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Categories: Builds

Latest version: 0.9.2
Added 2005-12-01

Build system based on Apache Ant.
A user project is described as modules with transitive dependencies and attributes to configure target behavior. The Ant targets are generated from the XML project description during the configuration step.

Features include:
- Project definition based on modules, transitive dependencies and attributes
- Java compilation
- Java command execution (Main class or JUnit)
- JUnit report generation
- Checkstyle report generation
- Javadoc generation
- Eclipse integration (.project and .classpath generation)
- EMMA code coverage integration (execution and reporting)
- A plugin infrastructure allows to develop extensions

A plugin can do the following: Add Ant targets to the generated build.xml; Provide additional Ant tasks; Manage dependencies and attributes; Generate specific targets for a module; Generate project properties for Ant targets; Generate any other files (with Velocity for instance).

Built for Java
Built for Java
Free or free version available
Free or free version available
Source code provided
Source code provided
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