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Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers, Testing,

Latest version: 1.1
Added 2005-09-20Updated 2006-01-18

Requirement coverage tool that facilitates focusing on requirements as you develop code.

JRequire works on top of the JUnit unit testing framework to identify the requirement coverage in the code. This also makes JRequire useful for projects that use tools that operate on top of JUnit, such as Cactus, StrutsTestcase, etc.
From a developer's perspective, JRequire facilitates getting a view of: requirements successfully covered by code; broken requirements; requirements that are not covered.
As a project manager you get a visibility on whether you are meeting the project requirements, and the potential risk areas. In addition, as the code enhances and unit tests fail, you can identify the requirements that are at risk.

JRequire is integrated with the Eclipse IDE and Ant.
JRequire is available as Community Edition (free for non-commercial use only) and Commercial Edition.

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