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Chr. Clemens Lee

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Categories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers

Latest version: 28.49
Added 2008-01-26

Source measurement suite for Java.
JavaNCSS is a command line utility that measures two standard source code metrics for the Java programming language. The metrics are collected globally, for each class and/or for each function.
JavaNCSS can optionally present its output with a little graphical user interface. To interactively select Java source files for counting, Jacob (a Java class browser and project manager) can be used for this purpose. JavaNCSS can also be used out of an Ant build.xml script as it comes bundled with an Ant task.

Features include:
- Metrics can be applied to global-, class-, or function-level
- Non Commenting Source Statements (NCSS)
- Cyclomatic Complexity Number (McCabe metric)
- Packages, classes, functions and inner classes are counted
- Number of formal Javadoc comments per class and method
- Average values are calculated
- Command line driven
- A GUI is provided for better output browsing as well as the integration of JavaNCSS in a project manager and class browser named Jacob for easy selection of input source files
- XML output (optional)
- XSLT stylesheets provided for further generation of HTML, and SVG reports and as a basis for your own custom reports
- Ant task
- Support for Java 1.5 syntax (generics, enums, etc.)

Built for Java
Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
Source code provided
Source code provided
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