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BEA Kodo

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Categories: Object-relational mapping

Author: BEA Systems

Latest version: 4.1
Added 2005-12-28Updated 2006-10-17

Implementation of both the Java Data Object (JDO) and Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) standardized persistence APIs. Kodo allows you to use the API you prefer or even to mix use of both JDO and EJB in the same application.

Features include:
- Complete JDO 2.0 support
- Full EJB 3.0 Java Persistence API (JPA) based on code from the Apache OpenJPA project
- Level 2 database cache; Statement batching; Query caching; Custom fetch groups
- Stored procedure support
- Supported mappings: one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many (collection or map)
- Inheritance models: single table, multiple table
- Extensible plug-in architecture
- BEA Kodo Management Console
- Fine-tuning with BEA Kodo Profiler
- Supported databases: Oracle 8i, 9i, 10g; IBM DB2 and Informix; SQL Server; Sybase ASE; Borland JDatastore and Interbase; Pointbase; Firebird; Microsoft Fox Pro and Access; Empress; InterSystems Caché; Apache Derby/Cloudscape; MySQL; PostgreSQL; HSQL Database Engine (Hypersonic)

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