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Codign CoView

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Categories: Code coverage, Testing

Author: Codign Software

Latest version: 2.5.1
Added 2006-06-22Updated 2008-02-20

Eclipse plug-ins and Ant task that provide unit tests and coverage data for Java applications.
CoView consists of:
- CoViewDeveloper: helps developers improve the testability of their code, design and generate JUnit tests, highlight paths and measure path coverage.
- CoViewManager: helps managers define quality standards and check coverage before code is released into production.
- Comet: available for Ant, lets you measure your metrics during the build process.

Features include:
- CoView JUnit Runner for running tests
- In addition to JUnit support, CoViewDeveloper also has wizards for HTTPUnit and DbUnit, as well as support for abstract classes and private methods
- Immediate metric analysis
- User-defined testability metrics, thresholds and severity levels
- Path coverage
- JUnit wizards
- Auto-generated proxy code to test private methods
- Support for DbUnit and HTTPUnit
- Prevent compilation if code exceeds metric thresholds
- Metric violation notification
- Generate HTML or XML reports
- Supports JDK 1.4, 5 and 6

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