Database management

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Home Page Categories: Database management, Persistence - Data-tier
Author: ThinkUI Software
Latest version: 0.9.9 Added 2007-02-20
Graphical program that allows developers to browse a database structure, edit data in the tables, issue SQL queries, and generate code (e.g. Java Bean, DAO, SQL queries, JSP files, etc.) based on customizable Velocity templates.
Features include: - Supports any Java 1.4 platform - Support for selected databases using JDBC 2.0 and any database using JDBC 3.0 - MDI user interface supporting multiple databases - Generic data entry of all tables with picklist and zoom to related records support - Database meta data browser (schemas, tables, views, sequences, indices, constraints, triggers, procedures) - SQL query (auto generate SQL create, select, insert, update queries from table meta data) - Graphical user interface for executing stored procedures - Data model capture and customization (import from specified database into internal database) - Data import from flat file (Excel, CSV, and Tab delimited files supported) - Custom code generation (Java Bean, DAO, SQL, EJB, JSP, etc. using Apache Velocity Engine templates and database meta data)
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Home Page Categories: Database management
Author: Richardson Software
Latest version: 4.1 Added 2007-12-17
SQL query tool, programming editor, and database navigator and management tool.
Features include: - Supports any Java 1.4 or newer platform including Windows, OS X, Linux, and Solaris - Connects to databases via JDBC - Includes drivers and support for DB2, Derby, Firebird, FrontBase, HSQLDB, Informix, MySQL, OpenBase, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Anywhere, SQL Server, and Sybase - Visual tools for creating, editing, dropping, describing, altering, and viewing tables, views, indexes, and sequences - Visual tools for creating, editing, dropping, and executing stored procedures, functions, and triggers - Includes programming editor with support for SQL, PL/SQL, Transact SQL, SQL PL, Java, JSP, HTML, XML, and eleven other programming languages - Programming editor includes syntax highlighting, auto column and auto table lookup, and function lookup - Includes tools for importing and exporting data - Ships with a pre-configured relational database
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Home Page Categories: Database management
Author: DB Solo
Latest version: 2.1 Added 2007-04-04
Database development and management tool for both developers and DBAs. DB Solo offers a user interface that allows you to explore and manage your database objects as well as execute your own ad-hoc SQL queries.
Features include: - Cross-platform SQL query tool with support for Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase ASE, MySQL, DB2 UDB, Solid EmbeddedEngine and Solid BoostEngine, PostgreSQL, H2 - Multiple simultaneous database connections - Browse and manage database structures - Create and drop common database objects using the DBA features - Enter ad-hoc SQL queries in the query window that supports: auto completion, syntax coloring, explain plan, persisted query history, multiple result sets, script generator - J2EE Code Generator for POJOs, EJB 3.0 annotations, JDBC persistence layer using the DAO pattern, JUnit tests, etc. - Schema comparison tool, including schema synchronization - View table references in a graph or list format; View rows related to a selected table row; View images stored in BLOB columns (GIF, JPG and PNG); View ASN.1 and XML data in a tree format - Store favorite queries and database objects
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