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Categories: Object-relational mapping

Latest version: 2.0
Added 2007-03-26

Object-relational mapping layer.

Features include:
- Automatic table creation and schema evolution: Tables corresponding to JavaBean classes are created on demand
- Based on annotated JavaBeans: You define a getter and setter for each bean property. Persistent bean classes need to be tagged with a @PersistentClass annotation.
- Transitive persistence
- Instance consistency: If you retrieve an object from persistent storage that is already known to exist in main memory, you get a reference to the object in main memory.
- Light configuration: There is no need to define schemas or anything of the sort in a language other than Java, and there are no code generation steps of any kind.
- Database features: Transactions and auto-increment IDs (MySQL only).
- Via annotations users are allowed to define their own table and field names, the name of the primary key, whether fields are nullable, whether tables are user-managed (not automatically modified), table indexes, unique or otherwise, whether unused fields should be deleted, whether a field is nullable, whether it is renamed from another field (to prevent loss of data when a property is renamed), etc.
- Servlet support: A pBeans store may be easily configured using servlet context parameters.

Requirements: J2EE/J2SE 5+, a JDBC Driver, a relational database (pBeans supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLServer and HSQLDB by default. Support for additional databases may be "plugged in" by implementing a class).

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