Categories: Page templating
WebMacro is a Java open-source template language that enables programmers and designers to work together while promoting the MVC pattern. WebMacro is an alternative to JavaServerPages, PHP, and ASP.WebMacro separates concerns about program code from concerns about the way a page looks: * HTML should not clutter up program code * program code should not clutter up HTML * you should own your own work* no-one should have to work through somebody else WebMacro contains a focused template script language. It gives you solutions to lay out your page, but does not allow you to write arbitrary program code: a template writer never has to look at program code. At the same time, it provides a class analyzer that can connect up ordinary Java objects with those templates: since WebMacro does all the work in hooking up your Java objects with the template, programmers never have to think about layout - they can stick to writing straight-forward ordinary pure Java code.