlint is also able to detect possible race condition problem, when different threads can concurrently access the same variables.
All messages reported by Jlint are grouped in categories, and it is possible to enable or disable reporting messages of specific category as well as concrete messages.
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: Worldwide League
Latest version: 1.0.1 Added 2007-02-27
Code analyzer that helps you to understand the code, display its impact and dependencies, monitor code quality and stability, measure code properties, indicate the major coding problems, search the common design patterns, etc.
Features include: - Show what variables actually refer to - Show what values are stored in arrays and collections - Methods of code browsing: 145 predefined queries - Performance and quality metrics: 95 predefined metrics - Tracking of code changes - Java 1.5 coverage - Available analysis: types, objects, callees, dependencies, exceptions, arrays, points-to (Equals), threads, impact, actual type, actual callees - Requires Eclipse 3.1 or higher
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: Secure Software
Latest version: 2.0 Added 2006-09-21
Static source-code analyzer that provides a solution for identifying, assessing, and remediating software vulnerabilities.
Features include: - Eclipse and Visual Studio support - Java, C, C++ analysis - Vulnerability knowledgebase - Security Advisor: provides explanations of vulnerabilities - Shared vulnerability comments and review status - Automated build integration - Management reporting / trend analysis - Policy enforcement - Customer rules - Access control / Centralized administration - Compliance management and definition
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Latest version: 2.1 Added 2005-03-12
Toolset for static analysis of Java source code: a combination of automatic code review and automatic coding standards enforcement. QJ-Pro's main functionality is to ensure that no errors enter the source code when it is written or modified, resulting in more reliable, maintainable, testable and portable Java programs.
The tool is based on quality attributes such as reliability, maintainability, testability and portability, that are usually defined in a so-called coding standard. QJ-Pro comes with a set of good programming practices that can be enforced automatically. QJ-Pro analyzes your Java source code and outputs information about the quality. The amount and type of output depends on the settings of the tool and the quality of the source code. The tool is most effectively used in the coding phase of a project to prevent an expensive maintenance and testing effort later on in the development process.
QJ-Pro comes as a standalone application for Windows and Linux, and as plug-ins for Eclipse, JBuilder and JDeveloper.
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: Jean Tessier
Latest version: 1.2.0 Added 2005-01-02Updated 2008-01-26
Suite of tools for analyzing compiled Java code. At the core of Dependency Finder is a dependency analysis application that extracts dependency graphs and mines them for useful information. This application comes in many forms, including command-line tools, a Swing-based application, a web application ready to be deployed in an application server, and a set of Ant tasks. Dependency Finder has a powerful querying mechanism based on Perl regular expressions.
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: NASA Ames Research Center
Latest version: 1.0 Added 2005-05-04
System to verify executable Java bytecode programs.
In its basic form, Java PathFinder (JPF) is a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that is used as an explicit state software model checker, systematically exploring all potential execution paths of a program to find violations of properties like deadlocks or unhandled exceptions. Other than traditional debuggers, JPF reports the whole execution path that leads to a defect. JPF is especially suitable to find hard-to-test concurrency defects in multithreaded programs.
JPF is a pure Java application that can be run either as a standalone command line tool, or embedded into systems like development environments. It was mostly developed - and is still used - at the NASA Ames Research Center. Started in 1999 as a feasibility study for software model checking, JPF since then has found its way into academia and industry, and even helped to detect defects in real spacecraft.
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Latest version: 4.1 Added 2005-02-21
Designed to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard. By default Checkstyle supports the Sun Code Conventions, but is configurable and can be made to support other coding standards. Sample configuration files are supplied for other well known conventions. Checkstyle can check many aspects of your source code. Historically it's main functionality has been to check code layout issues, but since the internal architecture was changed in version 3, more and more checks for other purposes have been added. Now Checkstyle provides checks that find class design problems, duplicate code, or bug patterns like double checked locking. Checkstyle is most useful if you integrate it in your build process or your development environment. The distribution includes: an Ant task and a command line tool. Existing plug-ins for IDE and build tools include Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans, JBuilder, Maven...
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: The CHISEL Group
Latest version: 1.1.3 Added 2005-02-27
Eclipse plug-in that allows you to explore your Java code visually. You can see your code's structure and the links (references, accesses, etc) between its different pieces. Creole uses SHriMP. SHriMP is both an application and a technique, designed for visualizing and exploring software architecture and any other information space. SHriMP (Simple Hierarchical Multi-Perspective) is a domain-independent visualization technique designed to enhance how people browse and explore complex information spaces.
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: Jean Tessier
Latest version: 1.1.0 Added 2005-01-02
Compares two versions of the same codebase and reports the differences in the API. JarJarDiff lists new, changed, and removed elements such as packages, classes, interfaces, methods, constructors and fields. You can tailor the reports to focus on your public, published API versus the private, internal one. Comes packaged with Dependency Finder.
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: M Squared Technologies
Latest version: 6.60 Added 2005-05-04
Resource Standard Metrics (RSM) performs source code metrics and quality analysis for C, C++, C# and Java in any operating system.
Features include: - Analyze lines of code and derive function points - Logic complexity - Object metrics and inheritance - Functional and file metrics - Quality check against more than 50 known style and logic problems compilers miss - Create metrics/analysis reports in XHTML, CSV, or Text format. - Perform code peer reviews and enforce coding standards. - Perform metrics differentials between two code baselines to determine the degree of code change over time. - Command line to script and integrate into configuration managers and IDEs including ClearCase, Eclipse, JBuilder, and Visual Studio. - Windows GUI Wizard. - C# metrics and analysis and user defined quality analysis using regular expressions.
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: hyperCision
Latest version: 1.2.4 Added 2006-05-12
Tool for collecting project metrics and outputting them into XML files. jMetra can also generate HTML documentation from the produced metrics files.
Features include: - Collects Lines-of-code-counted (LOCC), Method count, and Class count at the package level. Collects Method counts and LOCC for individual classes. Metrics are provided for both individual packages and the summation of results from all subpackages. - Automation of metrics collection across a project. - Resulting metrics for a project are represented in a XML document. - Allows metrics results taken across time to be aggregated into XML documents than span multiple metrics collections (i.e. builds). - Continuity in tracking source code even as it changes class name or package location through the project lifecycle. - Generation of jMetraDoc for viewing of results. jMetraDoc mimics the layout and navigation of JavaDoc. - Customizable jMetraDoc using a template engine and customized cascading style sheets (css). - Automated compilation and metrics calculations for JSPs. - Command line interface. - Ant integration
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: Lattix
Latest version: 5.6.1 Added 2006-10-02Updated 2010-05-06
Enables you to analyze the architecture of your Java application in terms of the elements and their relationships (jars, packages, classes, methods, etc.).
Lattix LDM allows you to analyze your architecture, edit the structure to create what-if and should-be architectures, and then create design rules to formalize and communicate that architecture to your development organization. Lattix LDM uses a dependency-matrix approach to obtain information about an application. It displays the matrix and lets users conceptually reorganize the layers and packaging structure. Continual monitoring of an application for structural deterioration is also enabled; thereby allowing remedial action to be taken before the problem escalates to a major maintenance problem. Lattix LDM offers a GUI as well as a command line options to facilitate integration with build tools or IDEs. Plugins for NetBeans and Eclipse are available. It also includes support for Hibernate and Spring Framework.
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: Klocwork
Source code analysis Eclipse plug-in.
Features include: - Automated Detection of over 200 security vulnerabilities and quality defects - no test cases need to be generated or run. - Persistent analysis results so you can keep track of issues over time. - Integration with Eclipse including issue traceback in the source code.
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: Headway Software
Latest version: 2 Added 2006-06-13
Helps you understand the structure of your code-base (design, architecture).
Structure101 for Java parses your byte code and creates an implementation model of all the dependencies mapped up through the compositional hierarchy. You can browse the model and view dependency diagrams at any level - method, class, package or jar.
With Structure101 you can: - Control architecture: See how your high-level components depend on each other and why. Find out when your architecture is accidently changed by code-level changes at the coal-face, and how to best reverse out the rogue dependencies. - Control structural complexity: Set complexity limits at each level (method, class or package) and Structure101 will measure the degree to which any item exceeds the limits and relate this to the amount of code impacted so that you can prioritize any repair work. Discover the locations of productivity-killing package dependency cycles and analyze how to break them.
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: Klocwork
Source code analysis tool.
Features include: - Connected desktop analysis - Architecture visualization and optimization - Analysis that identifies hundreds of security vulnerabilities and quality defects in your code - Code analysis from within the developer IDE (Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, Rational Application Developer, text editors and command line interfaces...) - Code visualization tool - Extensibility framework: Developers can write their own style or path analysis checkers to meet specific coding or organizational requirements - Reporting
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: CodeWork
Latest version: 3.0 Added 2005-07-04
Analyzes Java source to offer comments on the code and to generate metrics.
Some categories of comments are: Class naming conventions; Class member naming conventions; Class section ordering; Coding practices that affect reusability; Unsafe exception handling practices; Design deficiencies.
Some of the metrics generated are: Depth of Inheritance; Class fan-in/fan-out; RFC; LCOM; Cyclomatic Number; Halstead Measures; Weighted Methods Complexity.
Other product highlights: - Two scripting languages JMScript and VBScript are built-in to extend the functionality of JStyle. - Parsed and analyzed information is available to the script in the form of several COM objects. - Supports a syntax-aware text editor. The editor functionality is exposed via COM objects for use within scripts. - A code browser that is integrated with editor for easier navigation. Right mouse button brings up a context sensitive menu. - Supports compressed jar files. - A class browser that supports Javadoc comments is also included.
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Latest version: 1.0b11 Added 2005-01-26
Jalopy is a java source code formatter depending on some widely configurable rules (By default the SUN's standards). It makes it possible to homogenize the java files whithout putting a formatting burden on individual programers.
Features include: - Brace style transformation - Fine-grained white space settings - Indentation - Intelligent line wrapping - Code separation - Javadoc auto-generation - Header/Footer templates - Command-line interface - Client API - Several Plug-ins (Ant, Eclipse, JBuilder, ...)
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Home Page Categories: Builds, Code analysis - Standards verifiers, Code coverage, Testing
Author: JetBrains
Latest version: 5.1 Added 2006-07-21Updated 2010-06-09
IDE-independent integrated team environment. TeamCity automates and coordinates key collaborative processes to eliminate manual systems and delays, providing integration with multiple build and test tools, real-time unit test frequency, server-side inspections and code coverage analysis.
Features include: - continuous integration and testing - server-side code analysis - build management - automated team communication - code coverage analysis and reporting - web-based interface and project dashboard - extensibility - IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse and Visual Studio integration - pre-tested (delayed) commit - remote run for personal builds
Supported environments: - Ant, Maven, NAnt, MSBuild - Having an IntelliJ IDEA project or a Visual Studio solution, you can build your application with TeamCity, even without providing a build script - Supports JUnit and NUnit - Integrates with Perforce, CVS, Subversion, Visual SourceSafe, StarTeam
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: Hammurapi Group
Latest version: 5.4.0 Added 2005-04-15Updated 2008-06-03
Componentry for automated code reviews. Hammurapi allows you to establish code governance processes in your organization by injecting automated code review "hooks" into development and build processes.
Features include: - Cascading inspector sets - Loading inspector sets from URL - Multiple levels of analyzis: Source code (Token stream including whitespace and comments; Parse tree), Package, Repository - Three levels of reporting: Compilation unit, Package, Summary - Source documentation - Metrics - Severity level highlighting - Fails builds on low Sigma, high DPMO (Defects per million opportunities) or on severity level - Embedded inspectors - Extensibility
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers, Profiling - Debugging
Author: Micro Focus
Helps resolve problems associated with run-time performance, memory utilization and multi-threading.
Features include: - automates development productivity tasks such as: distributed application analysis, memory analysis, performance analysis, code coverage analysis, thread analysis, code review, design analysis and refactoring - includes OptimalAdvisor: a design and code validation tool that offers advice into the structure and effectiveness of the overall application.
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: Clarkware Consulting
Latest version: 2.9 Added 2005-01-03
Traverses Java class file directories and generates design quality metrics for each Java package. JDepend allows you to automatically measure the quality of a design in terms of its extensibility, reusability, and maintainability to manage package dependencies effectively. Metrics include: - Number of Classes and Interfaces - Afferent Couplings - Efferent Couplings - Abstractness - Instability - Distance from the Main Sequence - Package Dependency Cycles
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: Software & Solutions
Latest version: 3.51 Added 2005-02-27
Source code formatter for Java with custom coding style support. A program like Jindent is also referred to as a Java formatter, pretty printer, code beautifier or Java indent tool.
Jindent empowers you to transform any foreign Java source code to meet your preferred coding style or any common Java code convention. Furthermore Jindent can format, generate and complete Javadoc comments on demand. Features include: - Intelligent Line Wrapping, Indentation, Tabular Code Alignment and Justification - Brace Style Transformation - Uniform White Space Conventions - Template-driven Javadoc Generation - Javadoc Formatting and Elimination - Header and Footer Templates - Comment Formatting and Elimination - Code Separation - Conversion between Unicode and a number of other character encodings - Open API - Integrations for Java IDEs: JBuilder, Eclipse, JDeveloper, Visual Cafe, Forte/Netbeans, IntelliJ IDEA, JCreator - Integrations for Java build tools: Ant - Integrations for text editors: Emacs, Vi/Vim, UltraEdit, Textpad - Integrations for version control systems: CVS, WinCVS
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: Software-Tomography
Latest version: 2.5 Added 2007-01-23
Software analysis workbench. Sotograph supports continuous architecture management, monitoring of internal software quality, comprehension of complex software systems and re-engineering.
Features include: - stores the structural information about a software system into a central repository. This information is then used for visualization and analysis such as structure, dependency, cycle, quality, what-if and impact analysis on different abstraction levels. - determines for the entire software system where the source code does not correspond to the designed architecture - can localize and visualize illegal relationships from the architecture level down to the source code - can manage information about several versions of a software system - able to analyze Java, C# and C/C++ software
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers, Code coverage
Author: McCabe Software
Interactive, visual environment for managing software quality through static analysis and test/code coverage. McCabeIQ comes in three editions: Developers, Test Team, Enterprise.
Features include: - Software metrics: McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity; McCabe Essential Complexity; Module Design Complexity; Integration Complexity; Lines of Code; Halstead. - Color-coded structure Battlemaps, scatter plot diagrams, and flow graphs - Metric Trend Reports: track a system's metric values over time to document the progress made in improving the overall stability and quality of the project - Customized reporting - Plan software testing resources in advance, identifying test paths and the number of tests required - Code coverage - McCabe Compare: helps you locate redundant code so you can either delete or reengineer it - McCabe Data: track data use within your programs and anticipate complexity - McCabe Change: identify the modules in your program that have changed since the first time you parsed your code - McCabe Slice: uncover your program’s internal architecture - Supports Ada, ASM86/95, C, C#, C++.NET, C++, Cobol, Fortran, Java, JSP, Perl, PL1, VB, VB.NET - Enterprise Edition provides all the functionality of the Developers and Test Team Editions. In addition, it provides enterprise reporting, reengineering capabilities, change analysis, and secure web-enabled test data collection.
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: Matthew B. Doar
Latest version: 1.0.10 Added 2005-01-03
An HTML report of API differences. JDiff is a Javadoc doclet that generates an HTML report of all the packages, classes, constructors, methods, and fields which have been removed, added or changed in any way, including their documentation, when two APIs are compared. This is useful for describing what has changed between two releases of a product. Only the API of each version is compared. It does not compare what the source code does when executed.
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Home Page Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: Chr. Clemens Lee
Latest version: 28.49 Added 2008-01-26
Source measurement suite for Java. JavaNCSS is a command line utility that measures two standard source code metrics for the Java programming language. The metrics are collected globally, for each class and/or for each function. JavaNCSS can optionally present its output with a little graphical user interface. To interactively select Java source files for counting, Jacob (a Java class browser and project manager) can be used for this purpose. JavaNCSS can also be used out of an Ant build.xml script as it comes bundled with an Ant task.
Features include: - Metrics can be applied to global-, class-, or function-level - Non Commenting Source Statements (NCSS) - Cyclomatic Complexity Number (McCabe metric) - Packages, classes, functions and inner classes are counted - Number of formal Javadoc comments per class and method - Average values are calculated - Command line driven - A GUI is provided for better output browsing as well as the integration of JavaNCSS in a project manager and class browser named Jacob for easy selection of input source files - XML output (optional) - XSLT stylesheets provided for further generation of HTML, and SVG reports and as a basis for your own custom reports - Ant task - Support for Java 1.5 syntax (generics, enums, etc.)
 Built for Java |
 Free or free version available |
 Source code provided |
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