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Home Page Categories: Documentation - Code commenting
Author: SUN Microsystems
Latest version: 2.0_02 Added 2005-02-06
JavaHelp software is a platform-independent, extensible help system that enables you to incorporate online help in applets, components, applications, operating systems, and devices. Authors can also use the JavaHelp software to deliver online documentation for the Web and corporate intranet
Written entirely in the Java programming language, the JavaHelp system can run on any platform and browser that supports the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), making it ideal for use in a heterogeneous environment such as the Web and corporate intranet
The JavaHelp system is implemented using Java Foundation Classes (JFC) software components. The JavaHelp system can be displayed in its own window or embedded in an application. It can also be extended to add customized navigational controls.
With the JavaHelp system, help data and search functionality can reside on either the client side or server side. The JavaHelp software network design also enables help data and new functionality to be dynamically updated over the web.
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Home Page Categories: Documentation - Code commenting
Author: yWorks
Latest version: 2.1_05 Added 2005-02-23
yDoc is a Javadoc extension that adds UML diagrams and other features to the generation process of Java API documentation. Features include: - an XML-based mechanism to define new custom tags. - the possibility to exclude specific classes, methods or fields from the generated documentation. This is done by marking items with an exlusion tag. Additionally, an interface is provided so that custom criteria can be used. - automatic generation of UML class diagrams for each documented class. The diagrams can be embedded in the generated HTML pages as scalable vector graphics (SVG), as GIF, or as JPG files.
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Home Page Categories: Documentation - Code commenting
Author: Markus Gebhard
Latest version: 4.1 Added 2005-01-26
Java2Html converts Java (and other) source code (complete files or snippets) to HTML, RTF, TeX and XHTML with syntax highlighting. This open source Java project consists of an extendible library along with a Java application, a Java applet and many plugins in order to integrate the library into other programs: * Eclipse * Ant
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Home Page Categories: Documentation - Code commenting
Latest version: 5.0.0 Added 2005-02-12
Beyond the level of what Javadoc does, DoctorJ compares documentation against code. Among what it detects: * misspelled words * parameter and exception names: missing, misordered, misspelled * Javadoc tags: invalid, misordered, missing expected arguments, invalid arguments, missing descriptions * undocumented classes, methods, fields, parameters
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Home Page Categories: Compilation - Bytecode manipulation, Documentation - Code commenting
Author: CodeWork
Utility that lets you analyse information contained in class files.
JBrowser reads class and jar files and displays all class members (including private elements). Source code is not required to browse, if source is available, the class browser provides additional features: - It displays Javadoc help extracted from the source; there is no need for additional help files. - Double-clicking on an element opens the source context in an editor window.
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Home Page Categories: Documentation - Code commenting
Latest version: 0.8.9 Added 2005-05-19
Online reference tool for Java API documentation. ashkelon is Javadoc taken to the next step of being able to reference multiple APIs (more than 100,000 methods) in a single, fully cross-referenced and searchable database repository.
Also available is ashkelon lite, ashkelon in a war file: no need to setup a database, no need to configure anything, not even to populate a repository.
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Home Page Categories: Documentation - Code commenting
Author: Software 7
Latest version: 1.5 Added 2005-03-03
A JavaHelp authoring tool used for creating and editing online helps; with included wizard, WYSIWYG preview, import of helpsets, export to JAR.
Features include: - Integrated wizard mode - Automatic generation of index, search index and table of contents - WYSIWYG editing of index and table of contents - Automatic mapping of components - Control over HTML files with integrated basic HTML editor - Import of existing JavaHelp helpsets - Publishing as JAR or open directory structure - Generated online helps running on every Java 2 platform
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Home Page Categories: Documentation - Code commenting
Author: Oracle
Latest version: 4.2.7 Added 2005-04-27
Oracle Help for Java (OHJ) is a set of Java components and an API for developing and displaying HTML-based help content in a Java environment. OHJ is designed primarily for displaying help for Java applications, although it can also be implemented as a stand-alone document viewer for use in a Java environment.
Also available: the Oracle Help for Java Developer's Kit (OHJDK), which includes the OJH technology plus tools and documentation for developing context-sensitive help for Java applets and applications.
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Home Page Categories: Documentation - Code commenting
Author: Semantic Designs
Java Source Code Browser. This tool reads a designated set of Java source files and produces a JavaDoc equivalent extended with fully browsable source code containing hyperlinked cross-references within and across that set of files. Every identifier in the source code (public or local) acts as a link to its corresponding source definition, all uses of that identifier anywhere in the source files, and the corresponding JavaDoc information. This provides a convenient method for programmers to view the entire source of large application systems.
Features include: - JavaDoc tag compatible - Java 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 compatible - Produces JavaDoc equivalent web pages - Extracts full cross-reference and type information from both source and class files - Can handle large systems of source code - Optional specification of files via graphical project file chooser
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Home Page Categories: Documentation - Code commenting
Author: Dimitri van Heesch
Latest version: 1.4.0 Added 2005-01-02
Documentation system for C++, C, Java, Objective-C, IDL (Corba and Microsoft flavors) and to some extent PHP, C# and D. Doxygen can help you in three ways: 1. It can generate an on-line documentation browser (in HTML) and/or an off-line reference manual (in $\mbox{\LaTeX}$) from a set of documented source files. There is also support for generating output in RTF (MS-Word), PostScript, hyperlinked PDF, compressed HTML, and Unix man pages. The documentation is extracted directly from the sources, which makes it easier to keep the documentation consistent with the source code. 2. You can configure Doxygen to extract the code structure from undocumented source files. This is useful to quickly find your way in large source distributions. You can also visualize the relations between the various elements by means of include dependency graphs, inheritance diagrams, and collaboration diagrams, which are all generated automatically. 3. You can even "abuse" doxygen for creating normal documentation (as I did for this manual).
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