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Categories: Code coverage
Latest version: 2.0.5312
Added 2005-01-24
Open-source toolkit for measuring and reporting Java code coverage.
EMMA is based on bytecode instrumentation.
Features include:
- Can instrument classes for coverage either offline (before they are loaded) or on the fly (using an instrumenting application classloader).
- Supported coverage types: class, method, line, basic block. EMMA can detect when a single source code line is covered only partially.
- Coverage stats are aggregated at method, class, package, and "all classes" levels.
- Output report types: plain text, HTML, XML. All report types support drill-down, to a user-controlled detail depth. The HTML report supports source code linking.
- Output reports can highlight items with coverage levels below user-provided thresholds.
- Coverage data obtained in different instrumentation or test runs can be merged together.
- Does not require access to the source code and degrades gracefully with decreasing amount of debug information available in the input classes.
- Can instrument individual .class files or entire .jars (in place, if desired). Coverage subset filtering is possible, too.
- Makefile and ANT build integration are supported on equal footing.
 Built for Java |
 Plug-in |
 Free or free version available |
 Source code provided |