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Categories: Object-relational mapping

Author: The Apache Software Foundation

Latest version: 1.0.1
Added 2005-01-10

ObJectRelationalBridge (OJB) is an object/relational mapping tool that allows transparent persistence for Java objects against relational databases.
Features include:
- Support of standard and non-standard API's (PB, OTM, ODMG, JDO)
- The PersistenceBroker kernel API and all top-level APIs allows Java programmers to store and retrieve Java objects in/from (any) JDBC-compliant RDBMS
- Transparent persistence: Persistent classes don't have to inherit from a persistent base class or to implement an interface.
- Object caching, lazy materialization through virtual proxies, distributed lock-management with configurable Transaction-Isolation Levels. Optimistic and pessimistic Locking is supported.
- Designed to be scalable: Allows to build massively distributed and clustered systems.
- Configurable persistence by reachability: All Objects associated to a persistent object by references can made persitent too
- Pluggable implementation of service classes like PersistenceBroker, ObjectCache, SequenceManager, RowReader, ConnectionFactory, ConnectionManager, IndirectionHandler, SQLGenerator, JdbcAccess...
- Mapping support for 1:1, 1:n and m:n associations
- Configurable collection queries to control loading of relationships
- Automatic and manual assignment of foreign key values
- The mapping is defined in an XML Repository. The mapping is dynamic and can be manipulated at runtime

Built for Java
Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
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