Vanatec OpenAccess for Java

Categories: Object-relational mapping
Author: Vanatec
Latest version: 4.2
Added 2006-12-07
Vanatec OpenAccess (VOA) is an object-relational mapping tool that
delivers transparent persistence, reverse mapping, database independence
and disconnected data support.
Features include:
- JDO and EJB3 support.
- Caching of objects and queries.
- Queries can be made at the object level in JDOQL or EJBQL or if
necessary using SQL directly.
- Works in either a connected or disconnected mode.
- Does not place any restrictions on your object model, supports the
concepts of inheritance, interfaces, nullable datatypes and .NET generic
- Provides reverse mapping for object persistence with existing RDBMS.
- OpenAccess comes with its own Workbench to graphical develop the
mapping and with an Eclipse integration.
- The Mapping Designer enables live mapping of the objects to tables.
- JDOQL Query Designer and Browser: allows to create and execute JDOQL
statements at development time. These tools show the resulting SQL as well as the current results.
- Supports Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, MySQL, Pointbase, Sybase, Informix,
SAP DB, Interbase, Firebird, Versant Database.
 Built for Java |
 Plug-in |
 Source code provided |
 Discontinued |