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Object-relational mapping

Object-relational mapping (O/R Mapping) products integrate object-oriented programming languages capabilities with relational databases.

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PowerMap JDO

Categories: Object-relational mapping

Author: SCE Limited

Latest version: 2.0
Added 2005-03-10

PowerMap JDO provides JDO management with transparent integration to interoperate with existing and new RDBMS database systems. PMJ is focusing on database integration.

Distinct features include:
- access to unioned data
- column and type control
- compiled and cached mapping operators
- transparent integration to existing corporate databases
- JDO2 query projections, results and aggregate
- advanced bulk fetch features
- visual workbench/mapping/engineering
- extensible mapping system
- J2EE integration

Built for Java
Built for Java


Categories: Object-relational mapping, Persistence - Data-tier

Author: Xcalia

Latest version: 3.1
Added 2005-03-29

Provides Universal Data Access to Java applications, allowing to transparently access RDBMS, ODBMS, XML files, etc.

Features include:
- built-in data store: FileDB. FileDB is convenient for embedded storage, when SQL is not required.
- compliant with the JDO standard.
- a visual tool to generate the mapping information: LiDO Studio.
- comes with multiple mapping options, and scalability features like caching, external tuning, etc.
- NAViLIS is a companion product that allows to visually browse and manipulate the business model.

Built for Java
Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available

Exolab Castor

Categories: Object-relational mapping, XML

Author: ExoLab Group

Latest version: 1.0
Added 2006-06-07

Castor used to be supported by Exolab, but this not the case anymore and Castor has a new home.
See for the latest information.

Built for Java
Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
Source code provided
Source code provided

Vanatec OpenAccess for Java

Categories: Object-relational mapping

Author: Vanatec

Latest version: 4.2
Added 2006-12-07

Vanatec OpenAccess (VOA) is an object-relational mapping tool that
delivers transparent persistence, reverse mapping, database independence
and disconnected data support.

Features include:
- JDO and EJB3 support.
- Caching of objects and queries.
- Queries can be made at the object level in JDOQL or EJBQL or if
necessary using SQL directly.
- Works in either a connected or disconnected mode.
- Does not place any restrictions on your object model, supports the
concepts of inheritance, interfaces, nullable datatypes and .NET generic
- Provides reverse mapping for object persistence with existing RDBMS.
- OpenAccess comes with its own Workbench to graphical develop the
mapping and with an Eclipse integration.
- The Mapping Designer enables live mapping of the objects to tables.
- JDOQL Query Designer and Browser: allows to create and execute JDOQL
statements at development time. These tools show the resulting SQL as well as the current results.
- Supports Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, MySQL, Pointbase, Sybase, Informix,
SAP DB, Interbase, Firebird, Versant Database.

Built for Java
Built for Java
Source code provided
Source code provided
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