Categories: Code generation
Author: Siddhartha P. Chandurkar
Latest version: 0.9.0 BetaAdded 2005-03-08
Multipurpose code generator for Java that takes meta information from different mediums, applies XSL templates and generates code.Features include:- Generates code of various types- Supports regeneration (retains the code that you have manually added after the first generation when you regenerate the code)- Uses XML-based descriptor files.- Generates source for EJB's (generates Remote, Local and Home Interfaces, Bean classes for EJB Specification 1.1 and 2.0), Entity Beans (CMP and BMP - Implements full BMP code), Value Object for Entity Beans, Session Beans (Stateless and Stateful), Message Driven Beans, EJB Deployment Descriptor- Unit Tests for all types of EJB for JUnit and Cactus- Ant's build file for the generated code- JDO source and descriptor (limited support)- Servlets- GOF Design Patterns- J2EE Design patterns
Author: Objectwave
Code generation tool for building web applications using the Struts framework.X2J gives developers the ability to generate Java Server Pages (JSPs), action beans, form beans and Struts Configuration files for use in enterprise applications using the J2EE architecture. This tool leverages the Struts framework, which is based upon the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. Here are a few ways that X2J can help you: - Supports the Struts framework: X²J supports developers as they integrate the Struts framework within their development environment.- Tool: the set of tools includes code generation wizards that help inexperienced developers create a JSP using the Struts framework. - Generation of code: X2J also includes a tool to automatically generate the Struts code from existing JSP or HTML files. - Extensible: other wizards allow developers create libraries of independent Struts components (ActionForm, Action classes) that can later be integrated within the JSP creation wizards and link them to create a JSP. - Compatibility: this tool is compatible with most popular IDE's such as Visual Age and JBuilder.The freeware edition of X2J allows you to create JSPs using the Jakarta Struts framework.