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Code versioning - Source control

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Java CVS Client

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Categories: Code versioning - Source control

Author: NetBeans

Latest version: 2005-02-11
Added 2005-03-04

CVS client library, written in Java.
The library is essentially complete. There are a few non-essential commands still to be implemented but the code is stable.
The library is currently used in the following projects:
- Netbeans IDE 3.2 and later. In fact, this was the reason the library was originally written.
- SmartCVS, a Java CVS front-end.
- Financial Finesse, a financial website.

Built for Java
Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
Source code provided
Source code provided


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Categories: Code versioning - Source control

Author: DynamSoft

Latest version: 5.0
Added 2005-08-09Updated 2006-09-19

SourceAnyWhere (SAW) is an add-on tool of Visual SourceSafe. It provides secure remote access for users of VSS 6.0 and 2005.
SourceAnyWhere enables you to use Visual SourceSafe over the Internet. With it, you can perform most SourceSafe operations from any remote location using standard TCP/IP access.

Features include:
- Cache server for distributed development
- 128-bit SSL and Blowfish encryption
- Password policy to protect your password
- Java client for cross platform
- Plug-ins for Visual Studio, Eclipse, Dreamweaver and Flash
- Java SDK and COM SDK

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Built for Java


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Categories: Code versioning - Source control

Author: Eclipse Foundation

Latest version: 0.7.8
Added 2006-07-19Updated 2009-09-29

Eclipse plug-in that provides Subversion support.
From a user point of view, Subversive provides Subversion support similar to CVS support, which is already part of the standard Eclipse platform.

Features include:
- Interactive merge operation
- Projection of Eclipse refactoring operations into Subversion
- Support of recommended repository layout, including trunk, branches and tags layout
- Cross-project atomic commit
- Automatic resolving of conflicts
- Cancellation of operations with Subversion
- Recursive directory revision comparison
- Adding repository locations with same URL
- Data validation in forms

Built for Java
Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
Source code provided
Source code provided


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Categories: Code versioning - Source control

Latest version: 0.9.28
Added 2005-03-09

Plug-in that adds Subversion integration to the Eclipse IDE.

Features include: Share, Checkout, Update, Commit, History, Add, Move/Delete (file and folders), Authentication, Compare.

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Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
Source code provided
Source code provided


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Categories: Code versioning - Source control

Author: TMate Software

Latest version: 1.2.0
Added 2005-03-04Updated 2008-10-02

Pure Java Subversion (SVN) client library.
SVNKit provides APIs to work with Subversion working copies, access and manipulate Subversion repositories.

Features include:
- Repository access over HTTP, HTTPS, SVN, SVN+SSH and file protocols
- Working copy operations (all are supported)
- Repository administration: create, load, dump and replay operations
- Additionally to its own API, SVNKit implements JavaHL API
- Reported to work on Windows, OSX, Linux, BSD and OpenVMS
- Does not require native binaries, it works out of the box
- Native Subversion configuration files are used by default
- Java Subversion command line client included
- Latest version supports Subversion 1.4.6

Previous name: JavaSVN

Built for Java
Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
Source code provided
Source code provided


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Categories: Code versioning - Source control

Author: AccuRev

Latest version: 4.7
Added 2003-05-20Updated 2009-10-28

Software Configuration Management (SCM) tool.

AccuRev's stream-based architecture is built specifically for complex, parallel, and distributed software development environments.

Features include:
- StreamBrowser visual representation and process control
- Built-in support for large parallel development projects
- TimeSafe architecture assures atomic transactions, avoiding broken builds
- Instant, authentic, single-step renaming of any object
- Out-of-the-box developer "sandboxes" for private versioning
- Change packages with verification
- Integrated issue tracking
- Integrated three-way visual merge tool and difference tool
- Client/server architecture for remote development
- Instant visual snapshots and baseline creation
- Online, hot backup of database
- Supports Visual Studio .NET through SCC
- Support for Eclipse and JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA
- Open API and AccuBridge SDK supports (JIRA, Serena TeamTrack, MKS Integrity, IBM Rational ClearQuest, Bugzilla and more)
- The AccuRev server can be selectively replicated at remote sites
- Stream-zooming: users may zoom in on those projects assigned to them for a cleaner view of the development process

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