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Home Page Categories: XML
Author: Saxonica
Latest version: 8.8 Added 2007-01-30
XSLT, XQuery, and XML Schema processor.
Saxon is available in two versions: the basic edition Saxon-B, available as an open source product, and the schema-aware edition Saxon-SA available on a commercial license.
Features include: - XSLT 1.0 processor, Basic XSLT 2.0 processor - XPath 1.0 Processor, Basic XPath 2.0 processor - Basic XQuery 1.0 processor - XML Schema 1.0 processor, Schema-aware XSLT 2.0 processor, Schema-aware XPath 2.0 processor, Schema-aware XQuery 1.0 processor (Saxon-SA) - Available for Java and .NET
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Home Page Categories: Code generation, XML
Author: Apache Jakarta
Latest version: 1.4.2 Added 2005-06-10
The Element Construction Set is a Java API for generating elements for various markup languages it directly supports HTML 4.0 and XML, but can be extended to create tags for any markup language.
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Home Page Categories: Persistence - Data-tier, XML
Author: The Apache Software Foundation
Latest version: 0.5.2 Added 2005-03-22
Open source implementation of JAXB, the specification for Java/XML binding.
A Java/XML binding compiler takes as input a schema description (in most cases an XML schema but it may be a DTD, a RelaxNG schema, a Java class inspected via reflection or a database schema). The output is a set of Java classes: - A Java bean class compatible with the schema description. (If the schema was obtained via Java reflection, then the original Java bean class.) - An unmarshaller that converts a conforming XML document into the equivalent Java bean. - Vice versa, a marshaller that converts the Java bean back into the original XML document. In the case of JaxMe, the generated classes may also: - Store the Java bean into a database. Preferrably an XML database like eXist, Xindice, or Tamino, but it may also be a relational database like MySQL. - Query the database for bean instances. - Implement an EJB entity or session bean with the same abilities.
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Home Page Categories: XML
Author: The Apache Software Foundation
Latest version: 2.2.0 Added 2005-03-22Updated 2006-07-24
XML-Java binding tool. The idea behind XMLBeans is that you can take advantage the of XML and XML Schema and have their features mapped to equivalent Java language and typing constructs. XMLBeans uses XML Schema to compile Java interfaces and classes that you can then use to access and modify XML instance data. Using XMLBeans is similar to using any other Java interface/class, you will see things like getFoo or setFoo just as you would expect when working with Java. While a major use of XMLBeans is to access your XML instance data with strongly typed Java classes there are also API's that allow you access to the full XML infoset (XMLBeans keeps full XML Infoset fidelity) as well as to allow you to reflect into the XML schema itself through an XML Schema Object model.
Features include: - Full XML Schema support: fully supports XML Schema and the corresponding Java classes provide constructs for all of the major functionality of XML Schema. - Full XML Infoset fidelity: when unmarshalling an XML instance the full XML infoset is kept and is available to the developer. This is critical because because of the subset of XML that is not easily represented in Java. For example, order of the elements or comments might be needed in a particular application.
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Home Page Categories: XML
Author: DataDirect Technologies
Latest version: 3.0 Added 2007-05-21
Components that dynamically transform EDI and flat files to XML.
DataDirect XML Converters provide bi-directional, programmatic access to virtually any non-XML file (EDI, flat files, etc.). XML Converters allow developers to stream any non-XML data as XML to XML processing components or to your own applications. They support StAX, SAX, DOM and I/O streaming interfaces, and so can be embedded directly for translation purposes, or as part of a chain of programs including XSLT and XQuery, or even inside XML pipelines. Converters are bidirectional. Formats supported are EDI (EDIFACT, X12, EANCOM, IATA) and flat file formats (CSV, tab-separated, binary, dBase, and others).
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Home Page Categories: XML
Latest version: 1.5.2 Added 2005-04-14
Open source library for working with XML, XPath and XSLT on the Java platform using the Java Collections Framework and with full support for DOM, SAX and JAXP.
Features include: - designed for the Java platform with full support for the Java Collections Framework (Java 2 Collections) - full support for JAXP, TrAX, SAX, DOM, and XSLT - fully integrated XPath support for navigation of XML documents - event based proccessing mode to support for massive documents or XML streams - based on Java interfaces for plug and play implementations. - support for XML Schema Data Type support using Kohsuke Kawaguchi's Multi Schema Validator library
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Home Page Categories: XML
Latest version: 1.2.1 Added 2005-10-05Updated 2009-10-03
Framework for binding XML data to Java objects. JiBX works with existing classes, using a flexible mapping definition file to determine how data objects are translated to and from XML. It allows you to start from existing Java code and generate an XML schema, start from an XML schema and generate Java code, or bridge your existing code to a schema that represents the same data. The JiBX framework handles all the details of converting your data to and from XML based on your instructions. JiBX uses binding definition documents to define the rules for how your Java objects are converted to or from XML (the binding). At some point after you've compiled your source code into class files you execute the first part of the JiBX framework, the binding compiler. This compiler enhances binary class files produced by the Java compiler, adding code to handle converting instances of the classes to or from XML. After running the binding compiler you can continue the normal steps you take in assembling your application. The second part of the JiBX framework is the binding runtime. The enhanced class files generated by the binding compiler use this runtime component both for actually building objects from an XML input document (called unmarshalling, in data binding terms) and for generating an XML output document from objects (called marshalling). The runtime uses a parser implementing the XMLPull API for handling input documents, but is otherwise self-contained.
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Home Page Categories: Object-relational mapping, XML
Author: Oracle
Latest version: Added 2006-11-20
Object-to-relational persistence architecture that provides a mechanism for storing Java objects and Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs) in relational databases and for converting between Java Objects and XML documents (JAXB).
Features include: - can communicate with any relational database that has a JDBC-compliant driver available such as Oracle, IBM Universal Database, IBM Informix, IBM Cloudscape, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, and Sybase Adaptive Server. TopLink supports both the JDBC 1.x and 2.0 standards. - mapping tools are integrated into JDeveloper and also available in the stand-alone TopLink Workbench
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Home Page Categories: XML
Author: The Apache Software Foundation
Latest version: 2.6.0 Added 2004-12-22
XSLT processor for transforming XML documents into HTML, text, or other XML document types. Xalan-Java implements XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0 and XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0. It can be used from the command line, in an applet or a servlet, or as a module in other program. Xalan-Java recasts Xalan as an implementation of the Transformation API for XML (TrAX) interfaces, part of the Java API for XML Processing 1.2. TrAX provides a modular framework and a standard API for performing XML transformations, and it utilizes system properties to determine which Transformer and which XML parser to use. Xalan-Java also builds on SAX 2 and DOM level 2.
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Home Page Categories: MVC, XML
Latest version: 1.3 Added 2005-06-16
Struts for transforming XML with XSL (stxx) is an extension of the struts framework to support XML and and XML transforming technologies like XSL without changing the functionality of struts.
stxx sits on top of Struts, extending its existing functionality to allow Action classes to return XML that will be transformed by technologies like XSL and Velocity (Anakia) . The idea behind stxx is to remove the need to use JSP and tag libraries for the presentation layer of the Struts framework. However, stxx does not force you to go the XML route, both technologies will work side by side. Struts for transforming XML with XSL (stxx) is an extension of the struts framework to support XML and XSL without changing the functionality of struts.
Features :
* Support for both the Struts 1.0.x and Struts 1.1.x architectures * Enhancements to the forwarding functionality of Struts to provide XML transformations based on the content produced by the action and any custom criteria like the user-agent of the client to render HTML/XML/PDF/more * Automatic serialization of the ActionErrors, Struts Resources, ActionForms and Requests object for use in your XML document * The ability to write your own transformation classes to make the XML transform to output type you want * Easy migration path to Cocoon
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Home Page Categories: XML
Author: The Apache Software Foundation
Latest version: 2.6.2 Added 2004-12-22
Fully conforming XML parser and XML Schema processor. Following standards and APIs are supported: - eXtensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 Third Edition Recommendation - Namespaces in XML Recommendation - eXtensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 First Edition Recommendation - Namespaces in XML 1.1 Recommendation - Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Core, Events, and Traversal and Range Recommendations - Simple API for XML (SAX) 2.0.1 Core, and Extensions - Java APIs for XML Processing (JAXP) 1.2 - XML Schema 1.0 Structures and Datatypes Recommendations
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Home Page Categories: Object-relational mapping, XML
Latest version: 1.2 Added 2005-01-11Updated 2006-06-07
Open Source data binding framework for Java. Castor joins Java objects, XML documents and relational tables. It provides Java-to-XML binding, Java-to-SQL persistence, and more.
Features include: - Castor XML: Java object model to and from XML (XML databinding). Generate source code from an XML Schema; Default introspection or mapping file for existing object models. - Castor JDO: Java object persistence to RDBMS. Castor JDO is not the same-as or compatible with Sun's JDO. Castor has a different approach to handling data object to RDBMS mappings. - XML-based mapping file to specify bindings for existing object models - Support for schema-less Java to XML binding - In memory caching and write-at-commit reduces JDBC operations - Two phase commit transactions, object rollback and deadlock detection - OQL query mapping to SQL queries - EJB container managed persistence provider for OpenEJB - Ability to create base mapping from existing Java classes - Ability to create an XML Schema from an XML input document
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Home Page Categories: XML
Latest version: 2.0 Added 2006-12-12Updated 2007-02-27
XML parser that goes beyond DOM, SAX and PULL in terms of performance and memory usage. The core technology is an XML parsing algorithm called Virtual Token Descriptor (VTD).
Features include: - Performance - Low memory usage - Random access with built-in XPath support - Buffer reuse - Large document support (2GB) - Incremental update - Hardware acceleration - Native XML indexing - Currently only supports built-in entity references (" & ' > <) - Available in C, C# and Java
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Home Page Categories: XML
Latest version: 1.1 Added 2006-09-23
Features include: - only accepts namespace well-formed XML documents, and only allows you to create namespace well-formed XML documents. - dual streaming/tree-based API: individual nodes in the tree can be processed while the document is still being built. You don't need to wait for the document to be completely parsed before you can start working with it. - includes built-in support for a number of XML technologies including namespaces in XML, XPath, XSLT, XInclude, xml:id, and Canonical XML. XOM documents can be converted to and from SAX and DOM.
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Home Page Categories: Object-relational mapping, XML
Latest version: 0.17 Added 2005-04-07
Maps between Java objects and XML. The mapping is configurable via an XML configuration file. It can be extended by adding Java software to Beck's framework.
Beck isn't a binding tool. It doesn't generate Java classes from XML schema, nor generate XML schema from Java classes. Beck assumes you already have Java classes to contain your data. Beck doesn't require an XML schema, but if you have one it can help Beck map to the XML you want.
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Home Page Categories: Object-relational mapping, XML
Latest version: 2.0 Added 2006-06-07
Tool for transforming data between three different representations: relational databases, objects in an object-oriented programming language and XML.
Features include: - Map data from many different data sources into a single self-consistent in-memory model. - Load, populate and connect up multiple object types from a single query. - Full control over the SQL that runs against the database (if you need it). - Access and manipulate the same data through the XML toolset. Use the same meta data that describes your objects to read from, write to and validate any consistent XML schema. Use XML for display, data transmission or XSLT transformation. Load XML data back into objects. - XML reading and writing uses SAX exclusively
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Home Page Categories: Persistence - Data-tier, XML
Author: DataDirect Technologies
Latest version: 3.0 Added 2005-09-21Updated 2007-05-21
Embeddable XQuery and XQJ implementation for XML applications that need to process both XML and relational data sources.
Features include: - supports relational databases including Oracle 9i and 10g, SQL Server 2000 and 2005, DB2, and Sybase, on any Java platform, allowing developers to query XML, relational databases, or a combination of the two. - query results can be used for XML-based data exchange, XML-driven Web sites, and other applications that require or leverage XML. - based on the W3C XML query language standard, XQuery - implements the XQJ API (XQuery API for Java) for accessing data sources, much like JDBC does for SQL queries - embeddable component, installing like a JDBC driver, with no need to install any server
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Home Page Categories: XML
Author: Apache Jakarta
Latest version: 0.7 Added 2005-06-29
Provides an XML introspection mechanism for mapping beans to XML in a flexible way. It is implemented using an XMLIntrospector and XMLBeanInfo classes which are similar to the standard Introspector and BeanInfo from the Java Beans specification.
Betwixt provides a way of turning beans into XML as well as automatically generating digester rules in a way that can be customized on a per type manner in the same way that the BeanInfo mechanism can be used to customize the default introspection on a java object.
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Home Page Categories: XML
Author: Altova
Latest version: 2008 Added 2005-07-27Updated 2007-12-19
XSLT and XQuery engines: - XML validating parser - XSLT 1.0 engine - XSLT 2.0 engine (schema-aware) - XQuery 1.0 engine (schema-aware)
Features include: - Well-formedness checking - Validation based on DTD or XML Schema - XML transformations via XSLT 1.0 - Schema-aware XML transformations via XSLT 2.0 - XML queries and transformations via XQuery - Support for XInclude and XPointer - Command line operations - COM, Java, .NET interfaces
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Home Page Categories: Persistence - Data-tier, XML
Author: HitSoftware
Leverages XML mapping and database technology to give application developers bi-directional access to relational databases without the need for complex SQL or XSLT programming. Allora transforms data structures between XML elements/attributes and relational database structures. Once Allora mapping is in place, full bi-directional XML-RDB access is enabled. Allora gives developers a XML interface to relational data.
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Home Page Categories: XML
Author: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Latest version: 1.3 Added 2005-08-04
Open-source toolkit that provides support for XQuery and XPath, inplace updates of XML documents, and full-text search.
Features include: - XQuery/XPath: standards-compliant W3C XQuery and XPath support for XOM (XML Object Model). - In-place update: in-place morphing for use as an XQuery/XPath insert, update and delete facility; particularly useful for structurally small tree transformations without requiring (potentially huge) XML tree copies. - Full-text search: fuzzy similarity queries for on-the-fly matchmaking in realtime streaming applications combining structured and unstructured queries. Arbitrary Lucene fulltext queries can be run from Java or from XQuery/XPath/XSLT via an extension function. - Pooling: pools and factories for documents, XQueries, XSL Transforms, as well as document builders that validate against various schema languages, including W3C XML Schemas, DTDs, RELAX NG, Schematron, etc. - Binary XML: optional serialization and deserialization of XOM XML documents to and from a custom binary XML data format (bnux format), without loss or change of any information. - Streaming: for simple and complex continuous queries and/or transformations over very large or infinitely long XML input, a streaming path filter API combines XQuery and XPath support with filtering. - JAXB and HTML: conversion from XOM to JAXB and vice-versa, serving as an intermediary for XML <--> Object mapping tools. XQueries over ill-formed HTML.
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Home Page Categories: XML
Author: Wutka
Latest version: 1.21 Added 2005-07-26
DTDParser is a java library to validate DTD Schema.
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Home Page Categories: Rich client UI - Swing, XML
Author: JAPISoft
Latest version: 4.0 Added 2005-07-08Updated 2006-10-27
JXMLPad is a Swing java component/framework for editing XML/XHTML document.
Main features : - Document Syntax completion (from the current location) for tag and entities using DTD,Schema,RelaxNG - Look-and-feel plugIn - Real time syntax error - Template for easy creation - Several standard actions for XML usage (parsing, search, comment...) - Standard Swing EditorKit - Customizable with a property file - Drag and drop (copy and paste nodes) - Supports Unicode - Supports JDK 1.4 and 1.5
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Home Page Categories: Persistence - Data-tier, XML
Latest version: 1.2.1 Added 2005-08-09Updated 2007-01-23
Library to serialize objects to XML and back again.
Features include: - A high level facade is supplied that simplifies common use cases. - Most objects can be serialized without need for specifying mappings. - Designed for speed and low memory footprint, making it suitable for large object graphs or systems with high message throughput. - No information is duplicated that can be obtained via reflection. This results in XML that is easier to read for humans and more compact than native Java serialization. - Requires no modifications to objects: Serializes internal fields, including private and final. Supports non-public and inner classes. Classes are not required to have default constructor. - Full object graph support: Duplicate references encountered in the object-model will be maintained. Supports circular references. - Integrates with other XML APIs. By implementing an interface, XStream can serialize directly to/from any tree structure (not just XML). - Customizable conversion stategies: Strategies can be registered allowing customization of how particular types are represented as XML. - Error messages: When an exception occurs due to malformed XML, detailed diagnostics are provided to help isolate and fix the problem.
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