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Oracle ADF

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Categories: Frameworks

Author: Oracle

Latest version: 10g 10.1.3
Added 2005-03-04Updated 2006-03-24

Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF) is a productivity layer for J2EE developers.
It allows building applications as a set of business services with Web, Wireless, and Rich Client interfaces. ADF includes ready-to-use J2EE Design Pattern implementations and metadata-driven components that you'd otherwise have to code, test, and debug by hand.
Oracle JDeveloper 10g includes integrated visual design tools for ADF, providing a single environment to model, test, debug, tune, maintain, deploy, and version all of the layers of your J2EE application.

ADF's key features:
- Business Services: The ADF Business Components technology provides declarative building blocks you can use to implement scalable business services, data access objects, and business objects that enforce business rules and handle database persistence.
- Model: The ADF Model layer provides declarative data-binding against a multiple backend technologies accommodating business services implemented as ADF Application Modules, custom JavaBeans, EJB's, and Web Services.
- View: The ADF UIX technology provides declarative page definition and a component set for HTML and wireless UI's, complementing ADF's support for JSP pages and JSP tag libraries like JSTL, Jakarta Struts, ADF DataTags, and others. The ADF JClient layer works with Swing to build rich client UI's.
- Controller: Integrated support for Apache/Jakarta Struts allows data-binding and business services to work with this popular controller-layer framework.

All layers of the Oracle ADF framework offer declarative options for development, configured from XML metadata, while accommodating custom coding wherever necessary. You can choose to use all or part of the framework in the applications you build.

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