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Categories: Compilation - Bytecode manipulation

Latest version: 3.0
Added 2005-02-21Updated 2006-06-07

ASM is a Java bytecode manipulation framework. It can be used to dynamically generate stub classes or other proxy classes, directly in binary form, or to dynamically modify classes at load time, i.e., just before they are loaded into the Java Virtual Machine.

ASM offers similar functionalities as BCEL or Serp, but ASM was designed to be used in a dynamic way and was therefore designed and implemented to be as small and as fast as possible.
ASM can of course be used in a static way too.

Built for Java
Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
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Source code provided


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Categories: Workflow

Latest version: 3.0
Added 2006-06-22Updated 2007-05-14

Workflow solution compliant to the XPDL standard.
Bonita provides functionalities to define and run business processes such as the XPDL workflow defintion module, the J2EE-based workflow engine, the JMS-based awareness infrastructure or the interoperability services.

Features include:
- activities that can start in anticipation
- awareness infrastructure allowing user notification of any events occurring during the execution in a given process
- automatic activation of user’s code according to a defined activity life cycle
- dynamic user/roles resolution
- activity performer
- sequential execution
- API accessible either through EJBs or web services calls
- processes are created using a graphical definition tool
- XPDL support allowing to import XPDL files within the workflow engine
- generation of Maven 2 artifacts from build.xml
- supports JDK 1.5

Built for Java
Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
Source code provided
Source code provided


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Categories: Frameworks, Object-relational mapping,

Latest version: 1.0 Milestone 1
Added 2006-07-04

Open source implementation of the EJB3 container specification.
EasyBeans can be run in standalone mode, embedded in JOnAS or Tomcat application server.

Built for Java
Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
Source code provided
Source code provided


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Categories: Application servers

Latest version: 4.7.4
Added 2004-12-27Updated 2006-06-07

Open Source implementation of the J2EE specification.
JOnAS provides support of J2EE 1.4 including EJB 2.1, JTA 1.0.1, JDBC 3.0, J2EE CA 1.5, JMX 1.2, JNDI 1.2.1, JMS 1.1, JavaMail 1.3, Servlet 2.4, JSP 2.0, JAAS 1.0, JACC 1.0, Web Services 1.1, JAX-RPC 1.1, SAAJ 1.2, JAXR 1.0, J2EE Management 1.0, JAF 1.0, JAXP 1.2 specifications.
JOnAS is architectured in terms of services. Some of the main components are:
- An Ear Service, for deploying J2EE applications packaged as EAR files
- EJB containers provided by a set of Java classes and a tool to generate interposition classes
- A Web Container Service, to run Servlet/JSP engines as a JOnAS service (currently Tomcat or Jetty)
- A Transaction Manager, JOTM, providing JTA support and distributed transaction coordination
- A JMS Service using JORAM (other JMS implementations are pluggable)
- A Database Manager providing JDBC support and connection pooling
- A Security Service
- A Server Management Service, using JMX and providing a Struts based GUI

Built for Java
Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
Source code provided
Source code provided


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Categories: Frameworks

Latest version: 2.0.25
Added 2005-07-05

Kilim is a generic configuration framework for Java, which can be used with existing applications, frameworks, and systems. It was originally built to allow fine configuration of its various frameworks (protocols, resource management policies, etc.) without requiring specific code.

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Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available


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Categories: IDEs - IDE plug-ins

Latest version: 3.2
Added 2006-10-30

Open source and free Java EE development environment.

Lomboz allows you to develop, test, profile and deploy Web, Web services, Java, J2EE and EJB applications. It supports most J2EE standard application server runtimes, and supports most popular open source runtimes such as JOnAS, and other vendor runtime environments.

Lomboz is buillt on the Eclipse open source platform and the Web Tools Platform (WTP) projects.

Built for Java
Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
Source code provided
Source code provided


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Categories: Frameworks

Latest version: 1.1
Added 2006-09-25Updated 2007-01-30

Open source ESB that fully implements the Java Business Integration specification (JSR 208).

Features include:
- completely distributed, and each Petals' node self-configures at start-up to join the global Petals network without any configuration.
- provides a set of JBI components that enables Enterprise Business Integration solutions.
- extra-tools are provided to help you to develop your own JBI components according to the JBI specification.
- distributed NMR
- distributed JNDI registry based on tribe
- inter-node communication based on JMS
- centralized monitoring and administration tool

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Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
Source code provided
Source code provided


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Categories: Object-relational mapping

Latest version: 1.3.0
Added 2005-05-27

Open source implementation of the JDO 1.0.1 specification.

Features include:
- Possible choice of optimistic or pessimistic transaction mode.
- Cache of persistent objects, with a choice of several replacement policies (LRU | MRU | FIFO | ...).
- Data prefetching at query evaluation time: later accesses to objects will not require any I/O to the data store.
- Management of relationships (coherency management).
- Able to create the SQL schema.
- Various identifier support (application composite or single, SQL sequence, speedo).
- Supports Oracle, SQL server, MySQL, Postgres, etc.
- Through JORM and MEDOR, access to legacy relational databases, as well as any other data store supported by JORM and MEDOR.
- Many JDO 2.0 features.

Built for Java
Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
Source code provided
Source code provided
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