Home PageCategories: Code analysis - Standards verifiers
Author: hyperCision
Latest version: 1.2.4
Added 2006-05-12
Tool for collecting project metrics and outputting them into XML files.
jMetra can also generate HTML documentation from the produced metrics files.
Features include:
- Collects Lines-of-code-counted (LOCC), Method count, and Class count at the package level. Collects Method counts and LOCC for individual classes. Metrics are provided for both individual packages and the summation of results from all subpackages.
- Automation of metrics collection across a project.
- Resulting metrics for a project are represented in a XML document.
- Allows metrics results taken across time to be aggregated into XML documents than span multiple metrics collections (i.e. builds).
- Continuity in tracking source code even as it changes class name or package location through the project lifecycle.
- Generation of jMetraDoc for viewing of results. jMetraDoc mimics the layout and navigation of JavaDoc.
- Customizable jMetraDoc using a template engine and customized cascading style sheets (css).
- Automated compilation and metrics calculations for JSPs.
- Command line interface.
- Ant integration
Built for Java |
Free or free version available |