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Categories: Object-relational mapping

Latest version: 1.1.7
Added 2005-03-08Updated 2007-04-17

Open Source JDO (Java Data Objects) implementation providing transparent persistence to Java objects.
JPOX is an implementation of the JDO1, JDO2 specifications.

- Class persistence: Bytecode enhancement of classes, Bytecode compatibility, JPOX Custom enhancer, Enhancement of persistence-aware classes
- JDO core functionality: Application identity, Datastore identity, Nondurable identity, Flexible choice of identity generators, Attach/Detach of instances, Optimistic transactions, Non-transactional read, Non-transactional write, Retain values, Restore values, Multithreaded, J2EE integration, Lifecycle listener mechanism, Level 2 cache (pluggable).
- Persistable datatypes: Interfaces support, Collection support, Set support, List support, Map support, Array support (partial), Second class persistence capable objects.
- Allows querying using either JDOQL, SQL, or JPQL
- Datastore support: RDBMS datastores, DB4O, Schema generation, Existing schema, Read-Only/Fixed schema, Support for RDBMS views, Support for BLOB/CLOB
- O/R mapping support: 1-1 O/R mappings, 1-N O/R mappings, M-N O/R mappings, Identifying Relationships, "Managed Relationships" (partial), Embedded Fields (partial).
- New and existing schemas are supported.
- Third party integration: Spring Framework, Tapestry, Ant, Maven, Eclipse, Tangosol Coherence.

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