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Categories: Profiling - Debugging
Author: ds-emedia
Latest version: 1.0
Added 2006-05-23Updated 2006-09-18
Lets you debug and visualize Java applications on the conceptual level of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) at which they are designed and makes it possible to find not only simple bugs but also weaknesses and inefficiencies in application design.
jBixbe shows the big picture of your application so you can recognize classes and objects, and their relationships in UML structure diagrams and interaction with UML sequence diagrams. Different view levels support top-down debugging from design level to source code level and simplify debugging of multi-threaded applications. Source code debugging is fully integrated into the object-oriented visualization.
Features include:
- top down debugging from design to source code level
- UML sequence diagrams to display message exchange between objects
- UML structure diagrams to display object relationships and data structures
- classes, threads and source files overviews
- object references as clickable links
- drag & drop for object references
- source code debugging with breakpoints and local variable views
- Project management with auto open/save functionality
- debugging of remote Java Virtual Machines
- supports Windows and Linux
 Built for Java |