Enhydra.org Home Page
Home Page Categories: Object-relational mapping
Latest version: 7.0 Beta 1 Added 2006-06-07
Enhydra DODS (Data Object Design Studio) is an oOpen source a code generating object-relational mapping tool. Based on XML data model descriptions (DOML files) SQL DDL, Java code and documentation (HTML, PDF, XMI) is generated automatically using a generator GUI, by Ant tasks or from within your IDE of choice.
Features include: - The generated Java code is DB vendor independent. The SQL DDL is DB vendor specific. The generator can be customized by different sets of code templates. - Configurable templates - Data/query caching
 Built for Java |
 Free or free version available |
 Source code provided |
Home Page Categories: Application servers
Latest version: 6.5.1 Added 2005-02-22
While enterprise Java standards such as Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1 are used to support presentation logic, Enhydra contains additional functionality to build dynamic Web applications, including an XML engine (Enhydra XMLC), Database connection pooling, an object-to-relational mapping tool (Enhydra DODS), presentation management, session management, load-balancing / clustering (Enhydra Director), session persistence and failover, advanced logging (with log4j), administration and configuration, IDE integration (Enhydra Kelp), an MVC presentation framework (Barracuda), a relational ETL tool (Enhydra Octopus), support for Windows and Linux system services and more.
Enhydra features integration with IDEs, such a JBuilder, NetBeans, Eclipse and JDeveloper. With these add-in IDE wizards you can build, debug, and run Enhydra applications from directly within your IDE environment.
 Built for Java |
 Plug-in |
 Free or free version available |
 Source code provided |
Home Page Categories: Workflow
Latest version: 2.0 Beta 1 Added 2006-06-07
Java open source workflow engine based on XPDL. Shark is completely based on standards from WfMC and OMG using XPDL as its native workflow definition language. The Shark framework can be configured to support different environments.
Features include: - Every component (persistence layer, transaction manager, scripting engines, process repository,...) can be used with its standard implementation or extended/replaced by project specific modules. This way Enhydra Shark can be used as a simple "Java library" in servlet or swing applications or running in a J2EE container supporting a session beans API, Corba ORB or accessed as a web service. - Sample ToolAgents are available for many different common tasks in automated workflows. - Storage of process and activity instances is done via a configurable persistence API. - The workflow engine kernel supports configurable LRU caching of active workflow objects for high load scenarios. Caching can be turned off for clustered installations. - A Swing-based administration GUI can be used to do administrative work.
 Built for Java |
 Library |
 Free or free version available |
 Source code provided |
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